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A list of characters from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
Residents of St. Ivalice[]
Marche Radiuju[]
Marche is the main protagonist of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. At the beginning of the game, Marche is a New Transfer Student from a land which snow was never fallen. He joined with his new friends Ritz and Mewt to read an old book, which changes St. Ivalice into the magical land of Ivalice. Compared to his friends, he is the only one who wishes to get out of the weird land and revert it back to normal.
- Blue Eyes
- BFS: Marche's Judgesword in his artwork.
- Expy: Marche has a resemblance to Final Fantasy Tactics' Ramza.
- Fingerless Gloves
- Hair of Gold
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Or giant transparent geometrical bludgeons.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Yu Hayakawa wields a BFS?
- Idiot Hair: Ramza's ahoge taken Up to Eleven.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Kid Hero: Probably not older than twelve.
- New Transfer Student: His job was "New Kid" during the Snowball Fight.
- Say My Name: Ritz and Montblanc do this one after the other when Marche was sent to Prison during the Audio Adaptation.
- Short Hair with Tail
- Too Many Belts: Played straight.
- Took a Level In Badass: Becomes considerably more confident and decisive in his time in Ivalice, in addition to getting more powerful.
- The Unfavourite: Because his little brother Doned is handicapped, Marche's parents payed more attention to him than Marche himself.
- Warrior Therapist
- World of Cardboard Speech: When faced with the prospect of having to face Babus alone.
- And, of course, when he confronts the Queen/ Li-Grim.
- Yuka Imai
Ritz Malheur[]
Ritz is the Class Head of Marche's new class. At the beginning, Ritz was supposed to fight against Marche's team during the snowball fight, but soon switches to Marche's team. One of the bullies teases her as a "prissy grandma" due to her white hair, which she dies red. When St. Ivalice changed into Ivalice, Ritz had natural red hair and leads a clan named "Clan Ritz" with her friend Shara.
- Action Girl: Along with other Viera.
- Amazon Brigade: Clan Ritz is entirely composed of Viera.
- Class Representative: Ritz is the Class Head if you check her job during the Snowball Fight.
- Hair Decorations: Ritz has a hairpin.
- Fashionable Asymmetry: One of her arms is wearing armor.
- Fiery Redhead: Not short-tempered, but quite outspoken with her opinions.
- Fighting Your Friend: In the penultimate mission, she and her clan stand in Marche's way as he tries to pass through Siena Gorge to the Ambervale, forcing him to defeat her.
- Gamer Chick: She much prefers games over books.
- Green Eyes
- Hair Color Dissonance: During the epilogue, her hair was light violet, but her friend commented her hair "as white as snow".
- He Is Not My Boyfriend: Ritz referencing Marche towards Doned in the game's Audio Adaptation.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Shara.
- Magic Knight: Ritz gets to be a Fencer, a Red Mage, and an Elementalist throughout the whole game.
- Mini-Dress of Power
- Otaku Surrogate: She prefers video games to books.
- Rose-Haired Girl: In our world, it's dyed. In Ivalice, it's natural.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Deconstructed. The school bullies make fun of her for it, and call her a "little prissy grandma." It is for this reason that she dyes it red.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Ritz's hair color is red, really red.
- Yumi Kakazu
Mewt Randell[]
Mewt is the one who triggered the power of the Gran Grimoire. He is one of Marche's new friends who was always bullied in school. When they were still in St. Ivalice, Mewt was hit by a lot of snowballs, including one with a rock, causing his forehead to bleed. He then introduces his friends Marche and Ritz an old book he found at a bookstore. In Ivalice, however, he is the Prince and was highly respected by its citizens. He even has Babus and Llednar to serve for him.
- Adaptational Angst Upgrade: He screams more in the Audio Adaptation.
- Bookworm: Mewt is the class librarian, and his connection to grimoires indicates this.
- The Caligula: Makes the laws harsher whenever he feels threatened by Marche's efforts, causing quite a bit of resentment toward him and the queen.
- Collared by Fashion: Mewt wears a red collar.
- Companion Cube: Mewt's teddy bear, which was given to him by his dead mother.
- Facial Markings: On his forehead in Ivalice.
- Happy Place: He shapes Ivalice to be this--a living mother, a father he can be proud of, and him in charge.
- Horned Hairdo: In Ivalice.
- The Quiet One: Mewt usually quotes "..." during the beginning.
- Show the Forehead
- Spikes of Villainy:He's not really a villain, but he was against Marche during the game.
- Tragic Keepsake: His stuffed bear.
Doned Radiuju[]
Marche's younger brother, who is confined to a wheelchair and has to go to the hospital on a regular basis. In Ivalice, neither applies to him.
- Beat Them At Their Own Game: Late in the game, Marche goes after a very promising lead in the hopes of luring Doned out so that he can talk with him.
- Bob Haircut
- Ill Boy
- Non-Action Guy: Even able to walk, he's not able to fight in a clan yet.
- Spoiled Brat: Deconstructed. He sends people knowing they could well and truly kill his brother under some circumstances, but he also has a Freudian Excuse in that he especially doesn't want the world to return to normal.
- Throwing Off the Disability: In Ivalice, crippled Doned could walk.
- The Unfought: He works against Marche by tipping him off to bounty hunters, guards or rival clans, but never faces him in combat. A wandering clan called the "Doned Faction" can be encountered, but he isn't in it. Justified that he is not old enough to engage.
Cid Randell[]
Mewt's father, who sank into depression after the death of his wife.
- Bowdlerize: In the US version, he's having trouble at work.
- Drowning My Sorrows: During the beginning of the game in the Japanese version.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: In Ivalice, he seems not to remember his past life, unlike the other people from Mewt's life.
