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- Americans Hate Tingle: Japanese fans do NOT like Mash.
- Author's Saving Throw: During the showcase of Fate:Extella Link's servant swimsuits, game's female artist Arco Wada was accused of playing favorites due to the trailer and magazine showing only the female servants' artwork (the males are only represented by in-game models). The release of Robin Hood's swimsuit costume and Gawain's swimsuit artwork in Grand Order manages to offset this a bit.
- Base Breaker In the rare case from the other end of spectrum, Prototype Arthur's bond line is changed to remove the reference to his master Ayaka. This change causes the fans to accuse DW of pandering Arthur to Arthur shipping fans. Made more jarring in that the other popular male characters' previous relationships, such as Gawain and his unnamed wife / Dantés and Haydee / Lancelot and Guinevere or Ozymandias and Nefertari, are faithfully retained.
- Base Breaking Character: Among the fans who sympathize with Lancelot, his son Galahad is not well liked for his smug and questionable attitude, with him turning his host Mash into a jerkass whenever the topic regarding Lancelot is brought up. His status as a Gary Stu, even in his original legend, doesn't help this either. Others, however, like how it's thanks to him that Mash can fight alongside the cast in the first place, and do acknowledge that Lancelot is not a bad person BUT is pretty flawed himself.
- Similarly, Karna himself crosses into this as the writers continue to glorifies his heroic deeds while downplay Arjuna's and invoke his Anti-Hero nature as much as possible, culminating in everyone not surprised that the main antagonist of Lostbelt 4 is Arjuna Alter.
- Complete Monster:
- The Beast-III/R incarnation of Kiara Sessyoin was once an innocent nun and therapist staffed in Seraphix after surviving a quite harsh Dark and Troubled Past, but after the demon Zepar inhabited her body and whetted her darker personality, she let herself become much worse. Assimilating the Demon God Pillar and throwing it away after torturous servitude, Beast-III R took over Seraphix using her dark charm and charisma, culminating in using its Planetarium to torture 128, near-dead young Masters over and over into summoning Servants that repeatedly killed one another in a recreation of the Moon Holy Grail War. Obtaining enough power to become the Demonic Bodhisattva, Beast-III R, she plunged the digitized Seraphix into the Marianna Trench in hopes of reaching the Earth's core, fusing with it, and turning the planet into a horrid perversion of nirvana. Enslaved by her ego and thirst for pleasure, Beast-III R is nothing more than a self-absorbed, narcissistic hedonist who viewed all of humanity as mere tools to satisfy herself.
- Ashiya Douman, Caster of Limbo and the "Beautiful Carnivore", harbored an intense drive to surpass his lifelong rival, that led him to commit numerous atrocities for the sake of becoming more powerful. Manipulating Amakusa and corrupting the Heroic Spirit Swordsmen (including people like Inshun Houzouin, Tomoe Gozen, Chiyome Mochizuki, Minamoto no Raikou, Shuten-Douji, Yagyuu Munenori, and especially Kotaro Fuuma's Parental Substitute Danzo Katou) in the Shimousa Epic of Remnant, he indirectly causes all the mass murder and sacrifices done there as an experiment for his true goals. He later manipulated Arjuna Over Gods in the Indian Lostbelt into accelerating the cycle of destruction and recreation to cause constant misery, death, and suffering for the inhabitants out of sheer sadistic delight. Allied to the Foreign God and the Crypters, once they're compromised, Douman slips away to Hell Mandala where he repeats many of his deeds from Shimousa upon the new denizens, to the point that when his uncorrupted self is encountered by the cast, he's horrified enough to try killing himself to stop his monstrous future self.. Creating his own means to become a Beast, Douman stopped at nothing, not even constant genocide and the destruction of worlds over time and space, if it meant proving his superiority... But was unable to turn himself into a Beast precisely because he's completely full of hate, whereas Beasts hold some degree of twisted love for humanity. And even if/when he is summoned (as an Alter Ego Servant rather than a Caster), the Protagonist still doesn't trust him (and considering he or she is an All-Loving Hero, weeeell...) and while not as monstrous as his enemy self, he still isn't fully tamed.
