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The tactically based game in the FF series has a decent-sized cast of characters. Even worse, when the game was remade for the PSP as "War of the Lions", quite a few names were changed. We're going with the PSP ones, but we'll list the original PS 1 names as well.

Main Story Party Members[]

Ramza Beoulve -> Ramza Ruglia[]

300px-Ramza 1793

  I have no wish to change the world.


The protagonist of the story, Ramza and his sister had lived the life of commoners until learning their father was a Beoulve (their mother was a concubine/mistress), and after a degree of rearing up they were formally introduced into the Beoulve family. Initially, Ramza is kind hearted yet naive about how the world works, but befriends Delita. After the disaster at Fort Ziekden, Ramza spends the next few years as a mercenary and learns how the world works but retains his purity and will. Through his actions he saves the world from tearing itself apart from war, as well as fighting off the demonic Lucavi. He gains neither fame nor fortune and is branded a heretic by the church. In the end, Ramza fought for what was right and saved the only thing he truly cared about, his sister.

  • Almighty Janitor: Ramza saves the world from an Eldritch Abomination and alters the course of history, yet technically (in-story) never rose above the rank of squire.
    • The game drives this point further home: each new chapter has a new Squire ability exclusive to Ramza alone.
  • Always Save the Girl: "I'm saving Agrias! Geronimo!"
  • Badass Normal: Among the FF protagonists, he is a prime example of this.
  • Big Brother Instinct: This drives him for the entire second half of the game.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Ramza is actually quite bad at this. He is either much too late to do anything, or happens to be in the right place at the right time by accident. Or he needs the rescuing.
    • He manages to save the world in the end though. No hero can get bigger than that.
  • Boring but Practical: Ramza's upgraded Squire skillset lacks the awesome abilities of characters like Agrias or Gaffgarion, but comes with come amazing instant and perfect-accuracy buffing skills later in the game.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Ramza and his team murder their way up the demon hierarchy until they reach "Bloody Angel" Ultima/Altima and kick her ass too.
  • Doomed Moral Victor: Whether or not he survived, Ramza was branded a heretic for the rest of his life. The game's framing device is the first time history revealed him to be a hero.
  • The Fettered
  • Generation Xerox: Ramza embodies the noble qualities long-prized by House Beoulve more than either of his older brothers, and follows in his father Barbaneth's footsteps rather admirably — not only is he an unflinchingly noble individual, he's also a total Badass Normal on the battlefield. In addition to that, however, it is strongly implied that he and Alma are descendants of Germonique, the man who betrayed Dark Messiah Ajora Glabados centuries ago — presumably coming from their mother's side of the family.
    • Or he's descended from the warrior who slew the demon king after gathering the Zodiac Stones in the legends that Ajora had been capitalizing on. Heck, there are claims that Ramza is descended of Vaan, given the physical similarities and the fact that Vaan can, potentially, defeat Ultima during his quest.
  • Hair of Gold
  • The Hero
  • Heroic Bastard: It's implied if not stated that he and Alma are illegitimate — some European nobility in Real Life would've opposed remarrying even after death, particularly if it were a commoner, which their mother was.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity/Historical Villain Upgrade
  • Idiot Hair
  • Irony: Think about it. Delita tried to save his sister but failed, causing him to seek power at any cost. Ramza, too, wishes to save his sister but actually succeeds. Despite being a dick, Delita becomes a hero in the annals of history while Ramza becomes a heretic. The kicker? Delita is aware of this.
  • The Mario: Probably the most well-balanced unit (generally), although he can trend towards other statistics rather well.
  • The Messiah
  • Nice Guy: Considering just how much the world tries to corrupt him and how he clings to his ideals, converting even many enemies on the way and empathising with those not on his side... yeah, he's this, if only by comparison.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
  • The Only One: Just try to dismiss him from your roster. It might almost be a Lampshade Hanging.

 Ramza: "I'm a Beoulve! Nothing happens without me!"

    • and later on...
  • Phil LaMarr
  • The Power of Love: He and Alma invoke this to break Ajora's control over his sister's body.
  • Red Oni: In spades. First off, he's the more emotionally-driven between himself and Delita, being far more prone to outbursts and less prone to strategic reason so much as the concepts of honour and integrity. Second, he's Red to both Alma's Blue, given how well she's able to manipulate him by playing on his emotions (though Alma herself is also passionate, just not to the point of charging in like an overly-righteous hero), and to Zalbaag's as well. Finally, he is — along with older brother Zalbaag — the more emotional side to Dycedarg's level-headed nature.
  • The Scapegoat
  • Shoot the Dog: Being forced to kill Milleuda Folles in Chapter One.
  • Shut Up, Kirk: He gets plenty of this after his Shut UP, Hannibal rants.
  • Throwing Your Sword Always Works: In the sidequest cutscene which introduces Luso, Ramza throws his sword to save him in the nick of time — although the monster dodges, it provides a much-needed distraction to lead into the battle ahead.
  • What You Are in the Dark
  • The White Prince, at first.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: By the end he's a more mature version than most, but he definitely qualifies.
  • Youngest Son Wins

Alma Beoulve[]

445px-Fft-alma-beoulve 1694

  To live in an age so wondrous is a blessing-but to live in Ivalice, even more one.


Ramza's little sister, who spent most of her life shut up in a convent (the same one, coincidentally, as Ovelia) until she and Ramza were formally brought into the Beoulve family. Over the course of the story, she plays a supporting role, sometimes accompanying you, sometimes forcing herself into the party for the sake of her friends, and sometimes a Distressed Damsel. Eventually, it turns out that she's the reincarnation of St. Ajora, and her body is attuned to the Virgo stone. Nonetheless, she shakes off an attempted bodyjacking by Ultima in order to participate in the final battle, and has solid capabilities as a mage.

