This Animated Series on Nick at Nite, based on the popular book by Bill Cosby, concerns high school teacher Arthur Bindlebeep; his wife, Norma; their three children, Angie, Roy and Katherine, and the family dog, Guinness. The stories tend to be gentler than those in other animated Sit Coms, and there's always a lesson to be learned at the end. The show ran for two seasons from 2004 to 2005.
The voice cast includes Blair Underwood as Arthur Bindlebeep and Sabrina Le Beauf as Norma. The show's official site is at (two seasons have been produced so far).
This series provides examples of:
- An Aesop
- Animated Series
- Black and Nerdy: John Kurtz.
- Everything's Worse with Bears: In "Take My Daughter... Please", a bear was in the garage. But that wasn't the worse part.
- Extraverted Nerd: John Kurtz.
- Half-Hour Comedy
- Hypocritical Humor
- Hot Mom: Norma
- Limited Social Circle: In "Take My Daughter... Please", the parents were briefly worried that Roy doesn't have enough friends and he might end up a lonely drifter.
- Meddling Parents
- New Neighbors As the Plot Demands: "Won't You Be My Neighbor?"
- Overprotective Dad