- The Crypters tend to be Anti-Villains with Dark and Troubled Pasts... with one exception. Beryl Gut is a Crypter who, in the past, killed his Witch mother and moved to the city, where his assassinations earned him notoriety from even the darkest depths of mage society. Later recruited by Marisbury Animusphere to kill any deserters from Chaldea in exchange for not giving Mash Kyrielight a Sirius Light that would weaken or kill her, Beryl later visits her to break her fingers out of a desire to see her suffer, with only the timely arrival of Dr. Romani saving her. Resurrected by the Foreign God alongside the other Crypters, Beryl later summoned the Proper Human History version Morgan as his servant who would "break the world" and hung around the Lostbelt Morgan even after the PHH one sacrificed herself to let her other self absorv her knowledge, while also gaining the affection of Morgan's adoptive daughter aka the fairy Baobhan Sith, whom he would teach magic that would let her cast powerful curses that, unbeknownst to her, would rot her soul, then her body, and eventually kill her. Being sent to the Atlantic Lostbelt, Beryl would burn the Crypter Leader Kirchtaria Wodime's Tree of Emptiness and later stab him to death, mocking his ideals and Wodime being unable to heal his wound. Returning to the British Lostbelt, Beryl creates a variant of the Mors curse to use on humans by experimenting on them, and later manipulates Morgan's Number Two Woodwose into betraying her, kickstarting a series of tragedies that destroyed the British Lostbelt, all for the sake of his excitement for bloodshed. So it's a massive, massive pleasure to see his fellow Crypter Pepe absorb and then 'inflict all of these Mors curses on Beryl himself (even if he dies in the process), paving the way for his very long and drawn out Cruel and Unusual Death.
- Evil Is Sexy:
- Ignoring their Eldritch Abomination form, the Beast (Goetia the King of Human, Femme Fatale Tiamat, Kiara, and Kama/Mara -- especially her Third and Final Ascensions) are all very attractive and alluring. This especially holds true regarding both entities of Beast III, the Beast of Desire.
- Emiya Alter, the Shadow Servant version of Emiya, is mostly the same as his second ascension -- except that his skintight suit is partially ripped on both sides of his chest and his midriff, showing off his ripped abs. His personality is also a lot less restratined than his normal counterpart.
- Archer of Shinjuku aka James Moriarty is a very attractive Silver Fox-like "Suspicious Old Man in his Fifties". Moriarty's Ruler version, showing him as a young man, is not bad looking either.
- Douman, HOLY SHIT. Say what you will about him being a Complete Monster if un-summoned and quite The Friend Nobody Likes if he is, but once cannot deny that he's VERY Creepy Sexy either way. Especially in regards to his Final Ascension.
- Fan-Preferred Couple
- Mash is probably the most paired character for both the male and female protagonist, but in some circles, the good Dr. Romani Archaman is not far behind.
- For those who don't like the above mentioned ship, Romani/the original Da Vinci is a good alternative. They're both the Team Dad and Team Mom for Chaldea, have interactions that can be seen as Ship Tease very easily, and Da Vinci is the only one who knows Romani's true identity which shows how much they trust each other.
- For the male protagonist, Gawain is the most favored partner for him, beating even the more well known Astolfo, Dante, and Yan Qing by at least five folds.
- Fetish Retardant: Minamoto-no-Raikou's Boobs of Steel are so inhumanly huge, even fans that like boobielicious female characters have been spotted rolling their eyes.
- Jerkass Woobie
- Stheno might acts like a vain and irritating goddess, but various events imply that she believes herself to be inferior to her two younger sisters despite being crowned the World's Most Beautiful Woman, and she actually feels guilty for droving Medusa to the deep end and became Gorgon in the past. She has since been trying to correct her mistakes: being less callous toward her master and humanity regarding love and affection, and learning to be able to protect herself and those she care to lift the burden from Medusa.