Agrias Oaks[]

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  Have you no pride, no honor?


A steadfast Holy Knight assigned to protect Princess Ovelia. After the Princess is kidnapped, Agrias goes on a quest to rescue her.

  • Amazon Brigade: Perhaps not a brigade, but she has two lady knights with her at the beginning and she brings them along when she joins your party permanently.
    • There was actually a third woman who stumbled into the monastery, critically wounded to warn of the attack at the beginning. She presumably died, since we didn't see her leave the building after the mercenaries did.
  • Bodyguard Crush: A popular fan explanation for her devotion to Ovelia, and just as popular in fanfiction.
  • Braids of Action: She wears her long blonde hair in a braid running down her back.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: She had no reason to trust Ramza at first, yet he constantly proves his virtue to her by fighting for what's right and just. By the time she learns that he's a Beoulve , it doesn't matter to her what his name was and she follows him out of respect for his virtues.
  • Guest Star Party Member: Until she can join the team permanently.
  • Hair of Gold
  • Knight in Shining Armor
  • The Lancer
  • Lady of War
  • Lightning Bruiser
  • Magic Knight: As a "Holy Knight" she also has the ability to...
  • Odd Friendship: Despite their difference in station, Agrias and Ovelia are truly good friends who understand each other surprisingly well.
  • Sugar and Ice Personality
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Blond, but has many other characteristics inherent in the trope.
  • Tomboy to Ovelia's Girly Girl
  • Undying Loyalty: The PSP version in particular goes to great lengths in showing how loyal Agrias is to Ovelia.

Mustadio Bunansa[]

241px-Mustadio 6435

  I am a machinist. Do you know the history of my trade?


An engineer who gets caught up in the War of the Lions because he and his father discovered one of the Zodiac Stones. After resolving his issues with the Baert Trading Company, he decides to join Ramza's group out of gratitude. In the PSP version, he is revealed to have a crush on Agrias.

Cidolfus Orlandeau[]

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  Long ago, I was taught to strike from behind and keep my back to the wall.


A Count serving under Duke Goltana, and stepfather to Olan Durai. Said to be the only one who Barbaneth completely trusted. He was accused by Delita of plotting with Church officials to overthrow Goltana, and was imprisoned. When Cid was rescued by Ramza, Delita murdered Goltana and an imposter dressed up like Cid, framing him. Last name was "Orlandu" on the PS 1; in both versions he's also known as "Thunder God Cid".

Rapha Galthena[]


  Faith offers no shield against Sky Mantra, for words are treacherous things.


A young girl who, with her brother Marach, was trained as an assassin by Duke Barrington after their parents were killed. (Yes, by him. What did you expect?) At first assigned to deal with Ramza & Co, she's the first to make the Heel Face Turn and come over to the party. Formerly known as "Rafa".

Marach Galthena[]


  Nether Mantra deals great damage to those of little Faith. Believe and you shall be saved!


Rapha's older brother, called "Malak" in the PS 1 version. Continues to serve Barrington until Rapha finally confronts him (Barrington) and he (Barrington) shoots her, leading to another Taking the Bullet moment. After that battle is concluded, the siblings join your party.

Meliadoul Tengille[]


  What is love? Mayhap it is when you care more about someone else than you do about yourself.


The daughter of the leader of the Knights Templar, she at first opposes the party because she believes that Ramza killed her brother, Isilud. Fortunately she comes to her senses upon seeing the Lucavi with her own eyes, realising that her daddy had willingly turned himself into a demon. Last name spelled "Tingel" on the PS 1.

  • Amazon Brigade: In the battle against her in Bervenia Free City, you'll notice her entire team is made up of females.
  • Anti-Villain: At first.
  • Dead Little Brother
  • Defector From Decadence
  • Guest Star Party Member: Directly before she joins for real.
  • Heel Face Turn: After witnessing a Lucavi with her own eyes.
  • Hero Antagonist: Type 2.
  • In the Hood: She wears a green cloak with the hood always on.
  • Knight Templar: Rank, not personality — her class is "Divine Knight".
  • Lady of War
  • Light Is Good
  • Locked Out of the Loop
  • Magic Knight
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Upon learning that her brother is dead and that Ramza is the top suspect... yeah.
  • The Sixth Ranger
  • Tsundere
  • Useless Useful Spell: Her attacks are upgraded versions of Knight skills and will shatter enemy equipment. This means they don't work on monsters, who aren't wearing equipment. (Thankfully, this was changed in the PSP remake.)
    • Underrated ability. About half of Orlandu's Game Breaker skill set is taken from Meliadoul. Perfect accuracy, large amounts of damage, and breaks equipment. The only downside in the original game were it didn't work on monsters (in most situations monsters are almost laughably easy due to limited skill sets and abilities) or characters with Maintenance (only a handful appear in the entire game). All that really meant was, unlike Orlandu and Agrias, she would, in a handful of situations, actually need to use a normal attack or her secondary skill.
    • Really, the only thing that prevents us from seeing how awesome Meliadoul is, is that she is recruited after Orlandu. If the plot had given the players Meliadoul first and Orlandu second, not only she would be more appreciated, we'd see Orlandu as having the combined skills of Agrias, Gaffgarion and Meliadoul, instead of seeing Meliadoul as an incomplete Cid.
  • You Killed My Brother: She believes that Ramza did this, but eventually realises that it was actually the work of her father.

Rad(PS 1)/Ladd(PSP)[]


  The higher your Bravery, the higher the chances a reaction ability will be triggered!


Along with Ramza, he is the other mercenary under Gaffgarion's employ. When Ramza chooses to go after Ovelia, he tags along

Lavian & Alicia[]


  Lavian: Be on your guard! You cannot perform actions in water of depth 2 or greater.



