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Fever Dreams by Sashocirrione is a Death Note Light x L / L x Light fanfic where Light and L fall in love at the end of the Yotsuba arc and Light realizes that the Kira-plan isn't working-which leads to some awesome hardcore Xanatosing as Light works swiftly to save L from his own plan without incriminating himself or Misa in the process.
Fever Dreams provides examples of:[]
- Accidental Pervert: When Near takes over the investigation he has to watch the little shows Light puts on for L on the surveillance cameras.
- Alternate Universe Fic
- Ambiguous Disorder: At one point L is referred to as "mildly autistic."
- Anguished Declaration of Love: Light to L and Misa to Light.
- The Atoner: Light
- Badass Gay: Light and L
- Bastard Boyfriend: Before the events of the series Yamamoto was one to Light.
- Batman Gambit: Light tricks all the officers present at Higuchi's arrest into accepting and giving up ownership of the notebook in order to wipe their memories by having Rem throw the notebook at every cop, growling out "That's mine, give it back to me" and if "Give it back or I'll Kill You!" doesn't work she should tell them they passed the test of bravery and that she had selected them to be the next Kira, and if they would just slaughter their families and fifty additional innocent people then they could have the power of Kira.
- Brains and Bondage: Once Watari concedes that L isn't going to stop his relationship with Light anytime soon he orders for them a wide assortment of toys.
- Break the Haughty: one of L's tests of Light's love for him is public humiliation.
- Breaking the Bonds: Rem breaks Light and L's chain so Light can sneak out and do everything he has to do.
- Brooding Boy Gentle Boy: L is the brooding one, Light is the gentle one being very careful with how he treats L since he was on the receiving end of a very abusive relationship in the past.
- Bullying a Dragon: Since Rem started helping Light the taskforce assumes Kira is more powerful than they thought... and so, logically, L and the taskforce pester Light more than ever before.
- Cannot Talk to Women: Matsuda. Light gives him dating advice.
- Cassandra Truth: When Light goes to the media, L manipulates the media in order to suppress Light's story.
- When Light is cornered he counters with the arguement that if he was Kira why were they still alive and why would he allow himself to be trapped so easily? Aizawa suggests that Kira might just be "a Fool for Love" but L immediately dismisses it as ridiculous. Of course Kira would never fall in love with L!
- Catch Your Death of Cold: Light and L both become sick and feverish after their activities on the roof.
- Caught in the Rain: The story begins when the rooftop scene from episode 25 but has a very different outcome.
- Cleaning Up Romantic Loose Ends: Misa is ultimately paired up with Hideki Ryuuga the pop star.
- Click Hello: Aizawa does this to Light when L has all but proved that Light is Kira and Light begins shouting at an invisible presence.
- Comforting Comforter: L's quilt.
- Coming Out Story: The taskforce quickly discovers Light and L's sexual activities. Later Light is forced to come out to Misa and his mother and sister in order to be free of Rem's influence.
- Confess to a Lesser Crime: Light "confesses" that he was coerced into being The Mole for Kira.
- Consummate Liar: Light, of course.
- Cosmic Plaything: Light. Even when his plans go right something is always going wrong... he usually recovers quickly.
- Courtly Love: when L dumps him Light pursues "the Lovesick Moron Plan" sending L sappy poetry and spending all his money on sending him flowers and candy that he knew would be immediately rerouted to forensics.
- Crazy Jealous Guy: Light towards L.
Light: I know I can win him back if he'll just visit me in person once. |
- Dark and Troubled Past: Light's last relationship was very destructive and ended poorly, L has lived through several tragedies he chooses not to dwell on or elaborate to anyone.
- Dating Catwoman: Kira and L. Lampshaded when L gets him and Light some matching tracking devices which he uses when he keeps Light under house arrest and nicknames them "the wedding bands."
- Destructive Romance: Yamamoto and Light before the events of the series.
- Did You Think I Can't Feel?: When Light has a fit after L screws up his plan that Light hoped would get them back together.
Rem: Light Yagami, I did not realize you were capable of having feelings. |
- Dogged Nice Guy: Light to L.
- Double Standard Abuse (Female on Male): Many people find it humorous how Misa stalks Light (or even think he's lucky) and only when Misa gets really violent and crazy do people even consider calling the cops.
- Drowning My Sorrows: Light needs more information about the case... so Light finds Matsuda at a bar...
- Endless Corridor: When Light and L investigate Yotsuba.
- Fever Dream Episode: Duh.
- Finger in the Mail: After Light breaks up with her Misa sends Light a dead bird in the mail.