- Jack the Ripper from the London Singularity. She's a psychotic Little Miss Badass in skimpy clothing who kills women while searching for her "mommy", but she's set up to die fighting the cast by Paracelsus and has a very pitiable death scene where she cries about the pain and begs yet again for her mother. The fact that she's implied to be the incarnation of the pain and anger of abandoned kids in Victorian London does NOT help.
- The Crypters are, as said above, the Face Heel Turned rivals to the Protagonist and Chaldea, but save for Beryl they have very tragic pasts that have shaped them into the people they are today. Kadoc Zemplus is described as the kindest of the group plus has pathologically low self-esteem, is crushed when his beloved Servant Anastasia dies protecting him and ultimately rejoins Chaldea; Hinako Akuta is actually an immortal woman named Yu Meiren who joined the Foreign Lord solely to be reunited with her lover, Xian Yu, and spent thousands of years roaming through Earty all on her own, Ophelia Phamrsolone was badly neglected by her parents and as a result is extremely awkward and indecisive plus the Arc Villain becomes her Stalker with a Crush...; Daybit Sem Void has a Blue and Orange Morality because, at age ten, he was basically killed and then re-made by aliens and it messed him up BAD.
- The Tam Lin from Avalon Le Fae become this once the players learn their backstories. Especially Tam Lin Tristan aka Baobhan Sith. Dear Gods, Baobhan Sith!
- Magnificent Bastard:
- Goetia, Beast I, was the aggregate body of the 72 Ars Goetia demons that served as the precursor to familiars for their master, King Solomon of Israel. Observing the entirety of human history and becoming overwhelmed by centuries of suffering and death they perceived, Goetia conducted the "Incineration of Humanity." Using the accrued energy to time travel far enough to oversee the evolution of humans, he intended to "manage" the direction of human history forever... Possessing his master's corpse to disguise themselves as well as to keep dominion over nine of the Ten Rings, which would have been the greatest deterrents to his objective, Goetia also masterminded the titular "Grand Order" that ensured the demons within would manipulate the course of Magus bloodlines and survive to the modern day until the right time. After hard-fought battles that brought Chaldea and their allying army of Heroic Spirits to the brink, Goetia would eventually come to understand the ideals of the Protagonist and Mash, fighting them one last time and perishing as the "King of Men" in representation of his changed beliefs. Albeit it's very strongly implied that he did survive such ordeals in the end, and is the Mysterious Man who shows up later as an Aloof Ally...
- Professor James Moriarty, self-proclaimed dapper gentleman and Arch Enemy to Sherlock Holmes, serves as the Arc Villain of Epic of Remnant's Shinjuku chapter. Conspiring with the Demon Pillar Bael, this man splits himself into a good and an evil half that, when combined at the right moment, will carry out their final gambit under everyone's suspicion. On one hand, his good half cavorts with the Protagonist and allies, earning their trust and friendship, whereas on the other hand, his evil half commands the Phantom Troupe and runs Shinjuku. Claiming to have calculated every move to the decimal, all eventually leads to a confrontation at the top of the Barrel. Here, Moriarty's Memory Gambit pays off, and he strikes down Holmes before revealing a meteor is attracted to the Barrel -- because of his friendship with the Protagonist. Aspiring to commit the "perfect crime" of destroying the world, it is the very emotions he used to nearly win that became his undoing -- and he admits it pretty gracefully before dying, even saying he would like to be summoned as an Heroic Spirit by the Protagonist.