  Alicia: Remember, while you may be able to attack from above, it may not be possible from below.


Two St. Konoe knights under Agrias' command, assigned to the defence of Princess Ovelia. They join Ramza's party along with Agrias.


A Chocobo originally belonging to Wiegraf Folles. Found a year later by Ramza's party, it joins him in gratitude for being rescued from monsters.

Side Quest Characters[]

Beowulf Cadmus[]


  Temples? Ah, where people worship the gods. Or perhaps the flat areas bracketing the forehead.


A member of the Knights Templar ("Temple Knights" in the PSX version) who fell in love with a hot young woman and is currently in search of her.

Reis Duelar[]


  Beowulf! I had thought the joy of your embrace forever lost.


A dragon—yes, you read that right—whom you can recruit. Her Dark And Mysterious Past with Beowulf is fleshed out further in the PSP remake: a jealous rival tried to Murder the Hypotenuse by turning him (Beowulf) into a dragon, but Reis Took The Bullet for him. In all versions of the game, you can revert her into human form.

  • Baleful Polymorph: As mentioned above.
  • Blind Idiot Translation: Yet again. Her "Dragon Breath" ability was translated as "Dragon Bracelet."
  • Breath Weapon: Her attacks include breathing fire, ice, lightning, and holy power. They can be used even when she isn't a dragon.
  • Crystal Dragon Jesus: Well, no, but she is called a Holy Dragon.
  • Defeat Equals Friendship: One of her natural abilities, Tame, lets her recruit monsters into the party by critically injuring them.
  • Distressed Damsel: All the powers of a dragon, yet she got kidnapped by a single knight. Good grief.
  • Dual-Wielding: She can do this in her Dragonkin class, but it's not obvious, as the only weapons she can use at all are purses, which are two-handed (she can punch twice, though, or use a different weapon if she has the appropriate support ability.)
  • Empathic Healer: She can forfeit her own HP to heal another, and cure status effects.
  • Optional Party Member: Twice, even. If you undertake the quest to restore her, you have to let her into the party again. Justified given you're inviting her in two separate forms.
    • Thrice even in the PSP version, where the in the new sidequest to rescue her apparently Beowulf and Reis had left your party to live in Lionel, Beowulf recruits you and fights as a guest, and by the end of it you're prompted to recruit Beowulf and Reis yet again. Beoweulf even says that he's returning the favor by fighting with you. The amusing Gameplay and Story Segregation implication here is that if you didn't hear the rumor that activates the sidequest, Beowulf and Reis never decide to live happily no matter how many times you step into Lionel.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: This one is holy.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: Her innate ability Beast Tongue allows her to use Speechcraft commands on other monsters.

Construct 8[]




A robot of some sort, who joins the party after you figure out which of your collection of Plot Coupons powers him. His introduction is a notorious Crowning Moment of Funny (mostly due to being one of few humourous scenes in the entire game), and after his activation he swears his loyalty to Ramza. Known as "Worker 8" in the PS 1 version.

The Byblos[]

A monster that will join your party after defeating Zodiark/ Elidibus at the end of the Deep Dungeon.

Cloud Strife[]


 Cloud: Uhn...What is this...this feeling in my fingertips? The heat! Inside my skull...No, stop...Sephiroth — no!

Mustadio: Best keep your distance. That man is not stable.


A cameo character imported from Final Fantasy VII (which had just come out at the time of the PS 1 release). He is accidentally summoned into Ivalice by Mustadio's father and then disappears until later, where he runs into a flower girl mysteriously named Aerith. If you help protect her from a group of thugs, he'll join your party.

  • Lethal Joke Character: His equipment is limited, his limit skills are slow and Cloud is a bit fragile. But he has one limit which inflicts either petrify, stop or instant death at a very high effectiveness rate. Give him swiftness from the time mage class and this move is as fast as a level 2 black magic spell. This move also hits multiple targets.
    • Awesome but Impractical. Beowulf can do the same thing more reliably, from a longer range, and his abilities are naturally instant, so he doesn't need to be buffed to avoid the enemy walking out of the way. Agrias and Orlandu inflicted status effects less reliably, but they also had a longer range and instant attacks. In addition, none of those characters are limited to using a weapon as weak as the Materia Blade.
  • Optional Party Member
  • Overrated and Underleveled: starts at Lv.1. Groan. Also, he isn't able to use his Limit Breaks unless he has a specific, and not-very-powerful, sword equipped.



  My shot is faster, or my name's not Balthier.


Real name Ffamran mied Bunansa, Balthier was added to the PSP port as a second cameo, dropping in from Final Fantasy XII.



  If it's dinner you're after...I'll feed you a length of iron!


The main character of Final Fantasy Tactics a 2, Luso only appears in the PSP port.

  • Idiot Hero: In his introductory cutscene, he breaks his sword against a giant monster. Excused by his inexperience and age (after all, he is from a non-magical world).
  • The Mario: His standard abilities are basically the same as Ramza's. The only exception being that he has innate Tame, basically making him a weaker version of Reis.
  • Nice Hat
  • Optional Party Member
  • Tagalong Kid: Pretty much lampshaded when he joins Ramza's party, too! Not that Ramza minds, of course.

Temporary Allies[]

Delita Heiral[]

320px-FFT Delita 6581

  Tis your birth and faith that wrong you... not I.


Like his good friend Ramza, Delita started off as a good natured cadet, ready to make Ivalice a better place. He wasn't as naive as Ramza, and he wasn't a member of nobility. He and his sister were looked down upon by Ramza's friends, and his sister's death at Fort Zeakden showed him how corrupt nobility were. Delita decided then and there that he would become king. He winds up joining all the major sides of the conflict, secretly manipulating them into destroying each other. He even manipulates Ramza into killing off Delita's uncontrollable opponents (who tend to be Lucavi).

