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This is the Character sheet for Final Fantasy I.
The Warriors of Light[]
Warrior/Fighter --> Knight[]
The main melee fighter of the group. He can wield many heavy weapons such as swords and axes, and can wear the heaviest of armors. This affects his speed, as it greatly reduces his ability to dodge attacks. When promoted, he becomes a Knight, capable of casting some White Magic up to level 3. The Warrior appears representing the original Final Fantasy in the Dissidia Final Fantasy series alongside Garland and Chaos and will be appearing in the Spin-Off title Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.
- Bifauxnen: If you choose to make your fighter character female. Actually, this applies to all the Light Warriors except for White Mage->White Wizard.
- This also applies in the Dawn of Souls wallpaper.
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Knight in Shining Armor
- Mighty Glacier
- Redheaded Hero
- White Magic
Thief --> Ninja[]
The secondary melee fighter of the group. He can use most of the same weapons that the Fighter can, but doesn't have as much variety in armor. He is, however, faster than the Knight, and has a better chance at running away from battle than other classes. Upon promotion, he can become a Ninja, and can cast some Black Magic up to level 4.
- Black Magic
- Fragile Speedster
- Knife Nut
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: In the NES version.
Black Belt/Monk --> Master[]
Yet another powerful melee damage dealer, the Monk is a peculiar character in that he deals much more damage unarmed than he would with weapons. Even then, he can only wield nunchaku and a few staves. He is also the only class who is never able to learn magic. His damage-dealing capabilities are increased even further when he receives his promotion to Master.
- Always Male: In the remakes.
- Bare-Fisted Monk
- Fighting with Chucks
- Kung Fu Fighting
- Lightning Bruiser
- Magikarp Power: In the NES version.
Red Mage --> Red Wizard[]
The quintessential "jack-of-all-trades, but master of none." The Red Mage (Red Wizard after promotion) can use select spells from both the White and Black Magic schools, but never the most powerful of either. His choice of weaponry is knives and swords.
- Bishonen: Or possibly Bishoujo.
- Jack of All Trades
- Master of None
- Magic Knight
- Nice Hat
- The Red Mage: Well...
- White-Haired Pretty Boy / White-Haired Pretty Girl: Depending on whether you choose to make your red mage male or female.
White Mage --> White Wizard[]
The peaceful healer of the group. The White Mage is weak physically, but is capable of using every spell from the White Magic library, from healing spells to status buffs to the undead-killing Harm/Dia spells. When promoted, the White Mage becomes a White Wizard, letting down the hood of her robe and revealing a full head of hair.
- Combat Medic: Only when she has a weapon equipped.
- Drop the Hammer: The most powerful weapon she can equip save the Masamune.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: If you choose to make your white mage male.
- Healing Hands
- Holy Hand Grenade: The Dia/HARM line of spells only works on undead, but deals heavy damage to them.
- The Smurfette Principle: If there's only one female white mage. Or only one female character period. Maybe.
- Squishy Wizard
- Word of Dante: The White Mage's gender is unspecified in the original, and the sprite in the remakes is androgynous. The idea that the White Mage is a woman gained popularity from Eight Bit Theater, and it's generally accepted Fanon.
- White Mage: Like the Red Mage, the Trope Namer comes from here.
- White Magic
Black Mage --> Black Wizard[]
The primary magic damage-dealer of the group. With the lowest HP of any character, Black Mages are often kept in the back of the line as they rain down fire, ice and lightning on their foes. They are easily spotted by their cone-shaped hats and cloaks that obscure their face (save a pair of glowing eyes). In the NES version, the promoted Black Wizard removes his hat, but all versions after the Wonderswan Color port simply change the outfit, but keep the face-concealing hat on.
- Black Mage: Another Trope Namer.
- Black Magic
- Carry a Big Stick
- Fire, Ice, Lightning
- No Biological Sex: In the remakes, no face.
- Robe and Wizard Hat
- Simple Staff/Magic Wand
- Squishy Wizard
A former Knight of Cornelia, he kidnapped Princess Sara, and rescuing her is the first quest of the game. Initially presented as just the first boss and forgotten as soon as he's killed, he returns at the end of the game and is revealed to have been the Big Bad all along--he was sent back in time by the Four Fiends when he was killed to absorb their power and become Chaos. Garland and Chaos appear in the Dissidia Final Fantasy series as separate entities and both will be appearing in the Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Spin-Off as boss characters.
- All Your Powers Combined: As Chaos, he has the elemental attacks of the Four Fiends.
- Art Evolution: As the series has progressed and the game remade for new systems, Chaos has become increasingly demonic looking. Garland has likewise become larger and more imposing while retaining the same basic design.
- Badass Cape
- Big Bad
- Big Red Devil
- Character Development: Both he and Chaos get a slew of it in Dissidia Final Fantasy, but how much of it is actually canon is up for debate...
- Chaos Is Evil
- Chekhov's Gunman
- The Chessmaster
- Elemental Powers
- Evil Plan:
- Face Heel Turn: As a part of his backstory.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Good Bad Translation: "I, Garland, will knock you all down!" Never Say "Die" was clearly in effect here.
