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A character sheet for the cast of the MMORPG that is Final Fantasy XI. Considering the Loads and Loads of Characters (a couple of starting points: for a brief starting point that is still pretty huge, and if you want the full list), it might be prudent to split this by the nations from the original version, and from then on work by expansion names - but not before covering an important character:


  • Big Damn Hero - Due to the way most mission and quest fights take place, there's usually only something to fight when you get there to take care of the situation, usually just in time to help a given NPC.
  • Hammerspace - Inventory items come in all shapes and sizes, but if you're not wearing them they might as well be invisible and weightless. And then there's key items, which don't even take up inventory space, which is amazing since for a certain quest one of them is a whole cardian in need of repairs, and those are bigger than a taru.
  • Hello, Insert Name Here
  • Heroic Mime - Conversations are implied, but the only lines assigned to you are menu choices.
  • Kleptomaniac Hero - Due to the shared envirment, this usually involves interacting with specific spots in the scenery, usually identified only with "???" - while it's safe to do so in towns and cities, in dungeons and outdoors it may cause an notorious monster or more to spawn depending on your quest and mission progress.
  • Mix and Match - With the main and sub-job combinations.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero - The San d'Oria quest line in the past comes to mind.
  • Only One Name
  • Protagonist Without a Past
  • Saving the World - You get the luxury of taking your time for this - or not, depending on how much help you may need for a given battle or task.
  • Super Mode - Some of the 2-hour abilities, depending on the job chosen. Some Notorious Monsters and some very few allied battle NPC canalso use these.
  • Unwitting Pawn



President Karst[]

  • Reasonable Authority Figure - Even if his delivery comes off as cold as dismissive, he cares very much for the well-being of his country.



  • Fake Ultimate Hero - Although through no fault of his own - Zeid was the one that defeated the Shadow Lord in the war, but perhaps due to the tense relationships between humes and galkas Volker was credited with the victory, though he's not comfortable with that and doesn't make the claim himself.


San d'Oria[]


Prince Trion[]

  • Knight in Shining Armor
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: He wears a gold version of his armor and just that. Absolutely no effort to hides his face in public to the point of no one believe he really is the prince of San d'Oria.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something
  • Sibling Rivalry: Trion and his younger brother Pieuje are often in odd of each other. The militant Trion that always thinks with his sword while the diplomatic Pieuje thinks that his brother is an idiot. Their rivalry is quite bitter as well; people of San d'Oria and their sister are actually wondering why they aren't killing each other yet.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy



  • Rebellious Spirit - Despite his responsabilities as a minister, he often goes out on his own to investigate issues which are taboo in Windurst, which gets him (and you) into some trouble.


The Ensemble Darkhorse that made her way to Dissidia. Shantotto's a Tarutaru Black Mage and a hero from the Great Crystal War. She's (in)famous for her rhyme-y speech and iconic laugh.

Star Sibyl[]

  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Star Sibyl is the title of Windurst's prophetic leader. Her real name hasn't been revealed. Note that, consistent with the term for an ancient Greek prophetess, the y comes second.
  • Rapunzel Hair: For a Tarutaru standard, though. Her hair is almost larger than she is.
  • Waif Prophet: Subverted in that she secretly lost her ability to see the future twenty years before the game's story begins. Her first gaze into the future revealed the imminent and complete destruction of her nation and prompted her to feed false information to her people. Though this devastation did occur, Time Travel created a new version of history in which it was averted at the cost of the Sibyl's powers. From her perspective, therefore, she has never correctly seen the future. That she continues to offer prophecies to the public ultimately makes her more of a false prophet.



The creator-goddess of Vana'diel. According to legend, she created a race called the Zilart, but after they destroyed themselves through their own hubris, she shed five tears that created the five Enlightened Races of Vana'diel.


The leader of the Jeuno chapter of Tenshodo, an organisation of thieves and smugglers.

  • Big Brother Complex - To Verena, who may or may not be his real sister - she's certainly not the one he lost in the game's intro sequence.


An old man in Jeuno who has mastered every single job in existance. Players must defeat him in a Mirror Match to raise their level cap to Lv.75.


Captain of the Ducal Guard in Jeuno.

Rise of the Zilart[]

Ark Angels[]

The Ark Angels are a group of five twisted, dark reflections of the five Enlightened Races. They are summoned by the two Zilart princes as their servants.



The brother of Archduke Kam'lanaut. One of the last Zilart nobles in existence, his botched attempt to open the Gates Of The Gods led to the destruction of his race. He and his brother were frozen in stasis, only to be inadvertently reawoken centuries later by Raogrimm. He is actually the elder of the two brothers, but his body was frozen in time after being exposed to one of the Mothercrystals.

Eald'narche is the final boss of the Rise of the Zilart expansion, as he continues his insane vision to open the Gate of the Gods.



The leader of the Tenshodo, based in Norg.


The current Archduke of Jeuno. A powerful and respected leader who united the four warring nations of Vana'diel against the Shadowlord's army during the Crystal War. In truth, he is a Zilart prince and one of the last few remaining Zilart in existence. Together with his younger brother Eald'narche, they resume their centuries-old plot to open the Gate of the Gods.


The adopted daughter of Gilgamesh. Lion spends most of her time investigating the true cause of the Crystal War, eventually discovering the existance of the Mothercrystals that each Beastman race protects and the Zilart's role in manipulating Vana'diel to gain control over them. She eventually sacrifices herself to stop Eald'narche from destroying Vana'diel in an act of petty revenge.

Chains of Promathia[]





Treasures of Aht Urhgan[]





Naja Salaheem[]

  • Bad Boss
  • Berserk Button: Don't call her a cat.
  • But Thou Must!
  • Carry a Big Stick: Her infamous Morning Star, which she often swings with bravado while giving a melodramatic speech... or uses it to her own employee.
  • Greed
  • Jerkass
  • The Runaway: A daughter of a famous mercenary leader, but run away from her homeland and changed her name for an unknown reason.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Raw fish with salt and olive oil, also coffee and some desert of Aht Urhgan. Giving her these items will makes her generous enough to give you a scroll of Instant Reraise.


Wings of the Goddess[]

Lehko Habhoka[]

  • The One Guy - The one male mithra have an access to outside their home nation.


  • Genki Girl
  • Half-Human Hybrid - Although there are a few cases of hume and elvaan NPCs in relationships (and even one married Galka), she's the only one we ever see with mixed heritage. Might be justified by the fact that at some points Bastok (humes) and San d'Oria (elvaans) were at war.
  • Heroic Sacrifice
  • Tsundere: Lilisette shows signs of being a Type A, to the point that her stage name of "Moonshade Butterfly" is warped into "Moonshade Wolverine" by her troupe-mates for how she treats men until she meets your character.