Part of this plan involves rescuing Princess Ovelia, wooing her, and marrying his way into the throne. While this is successful, he may have actually fallen in love with her. Once Ramza ends the War of the Lions, Delita becomes King and Ivalice enters a brief golden era.

On the anniversary of their first encounter, Delita brings a bouquet of flowers to Queen Ovelia. Ovelia, paranoid that he manipulated her and their love was false (and let's be honest, she was probably entirely justified in this belief), lashes out at him with a dagger. He is stabbed, but manages to kill her in self-defense. As he lays in front of her, Delita wonders if it was truly worth it.

Princess Ovelia Atkascha[]

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  Would that I were born no princess.


The princess of Ivalice, she is the daughter of King Denamda II and the half-sister of King Ondoria by a different mother. Due to their difference in age, she was adopted as the King's daughter after the death of his second son. After the birth of Prince Orinus, however, she was brought up by Duke Larg and sent to a monastery, where she met Alma Beoulve. Following this, she was later sent to study at Orbonne Monastery, to study under the elder Simon Penn-Lachish.

When the events of the game truly begin, Ovelia falls under the threat of becoming a political tool for the corrupt Ivalician nobility.

Orran Durai[]

187px-Olan 9061

  You do not wish to shed blood, but it cannot always be avoided.


The stepson of Cidolfus Orlandeau, Orran (Olan in the PS 1 version) is an Astrologist who crosses paths with Ramza multiple times, during which the two aid one another. Despite his affiliation with the Southern Sky, Orran aims to do what is right and so investigates the Glabados Church and the Lions War in order to seek out the truth.


 "I don't know who you are. Too bad you stumbled on us."

"Next time put a sign outside saying "Thieves' hideout.""

  • Defector From Decadence
  • Doomed Moral Victor: Although he's burned at the stake for writing the Durai Papers, his descendant Arazlam finally publishes them and clears Ramza (and Orran's) names.
  • Foil: He's somewhere in the middle between Ramza and Delita — sometimes he acts as the go-between for the two of them.
  • Fragile Speedster: Not a hard-hitter or especially durable, but with rather decent HP and pretty good speed and evasion.
  • Guest Star Party Member: For just one battle, though.
  • Happily Adopted
  • Immune to Fate: His "Astrologist" class enables him to manipulate fate during the course of battle.
  • The Mario: His base abilities have some similarities to Ramza's.
  • Minor Major Character: Doesn't appear all that much, but he has a very important role in the plot.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right: His decision to compose and (attempt at) publish the Durai Papers.
  • Secret Keeper: If Ramza and Alma really were alive and appeared to him, this might have been their reason.
    • He's also one of the only people who knew that Cid and Valmafra were alive, and the circumstances in which Delita faked their deaths.
  • Spanner in the Works: If it weren't for him the truth about the Church and Ramza would never have been revealed. It does cost him his life but — as with Simon — the effect is implied to change the world for the better once the truth is finally revealed.
  • Star Power: Implied, as he's an "astrologist".
  • Token Good Teammate: For the Order of the Southern Sky.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: Yeah, right. It can't be a coincidence that his role in the story is strangely connected to his battle-based abilities...

Algus Sadalfas(PS 1)/Argath Thadalfus(PSP)[]

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  Come! I will show you that common blood makes naught but a common man!


A young cadet from a noble family, he joins Ramza and Delita after they rescue him from the Death Corps/Corpse Brigade. Algus has an extreme dislike for those of common birth, and wonders why Ramza continues to hang out with Delita and Teta. When it's clear Delita and Algus are not going to get along Ramza throws Algus out.

At Fort Zeakden, Algus breaks up a hostage situation by shooting and killing the hostage, Teta. An enraged Delita and Ramza fight him there and take him down, after which the ensuing explosion seals his fate.

  • The Archer
  • Back From the Dead/Came Back Wrong: In the PSP remake, during Chapter Four.
  • Blond Guys Are Evil
  • Climax Boss: The final boss of Chapter One. Symbolically, fighting him is about bringing home everything you're supposed to hate about the nobility into the forefront.
  • Freudian Excuse: He tells Ramza and Delita that his family was as powerful as the Beoulves before the 50 Years War, where his grandfather was captured and betrayed his comrades to save his life — he didn't get two steps out the enemy fortress before a squire killed him with an arrow. One soldier escaped and revealed his grandfather's treachery, leaving Argath's family's reputation in tatters (which is why he's a servant of Elmdore) and him wanting to restore their honor. Plus, there's this exchange when Ramza fights Hell Knight Argath in Chapter 4:

 Ramza: So, your soul is bartered as well. Your grandsire would be proud.

Argath: How dare you! You, pampered and coddled from your earliest days! What do you know of our affairs? Of being made to toil for another's pleasure, near without reward? Being tred upon even by peasant filth, struggling endlessly to rise back to your feet — what do you know of this? I'll purge this kingdom of all who once dared look down on me! There is no place in the world for the meager!


Goffard Gaffgarion[]


  You truly are a fool! What is the life of one girl, when weighed against the greater good?


A one-time officer of the Eastern Sky during the Fifty Years' War, he was discharged for his use of barbaric tactics. Takes Ramza under his wing as a mercenary, during which time they are assigned the task of escorting the Princess. When she is kidnapped, Gafgarion initially refuses to search for her as it was not covered in their initial contract, but acquiesces to Ramza's desire to search for her and Delita. One of the few people to know Ramza's identity as a Beoulve before the pseudo-Reveal. (The audience already knows his identity but the present company didn't.)

In actuality he is an agent of Dycedarg, who appears from time to time to guide events and to try and convince Ramza to abandon his path and return to his brother's side. Is eventually defeated and slain by Ramza.

