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 Scarmiglione (after the battle): "I... thank you... I... am one of the spiritsss... of the land... Master Golbez... I was hideous... and yet... You came for me... You alone..."

(Scarmiglione fades away; the party exchanges words)

Golbez (inner monologue): ("To the earth with you once more... and may it be a more peaceful slumber this time.")

    • Barbariccia:

 Barbariccia: "Master... Golbez!"

Golbez: "Return to your eternal slumber, Barbariccia..."

Barbariccia: "I am overjoyed... to see you again..."

(Barbariccia fades away; and the party exchanges words)

Golbez (inner monologue): ("Barbariccia... forgive me.")

  • Leviathan is in tears when (if) you rescue him; telling Rydia that he loves her and Asura more than anything in the world.
  • If you rescue Leviathan and Asura, they very tearfully tell Rydia how sorry they are for trying to distance themselves from her and how much they love her. Also, at the very end, if you saved them, Rydia introduces young Cuore, last of the Maenads who she adopted,to Leviathan and Asura as her parents. They've come to visit Mist, a big jump from their previous isolationist stance. But only if you saved them.