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  • Fridge Brilliance: Edge keeps talking about how "history keeps repeating itself"; in fact, one of the major complaints about the game is that so many of its events were directly lifted from Final Fantasy IV. But then, you find out that the crystals were created to record the history of the world they were placed on. And if you talk to the crystals in the Lunarians' Tale, one of them even says, "Its history has been recorded. It must be revealed." So it actually kind of makes sense that everything is happening the way it did before.
  • Fridge Logic: Why does "bloodfeast" work on Calca and Brina, who are essentially robots?
  • Fridge Horror: If The Creator has been creating and destroying worlds all this time, and the enemies fought near the finale are remnants of those destroyed worlds, and said enemies are from Final Fantasies I, II, III, V, and VI... then did The Creator destroy all those worlds?