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  • Author's Saving Throw: Square Enix wanted to make games for the Game Boy Advance. Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi, still bitter that they abandoned their company after Final Fantasy VI to make games for Sony systems and a rival portable console, wouldn't let them. What was SE to do? Create a special development contract that required them to create at least one Game Cube game with a certain amount of sales profit going directly to Nintendo before being allowed to develop on the GBA. And the name of that Game Cube-specific title was...
  • Complete Monster: Larkeicus, an immortal Clavat and a nasty piece of work.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: When playing multiplayer, instead of having a moogle carry the chalice for you, a player has to do it. This renders the player unable of doing anything but moving until they drop the chalice. And their movement speed drops.
    • The moogle isn't exactly safe from this either. After spending some time in a level, the moogle will get tired and complain, asking you to carry the chalice instead. When this happens, the moogle's speed noticeably drops, and your character will outrun the moogle, causing him or her to run headlong into the miasma. This means you have to let the moogle drop the chalice for a bit and waste your time, or carry it around (which leads right into said problems above) and be prepared to drop it again when you come across enemies. And when it says it is ready to carry it again, giving it back to the moogle right then and there will only cause it to tire out again not even thirty or so seconds later. Worse is if you go into certain areas without altering your moogle's current fur (you'll need to shave it if you plan on heading out to Lynari Desert or Mount Kilanda, and you'll have to grow it back out for some of the chillier areas like Selepation Cave), he'll tire out MUCH quicker. Granted, it's not exactly the most annoying aspect of the game, but it sometimes get irritating.
      • It should be noted that the moogle usually only has to drop the chalice for about five seconds before he's ready to carry it again.
  • Squick: Apparently, when you forget something, it's because Lady Mio 'nibbles' on your memories.
  • That One Level: Conall Curach is incredibly annoying due to being ridiculously large maze crammed with dead ends, and having pretty much the same scenery throughout, meaning you have no idea if you've taken a wrong turn along the way or not.