- Fingore: when Light burns the notebook and his hands along with it.
- Fix Fic: Averting the outcome of episode 25.
- Flaw Exploitation: Light agrees to let L see a Shinigami eating an apple (he can't see the Shinigami but he can see the apple being eaten). L strikes while Ryuk is solid and manages to steal one of Ryuk's rings.
- Fleeting Passionate Hobbies: after dumping Light, L takes up Nei hua to distract himself.
- Freudian Slippery Slope: poor drunk Matsuda...
Matsuda: It was so horrible. I- I feel like I've violated Misa-Misa just by listening to those lies being told to her... I don't want to have sex with two men and Misa-Misa at the same time... (*everyone stares*) No, no, I'm not with this guy, he's just my friend who has sex with my other male friend. I really like women a lot and any women who want to be with me, I'll respect them incredibly hard and skillfully with all the right respectful lines that I'm going to learn. |
- Friendly Enemy: Light realizes it was L that was protecting him and Misa from being assassinated.
- Gambit Roulette: Light does several, having to make up many on the fly.
Rem: Light Yagami, I have underestimated you. No matter what happens, your plans work. I appreciate this, and all you've done to protect Misa. |
- Gollum Made Me Do It: Light deliberately evokes this trope when cornered in order to sew confusion among the taskforce, he starts shouting at an invisible presence: "I won't let you kill them" and "I'm Not Afraid of You!"
- Heel Realization: Light realizes that the Kira plan isn't working.
- Helpless Good Side: When Light loses his Kira memories he becomes so sweet and innocent that L almost feels bad for manipulating him.
- Hollywood Hacking: Light instigates a virtual attack on Taskforce Headquarters corrupting L's files and erasing footage of the investigation.
- I Know You Know I Know: Light gets the investigators and even L to begin doubting that he is Kira because Kira would never let himself get caught like this, Kira would never incriminate himself like this...
- The "I Love You" Stigma: Light gives it to L early because he knows L's never going to believe him anyway and he's afraid he'll never get another chance.
- Implausible Deniability: when L catches Light on camera watching and reacting to an invisible presence.
- Incompatible Orientation: Misa and Light.
- Intangible Woman: Rem destroys L's security cameras from the inside.
- Intoxication Ensues: Light has to deal with a drunk Matsuda.
- It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It: Misa seems to think so when she assaults Light in front of his mother and sister.
Misa: Noooo! Let me stay. I know you would have gotten hard in another minute or so. |
- Kansas City Shuffle: 1) L knows Light's planning something to derail the investigation and it's clearly all going according to plan 2) Light is counting on L to make this assumption in order to stay close to him. 3) L is now wrong about what Light's ultimate goal is.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Light gets Rem to trick all the investigators into accepting and giving up ownership of the notebook thus wiping their memories.
- Lemon: there are several
- Living with the Villain
- Love Martyr: Light
- Love Redeems
- The Man Behind the Man: Invoked and exploited: Light manages to convince the investigators that he was being controlled by the REAL Kira to incriminate himself and mislead the investigation and that he is constantly being watched and guarded by two Shinigami-one keeps constant watch over him and threatens him every time he steps out of line and the other, a Shinigami that likes apples, drops in regularly to takes reports from the one guarding him.
- Man On Fire: Light does this out of desperation when L (re)discovers the notebook. Light grabs the notebook and sticks his hands in the fire and he holds the notebook there until it's burnt to ash.
- Manipulative Bastard: both Light and L.
- Memory Gambit: Light has to do this several times in the space of a few hours for the sake of his new plan.
- Mind Rape: Light feels defiled every time he regains his Kira memories.
- Mirror Scare: Happens to Matsuda when Rem wiped his memories.
- The Mole: Matsuda accidentally leaks information to Misa and Light.
- Also when backed into a corner Light pretends to be both The Mole and the Reverse Mole to Kira—that he was coerced into working for Kira but now he has somehow backed Kira into a corner so he can't kill anymore. L realizes to his frustration that there's no way to prove it one way or another.
- Moment Killer: Matsuda. Later Ryuk.
- Multitasked Conversation: Light frequently has to communicate with the Shinigami and L at the same time.
- Mutants: Since L proved that Light can see something that no one else can see, and that he reacted to events he had no way of knowing about, and somehow Light's chain broke... the taskforce now thinks Light has superhuman powers. Matsuda pesters him to levitate something.
- Nerds Are Virgins: played straight with L at the beginning of the story, averted with Light.