- Perhaps not, the original line was "kick you around," apparently.
- My Death Is Just the Beginning
- One-Winged Angel: A decade before the Trope Namer existed, there was Chaos.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: As Garland.
- Spikes of Villainy: His iconic horned helmet.
- Tin Tyrant: The Ur Example within the series.
The Fiend of Earth, who resides in the Cavern of Earth. His siphoning of the Earth Crystal's power has caused the land around Melmond to rot and become lifeless.
- Undead
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Elemental Embodiment
- The Man Behind the Man: When the party goes to Melmond for the first time, the citizen said that a vampire was the one who made the land rot. But after you defeat said vampire, you will notice something off, along with a sealed door behind the vampire's chamber. Put two on two together with the fact that the land still continue to rot...
- Wham! Episode: His sudden reappearance in the past version of the Chaos Shrine. Followed shortly by another with the realization that the other three are there, too. They are.
The Fiend of Fire, who has made her home in the volcano called Mt. Gulg. She was the last of the Fiends to awaken, originally due to arise 200 years after the Lich.
- Blondes Are Evil
- Cute Monster Girl: Case in point.
- Dark-Skinned Blond: Going from a moderate tan to red.
- Dub Name Change: When the game was first released, her name was spelled as Kary, a mistranslation of Kali, the multi-armed Hindu goddess of death.
- Elemental Embodiment
- Hot Chick with a Sword: Six swords in fact.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: And all of them holding swords.
- Playing with Fire
- Snakes Are Sexy
- Snake People
- Stripperiffic: A bra, and that's pretty much it. May possibly be the Ur Example of Ms. Fanservice in this series.
- Woman Scorned: She was said to have been sleeping for more than 100 years in Gulg Volcano after completely draining the Fire Crystal, and never once attacked the nearby village. The only thing that roused her from her sleep was Lich's death. She also listed the other Fiends that you have defeated before her (you can skip her fight until the end of the game) and will swear Revenge on their name.
The Fiend of Water, who lives deep under the ocean in the Sunken Shrine.
- Badass Cape
- Elemental Embodiment
- Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods
- Kraken, of course
- Combat Tentacles
- Making a Splash
- Noblewoman's Laugh: Only in NES version, though.
- Wicked Cultured
The Fiend of Air, residing high above the earth in the Flying Fortress. She was the first of the Fiends to awaken, and is the most powerful of the lot. Tiamat is responsible for forcing the sky-dwelling Lufenians to Earth when she took over their fortress.
- Achilles Heel: While Tiamat is resistant to all magic elements, the BANE/Poison/Scourge spell has a small chance of killing her instantly. This weakness is removed during the party's second encounter with her in the Shrine of Chaos.
- Blow You Away
- Elemental Embodiment
- Multiple Head Case
- Our Dragons Are Different: Said to be an anti-thesis of Bahamut.
- Samus Is a Girl: No one will notice this six-headed fiend dragon was a woman if not for the Lufenia revered her by using a female pronoun.
- Shock and Awe
Other Characters[]
Princess Sarah[]
The beautiful eldest Princess of the Kingdom of Corneria, Garland takes her captive when he goes rogue as a ransom to the kingdom. She will be appearing as a playable sub-character in Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.
- Chekhov's Gun: The Lute that she gives you opens the final dungeon's entrance.
- Distressed Damsel
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Legacy Character
- Pimped-Out Dress: In her artwork painted by Yoshitaka Amano.
- Smitten Teenage Girl: After you save her.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair: In her sprite in the advanced versions.
The Dragon King living under the Caradia Islands.
- Fetch Quest: Sends you to the Cave of Trials to bring him a Rat's Tail
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons
- Our Dragons Are Different
- Prestige Class: Bahamut will give you the class upgrades when you bring him a Rat's Tail.
A witch who lives in a cave. She cannot see without the use of her special Crystal Eye.
- Blind Seer: Without her Crystal Eye anyway.
- Mineral MacGuffin: The Crystal Eye.
- Little Miss Snarker: This is how Matoya expresses her (gratitude) upon regaining her vision. "Hmph! You're not even as attractive as I thought you'd be..." You're welcome.
- Small Name, Big Ego
Prince of Elfheim[]
An Elf Prince who resides in a castle at Elfheim and is put into a deep sleep by the evil Dark Elf Astos.
- Curse: Astos placed a "sleeping curse" upon him.
- Heavy Sleeper: Astos's curse put him in a deep sleep.
- Instant Waking Skills
- Flat Character: Other than the Key he gives you, he doesn't contribute to the plot much. Heck they never even mention the guys name!
A minor villian, the Dark Elf who placed a sleeping spell upon the elf prince of Elfheim in a bid to rule over all elves.
- Card-Carrying Villain: A very generic bad guy really, coy disguises and all.
- Evil Laugh
- Take Over the World: All in good time. He wants both elven kingdoms first.