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  • After Tifa defeats Loz, the famous victory theme starts playing, quickly revealed to be Loz's cellphone ringtone.
  • Rude's look of despair as his trusty sunglasses are crushed, and his subsequent producing of an identical pair from inside his jacket.
  • Rude again. Cloud beats the stuffing out of Bahamut SIN, and goes chasing after Kadaj with his serious face on, while Rude utterly fails to climb a wall of tarp and lands flat on his back, flailing like an upended turtle.
  • Cloud goes to meet with Rufus, and Reno rushes to attack him, prompting Cloud to calmly sidestep and lock him out behind the door. The entire sequence is filled with his muffled shouting to be let back in.
  • Rude & Reno's comments to Loz & Yazoo about Jenova, and Loz's reaction.

 Reno: It's Jenova's friggin' head...

Loz: HEY!

Yazoo: I will not have you talk about Mother that way!

Loz: You MEANIE!

Rude: Our apologies.

Reno: Your ma's cool.


Reno: What the hell am I saying!!

  • "I'm NOT crying!"
  • In Complete, hearing Marlene imitating Barret's manner of speech for a moment was just too hilarious for words. Picture a six-year-old girl talking like Mr T, and you get the idea.
  • Just the whole conversation between Reno and Rude on the bridge during the motorcycle chase.

 Reno: So this...thing? Got any bite to it?

Rude: Shinra technology at its finest.

Reno: Oh, so YOU made this.

Rude: If nothing else, it's...flashy.

Reno: Ooh, good.

Rude: You love it. I know.

  • Also in Complete, after Yazoo takes out the helicopter by launching his motorcycle at it and shooting the controls.

 Reno: You okay?

Rude: (hanging on the outside of the helicopter as it's falling out of the sky) Oh, I'm just peachy.


  "You don't have a phone?!"

    • Later turns into a Brick Joke when he arrives in Edge asking where he can find one.
      • Even more so in Dirge of Cerberus, where one of the first things you see is Vincent's shiny new phone. With a custom skin.