- Yasuyuki Kase
Residents of Ivalice[]
Montblanc found Marche as soon as St. Ivalice experienced its transformation. He is very loyal to him, especially in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Radio Edition.
- Big No: During the mission "Moogle Bride", when it turns out that the suitor was tricking him.
- Breakout Character
- Crutch Character: No wonder people like to kill him in the Jagds (explained below).
- Dark Furred Blond: Only in the artwork. His sprite has white fur.
- Edible Theme Naming: Named after this.
- Fairy Companion: To Marche.
- Hair Color Dissonance: Montblanc's hair color in his in-game sprite is orange, though he actually has blond hair.
- I Am Not Weasel: Montblanc's reaction when Marche calls him a "stuffed animal".
- I Will Wait for You: What Montblanc says towards Marche during one of the commercials.
- Japanese Pronouns: In the Audio Adaptation, Montblanc usually uses Marche's name towards Marche. Otherwise, he would use omae instead.
- Keet: In the Audio Adaptation, especially at Vol. 4.
- Kumiko Yokote: That's what the credit says.
- No Indoor Voice: Montblanc yells a LOT in the Audio Adaptation.
- Say My Name: Marche calls his name if he dies in a Jagd (unprotected slum - keyword "unprotected" - which can cause a Final Death.
- Show the Forehead
- Those Two Guys: With Nono during the Audio Adaptation.
- Verbal Tic: Since he's a moogle, he automatically uses "kupo".
One of Ritz's viera friends in her clan.
- Action Girl
- The Archer: Starts off as an Archer, and later becomes a Sniper.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Fashionable Asymmetry: She only wears one stocking.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Ritz.
- Loin Cloth
- Stocking Filler: Only one leg.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Since she's a Viera.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Antlion Larvae, revealed in the mission "A Maiden's Cry", where Shara gets to be recruited.
Babus Swain[]
Mewt's Nu Mou retainer.
- Battle Butler
- Big Damn Heroes: In Bervenia Palace, he stops time for the guards and takes Marche directly to Mewt.
- Collared by Fashion
- Cutscene Power to the Max: He can stop time for everyone except himself and Marche in a cutscene.
- Duel Boss
- Foil: To Ezel
- Prematurely Bald: He sounds younger compared to Ezel and other Nu Mou have hair.
- It is possible he has thin, white fur. Being a high-ranking royal servant, he would be more well-groomed than other Nu Mou.
- Kumi Sakuma
- Sugar and Ice Personality
- Time Stands Still
Montblanc's younger brother, a gadgeteer who hopes to make his own airship.
- Butt Monkey: In Mission 12, his airship gets wrecked in a hit-and-run, and you have to chase the perpetrators to the Jagds. In an optional mission, this happens again.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Those Two Guys: With Montblanc during the Audio Adaptation.
- Verbal Tic: Since he's a moogle, he automatically uses "kupo".
Ezel Berbier[]
A mysterious nu mou who is responsible for the creation of Anti-Laws.
- Foil: To Babus.
- Mad Scientist
- No Hero Discount: After you recruit him, the prices stay the same. It's also unclear how saving him affects his prices, but arguably, being let in on his secret shop can be considered a reward.
- Spy Speak
- Wataru Takagi: It really fits his character.
Queen Remedi[]
Mewt's dead mother. Brought Back From the Dead not. She's really the Li Grim, and the Final Boss. This article deals with both Remedi and the Li Grim posing as her Ivalice equivalent.
- Alliterative Name: Possibly was Remedi Randell.
- Back From the Dead: The "Real" Remedi Randell died before the storyline - although the Ivalice version was the Li Grim.
- Breast Plate: In the first battle against her
- Degraded Boss: After completing the game, she can be fought in the mission to recruit Ezel, and is much easier.
- Final Boss
- Missing Mom: She was Mewt's dead mother in St. Ivalice.
- One-Winged Angel: (Her true form is the Li Grim, which is the sixth crystal of Ivalice.
- Posthumous Character: The Ivalice version is the Li Grim.
- Facial Markings: Like her son's.
- Yoshiko Sakakibara
Llednar Twem[]
A boy whom the Queen brings in after Cid separates the judges from the palace. He turns out to be the embodiment of Mewt's negative emotions.
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Curtains Match the Window
- The Dragon
- Duel Boss
- Enemy Without
- Evil Counterpart: He is the embodiment of Mewt's anger after all...
- Giant Poofy Sleeves
- Hikaru Midorikawa
- Hopeless Boss Fight: You have to wait him out twice.
- Literally Shattered Lives: After his defeat, he turns to stone and crumbles.
- Nigh Invulnerable: The Queen altered reality so that he could not be harmed.
- Sdrawkcab Name: Of Mewt Randell.
- Taken for Granite: During the near-climax of the game.
- Villain Sue / Marty Stu / Copy Cat Sue: Invoked, since Mewt wanted a "version of Marche" that would be on his side. Hilarity Ensues when you play the Anti-Law that nullifies his Stuness, however.
Radio Edition Exclusive Characters[]
Below are exclusive characters who appear in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Radio Edition.
Madam Kiri[]
- The Danza (She is voiced by Kiri Segawa.)
The Moogle Knight[]
- Estrogen Brigade Bait: He's one of the best fighters of all, so a number of fan-moogles followed him all the way.
- No Name Given: Even the credits simply named him "Moogle Knight."
- Verbal Tic: Since he's a moogle, he automatically uses "kupo".
- Vocal Dissonance: He is a moogle with a extremely low voice, being voiced by Ryoukichi Takahashi and all. But it might be because he is older than Montblanc, who was described as a "young moogle boy".