The Nobility[]

Dycedarg Beoulve[]

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  Is it not I? I, who have dirtied my hands to keep yours clean? All that you are you owe to me! You ought be on your knees thanking me, yet here you stand in judgment!


The eldest of the Beoulve children and the lord of Eagrose Castle, which he took over after his father, Barbaneth Beoulve's, passing. He acts as one of the primary advisers to Duke Larg — his longtime friend since childhood — and is the one who orchestrates many of The White Lion's actions. At the beginning of the game, he comes across as a stern man but seems to genuinely care for his younger brothers and sister. However, he soon reveals himself to be very ruthless, and his actions towards the Corpse Brigade (such as corrupting Gustav Margriff to kidnap Marquis Elmdore) dishonour the Beoulve name — facts Ramza at first refuses to believe, but must confront when it culminates in him letting Tietra die at Ziekden rather than compromise, disillusioning Ramza greatly.

As the War of the Lions begins, Dycedarg plots with Larg to seize the throne of Ivalice. Ramza later suspects — and Zalbaag discovers for himself — that Dycedarg is probably the biggest Complete Monster in Ivalice — he murdered his own father purely for his own ambition, and later killed Larg when he got the chance. When confronted over these deeds, Ramza and Zalbaag fight and kill him, resulting in him merging with Adrammelech, one of the Lucavi. After disposing of Zalbaag, he turns his attentions on Ramza and is killed, sundering the Beoulve line and forever ending their influence within the nobility.

Zalbag(PS 1)/Zalbaag(PSP) Beoulve[]

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Barbaneth Beoulve's second son, Zalbaag is Dycedarg's younger brother and the elder half-brother of Ramza and Alma. A just and noble warrior of great experience, his combat prowess during the final years of the Fifty Years War led to him being declared a "Knight Errant" of Ivalice (much like his father), and a saviour of the Ivalician forces. On his father's deathbed, Zalbaag accepted the request that he become commander of the Northern Sky forces in the place of Dycedarg — who took up a more political mantle — and following the war's end he became dedicated to fighting the Corps/Corpse Brigade.

Like Ramza, Zalbaag is noble and good-hearted, but is also dedicated to protecting his house and the White Lion through and through. This leads to him ordering Argath to shoot Tietra down in order to stop Gragoroth, an action which disillusions Ramza towards his brother immensely. Similarly, Zalbaag initially distrusts Ramza for his defection and, in a moment of anger, puts it down to his brother's commoner blood, though they later make ammends.

When Ramza suspects that Dycedarg was responsible for Barbaneth/Balbanes' degrading health, Zalbaag investigates and learns Ramza is right. He goes to arrest Dycedarg (Ramza shows up to help) but after initially defeating him, Dycedarg transforms into Adrammelech and blasts Zalbaag in one strike. Later, Ramza encounters Hashmal while exploring the family tomb. Hashmal stalls for time (and messes with Ramza) by bringing Zalbaag back as a vampire. Zalbaag announces that he cannot control himself and begs Ramza to kill him before he escapes and harms innocent lives.

Duke Bestrald Larg[]

Larg 5311

One of two princes fighting for dominion over Ivalice, Duke Larg is the political rival of Duke Goltana. His standard is the White Lion, representing one head of the twin-headed lion from the royal family's crest set against a blue background. Bestrald Larg served as a General during the Fifty Years' War and now commands the Order of the Northern Sky.

Liege lord of Gallione, Duke Larg is the brother of Queen Louveria and uncle to Prince Orinus. He's also a childhood friend of Dycedarg Beoulve, who is his most trusted advisor. He plots to have Princess Ovelia, his brother-in-law's adopted daughter, eliminated so that he might become regent through Prince Orinus.

Duke Druksmald Goltanna[]

Goltana 5588

One of two princes fighting for dominion over Ivalice, Duke Goltanna is the political rival of Duke Larg. His standard is the Black Lion, representing one head of the twin-headed lion from the royal family's crest set against a red background. Druksmald Goltanna served as a General during the Fifty Years' War and now commands the Order of the Southern Sky.

Ruler of Zeltennia, Duke Goltanna is the younger cousin of King Ondoria. Under his command are T.G. 'Thunder God' Cidolfas Orlandeau, a hero of the Fifty Years' War, and his agent Delita Heiral. He plots to depose Prince Orinus as heir, setting Princess Ovelia as Queen so that he might use her as a Puppet Ruler and rule as regent.

  • Aristocrats Are Evil: Though YMMV on whether he or Duke Larg is worse.
  • Beard of Evil
  • Blue Blood
  • The Chessmaster
  • Evil Old Folks
  • Evil Uncle: To Ovelia and Orinus, though he's technically their second-cousin-once-removed (and for the former, only through adoption anyway).
  • General Ripper: At least a borderline case, given that he wanted to destroy the Northern Sky at Fort Besselat even if he needed to order his men to march through the water Ramza had released through the Bethla Sluice and risk heavy casualties.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard/You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Killed by Delita when the Lions War finally came to a fairly definitive end. Delita had always needed him eventually out of the way so that when he married Ovelia, he would become King and obtain ultimate power over Ivalice.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He knows full well that Ovelia isn't really royalty, but a commoner used to replace the real Ovelia. It doesn't really matter to him, so long as he can use her to rule over Ivalice.
  • Not So Different: Him and Larg, though it's not pointed out in-game, are an obvious example.
  • Unwitting Pawn

King Ondoria Atkascha III[]

The ruler of Ivalice when the game begins, Ondoria was regarded as a weak-willed man unlike his predecessor, and his poor leadership led, in part, to Ivalice's defeat during the Fifty Years War. He had two children with Queen Louveria — both sons — who each died at a young age. Not long after adopting his half-sister Ovelia as his daughter and possible heir, his wofe bore him a son, Prince Orinus, which created conflict in the debate of a future heir for Ivalice.

