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A list of characters from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

Residents of St. Ivalice[]

Marche Radiuju[]

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Marche is the main protagonist of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. At the beginning of the game, Marche is a New Transfer Student from a land which snow was never fallen. He joined with his new friends Ritz and Mewt to read an old book, which changes St. Ivalice into the magical land of Ivalice. Compared to his friends, he is the only one who wishes to get out of the weird land and revert it back to normal.

Ritz Malheur[]

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Ritz is the Class Head of Marche's new class. At the beginning, Ritz was supposed to fight against Marche's team during the snowball fight, but soon switches to Marche's team. One of the bullies teases her as a "prissy grandma" due to her white hair, which she dies red. When St. Ivalice changed into Ivalice, Ritz had natural red hair and leads a clan named "Clan Ritz" with her friend Shara.

Mewt Randell[]

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Mewt is the one who triggered the power of the Gran Grimoire. He is one of Marche's new friends who was always bullied in school. When they were still in St. Ivalice, Mewt was hit by a lot of snowballs, including one with a rock, causing his forehead to bleed. He then introduces his friends Marche and Ritz an old book he found at a bookstore. In Ivalice, however, he is the Prince and was highly respected by its citizens. He even has Babus and Llednar to serve for him.

Doned Radiuju[]

Marche's younger brother, who is confined to a wheelchair and has to go to the hospital on a regular basis. In Ivalice, neither applies to him.

  • Beat Them At Their Own Game: Late in the game, Marche goes after a very promising lead in the hopes of luring Doned out so that he can talk with him.
  • Bob Haircut
  • Ill Boy
  • Non-Action Guy: Even able to walk, he's not able to fight in a clan yet.
  • Spoiled Brat: Deconstructed. He sends people knowing they could well and truly kill his brother under some circumstances, but he also has a Freudian Excuse in that he especially doesn't want the world to return to normal.
  • Throwing Off the Disability: In Ivalice, crippled Doned could walk.
  • The Unfought: He works against Marche by tipping him off to bounty hunters, guards or rival clans, but never faces him in combat. A wandering clan called the "Doned Faction" can be encountered, but he isn't in it. Justified that he is not old enough to engage.

Cid Randell[]

Mewt's father, who sank into depression after the death of his wife.

Residents of Ivalice[]


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Montblanc found Marche as soon as St. Ivalice experienced its transformation. He is very loyal to him, especially in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Radio Edition.


One of Ritz's viera friends in her clan.

Babus Swain[]

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Mewt's Nu Mou retainer.


Montblanc's younger brother, a gadgeteer who hopes to make his own airship.

Ezel Berbier[]

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A mysterious nu mou who is responsible for the creation of Anti-Laws.

  • Foil: To Babus.
  • Mad Scientist
  • No Hero Discount: After you recruit him, the prices stay the same. It's also unclear how saving him affects his prices, but arguably, being let in on his secret shop can be considered a reward.
  • Spy Speak
  • Wataru Takagi: It really fits his character.

Queen Remedi[]

Mewt's dead mother. Brought Back From the Dead not. She's really the Li Grim, and the Final Boss. This article deals with both Remedi and the Li Grim posing as her Ivalice equivalent.

Llednar Twem[]

A boy whom the Queen brings in after Cid separates the judges from the palace. He turns out to be the embodiment of Mewt's negative emotions.

Radio Edition Exclusive Characters[]

Below are exclusive characters who appear in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Radio Edition.

Madam Kiri[]

The Moogle Knight[]