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Imagen 2024-07-14 223532302

Alas, poor Director Olga Marie.

Bond CE[]

  • Caligula's Bond CE: "Love is Not Here".
  • Jeanne Alter's Bond CE, Hell of Blazing Punishment, shows the original Jeanne/herself being executed. While she herself constantly reminds the player that the flames themselves are incapable of incinerating her, it doesn't make it any less heartbreaking.
  • Suzuka's Bond CE Heroic Spirit Travel all but spells that despite her upbeating attitude, she has not truly unable to let go of her past love(s).
  • Jason's Bond CE, properly titled "At the Dream's End".


  • As Nero's interlude shows: not all parts of her is able to let go of the sadness of being abandoned by the people she loved.

Nero: Farewell.. the girl who never managed to return being me..