When his already-poor health began to decline, the succession issue arose. His death sparked the War of the Lions.

Queen Louveria Atkascha[]

The wife of King Ondoria. After her husband's death, she plots with her brother — Duke Larg — to secure their control over the throne.

Prince Orinus Atkascha[]

  • The Ghost: Character portrait aside, he never actually appears in the game proper.
  • Hair of Gold
  • The King's Son: Orinus is a toddler who is important only in that his guardian will be regent of the realm. Larg, being the Queen's brother, is first in line to be said Regent.
  • Puppet King: What was intended for him by Larg.
  • Rags to Royalty: Similar to Ovelia, he's very likely to be completely unrelated to the King, borne to the Queen by her getting "outside help". This accusation of illegitmacy part of what starts the Lion War. If he's removed from the throne, Ovelia is next in line, and Goltanna would rule the kingdom as her Regent.

Marquis Messam Elmdore de Limberry[]

A Silver-haired noble and the liege lord of Limberry, Marquis Elmdore was a great hero of the Fifty Years War who fought fearlessly against his Ordallian opposition. Amongst his allies and friend he was called "The Silver Prince", but to his enemies he was "The Silver Ogre" — both due to his skill and tenacity. A devout member of the Glabados Church, he was well-liked by the people of his territory despite his position.

When the Corpse Brigade's rebellion began to cause trouble, Elmdore was formally invited by Duke Bestrald Larg and Lord Dycedarg Beoulve to discuss options — unaware that this was a plot orchestrated by the Gallione nobles to weaken the Brigade from within, and was kidnapped by Gustav Margriff. His rescue — at the hands of Ramza Beoulve, Delita Heiral and his own manservant Argath Thadalfus — led to his being indebted to Larg and Beoulve.

When the War of the Lions broke out, Elmdore was mortally wounded in the Battle of Lesalia. Because he was holding the Gemini auracite, he became the host to the demon Zalera. Joining his Lucavi allies at Riovanes, he fought Ramza Beoulve briefly before goading him to Limberry to continue their conflict. There he fought Ramza for a time before becoming Zalera, but was defeated due to a joint effort between Ramza and Meliadoul Tengille, and killed for good.

  • Badass: He holds the rank of "Ark Knight", a character class which, in-game, is shared only by Zalbaag Beoulve.
  • Bishonen
  • Deal with the Devil -> Demonic Possession: Mortally wounded during the Battle of Lesalia, he was clinging to the Gemini auracite and made a deal with Zalera to survive, thus becoming a Lucavi host.
  • Expy: Invokes a certain other silver-haired Bishonen who started with good publicy and praise as a hero of his country. Up to and including his near-death experience, gaining supernatural powers and becoming psychotically evil. As well as a certain katana and a certain suit of armor.
  • Flat Character: Not much is known about his personality prior to merging with the Lucavi demon Zalera.
  • One-Winged Angel
  • Red Baron: "The Silver Prince" to his allies; "The Silver Ogre" to his enemies.
  • Unwitting Pawn: His kidnapping by the Corpse Brigade was part of Dycedarg and Larg's plans.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy

Grand Duke Gerrith Barrington[]

The ruler of Riovanes, Barrington is the adoptive father of Rapha and Marach, assassins under his command who he raised after their hometown was destroyed (by him, of course). His forces briefly opposed Ramza during Chapter 3 before Rapha defected, and after his killing of Marach, he was offed from behind by Zalera (found to be possessing Marquis Elmdore at the time).

The Glabados Church[]

Simon Penn-Lachish[]

Elder Simon 3180

  The Father watch over you, child.


A wise and kind elder who oversees the Orbonne Monastery. He looks after Alma and Ovelia at various points in the game. It later turns out that he's dedicated his life to translating the Germonique Scriptures, which reveal the truth about Saint Ajora's lack of divinity.

High Confessor Marcel Funerbis[]

The High Confessor of Ivalice, and elderly leader of the Church of Glabados. He does not appear very often in the game, but plays an active part in the plot of the story. He pits the White and Black Lions against one another during the game, thinking he is the mastermind. Of course, there is another behind him.

Cardinal Alphonse Delacroix[]

Cardinal of the Glabados Church in Ivalice and the lord sovereign of Lionel Castle, Delacroix is the second-in-command of the Glabados Church and a war veteran of the Fifty Years War. During Chapter Two, the party comes to him for assistance with protecting Ovelia due to the Church's neutrality from the matters of nobles, and he kindly offers his support. Unbeknownst to the party at the time, the Church has its own plans and Delacroix — as a high-ranking lord — is privy to them. Such plans include hiring the Baert Company to hinder Mustadio back in Gulg, kidnapping Ovelia, and trying to have Agrias eliminated so that she is removed from the princess's side.

It eventually turns out that Delacroix is the human host of one of the Lucavi demons — Cúchulainn, the Impure. Killing him sets Ramza's ultimate fate for the historic records and sets in motion the true plot behind the events of the story.

Confessor Zalmour Lucianada[]


  Great Father, strike these sinners, that they...may feel your wrath...


A Confessor in the employ of the Glabados Church. He comes into conflict with Ramza after he kills Delacroix and becomes a heretic.

Valmafra Lenande[]

A young sorceress and an agent of the Glabados Church, she was sent to accompany Delita Heiral and assist him during his infiltration of the Order of the Southern Sky. Apparently loyal to him by accompanying him on all his missions, she nonetheless develops a great degree of respect for him during their time working together.