- No Endor Holocaust: When the Shinigami attack Yotsuba. Justified, if anyone actually died in an incident where the Shinigami didn't use their death notes they'd get in trouble.
- Noodle Incident: again?
Light: I could send you an email. |
- Not So Stoic: Light when L screws up his plan and rejects him.
- Operation: Jealousy: when L kisses Matsuda
- Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?: Inverted Trope.
Light: You're hard. |
Matsuda: Kira can control people. Maybe he's going to make all of us have sex with each other. |
- Primal Scene: Light and L are having a moment when Matsuda interrupts.
Matsuda (screaming): Light's raping him again! What do I do? |
- Professionals Do It on Desks
- Psychic Link: Light accidentally sees one of L's early memories when they both touch the Shinigami apple tree at the same time.
- Redemption Earns Life
- Redemption Equals Sex
- Redemption in the Rain: Light and L resolve their UST on the rooftop, which results in Light changing his mind about a few things...
- Revealing Coverup: L concludes that since Kira took the time to tamper with evidence and wipe their memories there must be a way to defeat Kira.
- Scars Are Forever: Both Light and L get hurt destroying the notebook.
- Seamless Spontaneous Lie: Light comes up with an elaborate one when cornered- he claims he was coerced into working for Kira and then betrayed him and though he conveniently can't go into details, he has now backed Kira into a corner so he can't kill anymore.
- Sex Face Turn: Light decides he'd rather not kill L after they have sex for the first time.
- Shipper on Deck: Light suggests that L should get Misa counseling and maybe arrange things so that Misa and Hideki Ryuuga (the pop star) hook up. Later, L does it.
- Sidekick Ex Machina: when Rem is helping him, Light "jokingly" considers how easy it would be to pursue a life of crime with a Shinigami as an accomplice.
- Slash Fic
- Smug Smiler: While the investigation is falling apart L notes that Light is looking incredibly smug.
- Sorry, I'm Gay: Light resorts to telling Misa this to prevent Rem from forcing him back into a relationship with her.
- Stalking Is Love: Misa is stalking Light, Light is stalking L, and L is stalking Light via surveillance and his agents.
- The Starscream: Invoked trope. When Light is cornered he comes up with a new story- he isn't Kira, but he was forced to work for Kira but once he gained Kira's trust he betrayed him. It works as a solid defense against being accused of being Kira and some even view him as a hero but he has lost the trust he once had when the Taskforce begins to realize how manipulative Light really is.
- Suck Sessor: Near
- Tabloid Melodrama: Details of Misa's personal life are available at every newstand.
- Take That: Light and L are riba in this fic, they are not shoehorned into Seme-Uke stereotypes:
L: There's the cultural stereotype of the uke, who receives blow jobs from the seme, which is seen as a privilege for the uke. In return, the seme gets to enter the uke, which is a privilege for the seme. However, it's considered degrading and low-status to be entered by another man, so supposedly nobody wants to be the uke and the blow jobs are seen as a way to compensate the uke for that humiliation and entice him into his role. I think you view yourself as the seme and me as the uke. |
- The Talk: Watari forces L and Light to read some sex ed books.
- Think Unsexy Thoughts: when L lets Light back into his presence, Light has to work hard on focusing on the murder case L has given him instead of on L.
- Transparent Closet: Light doesn't like to think of himself as gay even though he's only ever enjoyed having sex with men. He is forced to come out in order to convince Rem that a relationship with Misa would never work.
- Unequal Pairing: L (the detective in charge of the Kira investigation) and Light (the main suspect in the Kira investigation), however this fic subverts the usual fanfic reaction where Mr. Yagami gets mad at L for sleeping with his son and instead he gets mad at Light because it looks like he's corrupting the investigation.
- Unishment: After Light's "confession" L and the taskforce decide it would be best if Light remains under house arrest under L's supervision which of course is exactly what Light wanted.
- Villainous Breakdown: When L screws up his plan to get them back together Light very calmly goes up to his room, collapses into bed, and screams into his pillow.
- Villainous Crush: Light to L.
- Wise Tree: the Shinigami apple tree that imparts psychic visions.
- Xanatos Speed Chess: Light has to scheme fast in order to save L, Misa, and himself. Fortunately he has Rem as his accomplice.
- Yandere: Misa gets really creepy...
- Yaoi Guys: Light and L.
- You Have to Believe Me: When L is sick he begins raving to everyone that Light is Kira. Everyone attributes it to his high fever.
- You're Not My Type: Light tries to let Misa down gently and when that doesn't work he tries being mean. That doesn't work either...