- Yan Qing aka Assassin of Shinjuku is a chipper yet psychotic member of the Phantom Troupe. Retaining his charm from his days as a Gentleman Thief, he stands out as a clever Master of Disguise who impersonates Cursed Arm Hassan, an ally from the Camelot Singularity, convincingly drops the Protagonist's guard, and separates them from their Servants to take them hostage. His actions forced a hidden Sherlock Holmes to rescue the Protagonist and thus expose him to the Troupe. Outed as a threat because of his speed and craftiness, the Protagonist and company infilitrate a lucrative party held by a disguised Yan Qing. Despite Holmes and the good Moriarty seeing his final attempt at a subterfuge, his clever acts advanced Moriarty and the Phantom Troupe's ulterior plans farther than the rest. And when a player does manage to recruit him, the guy will prove himself as a quite reliable ally and even a Nice Guy.
- B.B. is a "Moon Cancer" Servant created by the Moon Cell as a perfect copy of the original assigned to stop the Demon God Pillar Zepar and Kiara Sessoyin. A perpetually-smiling, grandiose Wild Card who can shift from playful and teasing to manipulative and treacherous on a whim, B.B. instigated Chaldea's arrival to Seraphix. Operating under the pretense of a Killer Game Master making events as cumbersome and dangerous as possible for the Master of Chaldea and their allies, B.B. in fact was clandestinely making preparations to overthrow and defeat Beast III-R. Switching out the Master's allies mid-Rayshift, such an act paid off when each of them contributed to victory in their own ways, particularly that of EMIYA Alter. Her impish sadism belying her crafty nature, B.B. managed to move all the pieces into place and manipulate all the players of her game before anyone realized.
- Oberon-Vortigern is the polite Evil Uncle of Altria Caster. Summoned to the Avalon le Fae Lostbelt as Vortigern, he becomes amnesiac and is mistaken by the Autumn Forest fae as Oberon, being granted the latter's identify as a result. When he remembers his identify as Vortigern, he uses his Oberon identity to work together to their goals through deceiving Chaldea by making it look like Oberon took a hit from Morgan before working behind the scenes to deceive both Chaldea and the fae into reawakening Cernunnos, The Calamity of Curses, who acted as a seal towards his powers. Upon the final defeat of Cernunnos, Vortigern's power as the Vile King is unleashed, allowing him to perform his role as Fairie Britain's personification of self-destruction as punishment for the fae's sins and betrayal of Cernunnos through devouring the entirety of the Lostbelt, and would have destroyed Proper Human History through Oberon's hatred of humanity judging the stories of the Lostbelts, had it been not for Altria Caster summoning herself as Altria Avalon to assist Chaldea into defeating him, and he remains polite even when defeated.
- Mind Game Ship : Basically, any shipping of the protagonist(s) with the Evil Alignment servants. Kama and Douman are very good examples.
- Ron the Death Eater It used to be VERY common in fanwork to depict Proto Arthur as Yandere Bastard Boyfriend of the male protagonist, as a result of him losing everything back in Camelot despite him being its perfect and eternal king. Tropes Are Not Bad, however, as it helps making Arthur much more humane compared to his borderline canon Gary Stu status.
- Similarly, Edward Hyde is at times depicted closer (but still toned down) to his source material, being a pervert who is extremely obsessed with the female protagonist.
- Ship-to-Ship Combat: In general, any servants that were previously involved/committed to another master or had a love interest in any installment of Nasuverse (e.g. Nero, Emiya, Arturia/Altria, Tamamo and Gilgamesh) are subjected to this. Players who are familiar with the Extra canon AND had stakes in the Hakuno/Nero vs Hakuno/Tamamo ship wars could be pretty snippy towards each other, ie.
- Second to the above, which Protagonist suits the shipping agenda better: Male Ritsuka or Female Ritsuka?
- Some fans can be very, VERY rabid when they see ships they don't approve of. Case in point.
- WTH Costuming Department: Minamoto no Raikou's main outfit doesn't show any skin, but features ridiculously skintight breastplate that accentuates her Gag Boobs. The fact that her summer variation (which is swimsuit) looks more reasonable is pretty jarring.