  • Action Survivor: One of few named characters not to be shown dead by the end of the game.
  • Double Agent
  • Faking the Dead: Delita faked her death and allowed her and Orran to escape at the climax of the war
  • Hair of Gold
  • The Mole: Along with Delita. And to Delita as well, as she was ordered to kill him if he actually joined the Black Lion or betrayed the Church (though she ultimately couldn't bring herself to do so).
  • Knight Templar: Once again, it's occupation
  • Number Two: To Delita.
  • What Could Have Been: It's speculated that she supposed to be either a guest or recruitable during the early stages of the game's production, but that such plans were dropped. She even has her own Battle Class, yet never once appears on the battlefield to use any unique abilities. Naturally, this tends to lead many to feel that...

The Knights Templar[]

Associated Tropes represented by multiple members:[]

Folmarv Tengille[]


   Angel of Blood, in all things you I serve. No wine more deep, no searing coal more hot than this, the crimson blood for you I spill!


The leader of the Knights Templar branch of the church. He makes occasional appearances throughout the first half of the game, but does not become important until later in the story. His children, Isilud and Meliadoul, serve under him. He is actually possessed by Hashmal, the second-in-command of the Lucavi.

Wiegraf Folles[]


  All such tales of gods and their miracles are false.


Wiegraf starts off as the founder and leader of the Death Corps/Corpse Brigade, a paramilitary organised formed from disgruntled war veterans of the Fifty Years War. The group was founded as a an effort to revolt against the nobility until their demands for compensation — regarding their sacrifices during the conflict — are met and addressed. However, although Wiegraf is an honourable man with high morals and standards, his opposition, the nobility, is not, with their plots throwing wrenches into his plans and eventually bringing down his forces. When he learns that Ramza killed his sister Miluda in battle, he swears revenge but fails to defeat Ramza, though before departing to continue his attempt at stopping Dycedarg and Larg he warns Ramza of the futility of his idealism.

A year later, a more jaded Wiegraf is hired by the Church, who convince him that despite their methods being different they both want the same goal — peace for Ivalice. During this time, Wiegraf eventually lays a trap for Ramza by travelling to Orbonne Monastery with Isilud Tengille to kidnap Ramza's sister, luring Ramza to his location. Ramza proves quite capable and defeats him a second time. As he lies wounded — possibly mortally — Wiegraf's Zodiac Stone speaks to him, offering him vast amounts of power. Not realising the true nature of the stones, Wiegraf accepts and becomes possessed by the Lucavi Belias, losing his humanity and now wanting nothing more than to torture and kill Ramza For the Evulz. At Riovanes castle, Wiegraf ambushes Ramza and duels him alone. After his third defeat, he drops his Game Face and becomes Belias. Joined by his allies, Ramza defeats and kills Belias, ending the Lucavi and putting Wiegraf's restless soul to peace at last.

Izlude Tingel(PS 1)/Isilud Tengille (PSP)[]

Meliadoul's little brother and Folmarv's son, he's a member of the Knights Templar branch of the Church like his father and sister. He's sent to kidnap Alma at Orbonne Monastery and succeeds, taking her to Riovanes. There, he witnesses his father transform into a demon before his eyes, after which he attempts to fight back. He is mortally wounded by Hashmal, after which Alma is discovered to be Saint Ajora's reincarnation and is taken by Folmarv.

The Lucavi[]

Associated Tropes common to multiple Lucavi:

Ultima(PSP)/Altima(PS 1) ( Saint Ajora Glabados)[]


  Your defiance reaps you naught but death's embrace!


Associated with the Virgo auracite, she is the leader (and only seen female member) of the Lucavi who commanded their forces during the original conflict for control over Ivalice centuries ago. She was, unbeknownst to most, acting through Ajora Glabados as her host body. Now, the only host suitable to resurrect Ajora — and by extension, Ultima — is Ramza Beoulve's little sister, Alma. She is the 6th and last Lucavi which Ramza is forced to fight.

In anticipation of her return, Hashmal brings Alma to the correct spot in Mullonde in order to resurrect Altima, intending to fulfill all the remaining requirements for her return... only Ramza is close by and beats Hashmal's ass silly. Hashmal promptly sacrifices himself to provide just enough fuel to resurrect Ajora in Alma's body. Ramza and Alma apply The Power of Love and Alma rejects Ajora, but Altima is still strong enough to get her own body. No matter, Ramza and Alma take her out.

Hashmal(PSP)/Hashmalum(PS 1) ( Folmarv Tengille)[]


  Master, 'Bloody Angel'...Let me offer you 'blood' darker than wine and hotter than burning lava!


Associated with the Leo auracite, he is the leonine second-in-command of the Lucavi and the 5th (and penultimate) Lucavi Ramza must face. With his superior currently incapacitated, Hashmal is the current commander of the Lucavi's demonic forces, and so assumes responsibility for their overall plans.

Cúchulainn(PSP)/Queklain(PS 1) ( Alphonse Delacroix)[]


  How I shall delight to watch you die. Each excruciation ecstasy!


Associated with the Scorpio auracite, Cúchulainn was the 1st Lucavi demon that Ramza Beoulve was forced to fight, bringing to his attention the true nature of the conflict behind the War of the Lions.

Belias(PSP)/Velius(PS 1) ( Wiegraf Folles)[]


  God Stone bearer, with me now do treat. Your spirit and my flesh as one shall merge. Life undying yours forever more.


Associated with the Aries auracite, Belias was the 2nd Lucavi demon Ramza Beoulve fought against. With the form of a bipedal ram, he emerges when decieving a dying Wiegraf into entering a contract with him, after which he possesses him. Ramza faces him later at Riovannes, where after defeating Wiegraf, Belias emerges to fight Ramza only to be defeated and killed.

Zalera ( Messam Elmdore)[]


  Here dying, join my legion of undeath. Your blood, the roses on unhallow'd graves!


