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  • Palom's first time in the King's Bounty pub. Five dancers run out onto stage...and then they throw off their outfits and reveal they're old women underneath. Cue them dragging a horrified Palom on to the stage while he screams in vain, and to top it off, his HP is reduced to 1 afterwards.
  • This exchange in Palom's tale when he begins training Leonora.

 Palom: Let's begin with the basics. That would be Fire. You know what Fire is?

Leonora: What is it?

Palom: ...It's a fire attack.

Leonora: Er, yes. Yes, that's right.

    • Hell, almost all of Palom and Leonora's dialogue during her training are hilarious. It helps that Palom has become a bit of a Deadpan Snarker in the 17 years between games.
  • Palom in the Sky. Basically, Luca tosses Palom in the midst of the enemies while Leonora repeatedly blasts him with Thundaga, causing him to bounce all over the place, then Porom heals him afterwards.
  • The Broken Heart Band, which could also be a Take That or Player Punch depending on their shipping preferences--Edge leaps forward and conjures a heart which floats towards Rydia. She responds by shooting a barrage of arrows, destroying the heart, causing Edge to faint, and damaging all enemies.
  • Evil Kain says, "Look, I know you're mind-controlled, but can you at least have a sense of self-preservation?"