Associated with the Gemini auracite, Zalera was the 3rd Lucavi Demon which Ramza Beoulve faced. He first appeared at Riovannes [spoiler: possessing Marquis Elmdore]], before being confronted properly at Limberry. Out of all the demons, Zalera was the demon pre

Adrammelech(PSP)/Adramelk(PS 1) ( Dycedarg Beoulve)[]


  And so on you, Ramza, my gaze alights. Now know regret, a traitor's recompense!


Associated with the Capricorn auracite, Adrammelech confronts Ramza in Eagrose Castle, after merging with Dycedarg Beoulve. Notably, he seemed to have not taken possession of his host in the least, but rather joined with him (given that he espouses his human host's philosophies with a touch of Lucavi-flavoured evil). He is the 4th Lucavi that Ramza fights.

Zodiark ( Elidibus)[]

Associated with the Serpentarius auracite, this Lucavi doesn't care for the acts of his brethren and prefers to mind his own business. He can be fought optionally to optain his Zodiac Stone.

Curiously, despite Zodiark being the name of the associated Esper in Final Fantasy XII, here it — for unknown reasons — actually manifests as the Lucavi's summon, while the demon inhabits the body of Elidibus, a Fifty Years War hero and maintains the host's name instead. This might be due to the unique nature of his body even compared to other Lucaviand Lucavi possession, and/or perhaps as a result of the seemingly-symbiotic relationship between host and demon.


Barbaneth Beoulve[]


  Hear me, Ramza. For generations, we Beoulves have stood foremost of those who serve the Crown. Ours is the soul of a knight. Become a knight worthy of your name. Tolerate no injustice. Stray not from the true path. You will know the path you must walk. A Beoulve can... can walk no other...


The former head of the Beoulve family and ruler of Eagrose, Barbaneth is the father of Dycedarg, Zalbaag, Ramza and Alma. Well-recognised for his valiant efforts during the Fifty Years War, he commanded the Order of the Northern Sky and was awarded the title of "Knight Gallant" for his work in the line of duty. In the days leading toward the end of the war, he fell gravely ill, but was able to survive until the peace negotiations were leaned toward's Ivalice's favour

  • Badass: Along with TG Cid, he was one of two veritably recognised legends of the War — so much that even when he was dying, he commanded a strong enough presence that the enemy Ordallian forces were scared of him and the peace treaties signed did not treat Ivalice too harshly.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Loads of so-called "heroes" could learn a lot about how to conduct themselves in the face of death.
  • Minor Major Character: He only appears during one flashback after his death, but he played a very crucial role in the establishment of the plot events as they are.
  • Nobles Who Actually Do Something
  • Posthumous Character
  • Reasonable Authority Figure

Saint Ajora Glabados[]

The founder of the Glabados Church. He performed several miracles and was considered a messiah by the cult that would eventually become the Glabados Church. The Fara Church and Holy Empire Yudora, which was in power at the time, was afraid of his growing influence, beliving he was a spy and a rabble-rouser. They had him hunted down and killed. Shortly thereafter, the capital of the Fara Church was hit with a massive tidal wave and sank. Considering it a miracle, the Glabados Church was developed.

Ajora also happens to be the host for the leader of the demonic Lucavi, biding his time for a resurrection and return to Ivalice. This will require many, many sacrifices so the Lucavi manipulate the world leaders into constant strife and war. Ajora also needs the correct body to possess, and Alma Beoluve happens to be the lucky victim.


One of the disciples of Saint Ajora Glabados, Germonique is famed as the man who betrayed Ajora to the Holy Ydoran Empire, something close to 1200 years ago. He was the author of the Germonique Scriptures, which told the story of Ajora Glabados from his own perspective — texts banned by the Glabados Church due to their percieved heresy.

Teta/Tietra Heiral[]

She is Delita's younger sister, and a good friend of Alma. Due to her commoner status, she is ostracized at school. But as she attends such a prestigious school, the Death Corps/Corpse Brigade find her an easy target to take hostage. As part of his Last Stand, Golagros/Gragoroth holds her in front of Fort Zeakden, packed with explosives and ready to blow if his demands are not met.

Algus solves this dilemma by shooting Teta dead, then shooting Golagros. After the ensuing battle, Delita holds Teta in his arms right in front of Fort Zeakden as it explodes.

She was never seen again.

Milleuda Folles[]


  It may well be you've done no wrong. It is your place in the world that drives my hatred on. You bear the name Beoulve, and that name is my enemy.


Wiegraf's younger sister and a commander in the Corpse Brigade, Milleuda seemed to be particularly spiteful and untrusting of the nobility, moreso than her brother. After her first encounter with Ramza, the presence of the bigoted Argath pretty much squandered Ramza's chances of convincing her that not all nobles are corrupt and heartless.

  • Anti-Villain
  • Better to Die Than Be Killed: Why she fought to the death.
  • Dead Little Sister: To Wiegraf.
  • Freudian Excuse: Her hatred of nobles stems from the constant mistreatment she and her friends have recieved at their hands, particularly the lack of acknowledgement they recieved for fighting and dying for Ivalice during the Fifty Years War.
  • Hair of Gold
  • Hero Antagonist: She and her soldiers just as sympathetic as Ramza and Delita — if not more so — and definitely more than the the Northern Sky's commanders.
  • Lady of War
  • La Résistance
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gives an impressive one to Ramza's group (especially Argath) in regards to the nobility's tendency to treat commoners as mere property.
  • Recurring Boss: Fought twice, in two successive plotline battles, during Chapter One.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: The first of many.
  • Worthy Opponent: The second time they fight, Ramza tries very hard to convince her to lay down arms. To his credit, she did admit that perhaps he and his were innocent of any wrongdoing to the common people, but almost-sadly noted that bearing the name Beoulve made them natural enemies.