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Written on Wattpad by Beta_Log_86 (under username Beta_Mat_86), Final Stand of Death is a Continuation/Crack Fic of the animated MTV program, Celebrity Deathmatch.
Following some time after the events, Marilyn Manson learns he's marked for death once again and more is at stake? Seeing this could be the end, Manson opts to see this threat once and for all. This group has been given a new suit of armor in order to interact with both worlds and remembers the final moments of their human life. One of them has the one thing that could settle the matter. With the attention reaching as many as possible, this could become Once in a Lifetime event as the fate of the worlds rests on the hands of the The Chosen One.
The work has been made available on Archive of Our Own.
- Astro Boy
- Avengers
- Battle Angel Alita
- Battlestar Galactica
- Casshan: Robot Hunter
- Celebrity Deathmatch
- Beavis and Butt-Head
- Jackass
- Jack Nicholson
- Marilyn Manson
- Monica
- Brandy Norwood
- Spice Girls
- Madonna
- Jennifer Lopez
- Ice Cube
- Chris Tucker
- Backstreet Boys
- 98 Degrees
- Whoopi Goldberg
- Blink-182
- Cheech
- Britney Spears
- Christina Aguilera
- Mandy Moore
- Dixie Chicks
- Joe Pesci
- Eddie Murphy
- Ringo Starr
- The Three Stooges
- Classical Mythology/Egyptian Mythology
- Cyborg 009
- Dragon Ball
- Doctor Who
- Frankenstein
- Ghost in the Shell
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Iron Man
- Inspector Gadget
- Let's Play
- Mega Man
- Monty Python's Flying Circus
- Mortal Kombat
- Mobile Suit Gundam
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Naruto
- Planet Dolan
- Power Rangers
- Sailor Moon
- Team Fortress 2
- The Terminator
- Transformers
- Action Fashionista: Hawk (Victoria) meets this due to remaining classy, even in a war.
- Affably Evil: Marilyn Manson is clearly evil, yet he acts like a gentleman.
- Badass Adorable: Too many to count...
- Hot Chick with a Sword: Emma had a katana.
- Cute Bruiser Mark learns what it plays never to mess with Spur (Emma), even without her sword.
- Kick Chick: Redd (Melanie of Liverpool)
- In Episode 8, Melanie of Liverpool kicks Liam, Shawn Michaels-style, in order to save Kim Cattral.
- Bar Brawl: Episode 3, this breaks out thanks to Frankenstein's Monster
- Full-Frontal Assault: The monster's choice to wear, much to the dismay of onlookers.
- Bargain with Heaven: Spice Girls made this deal, resulting in becoming Fusion Gundam.
- Bathe Them and Bring Them to Her: Subverted, as Athena orders that Spice Girls be sent to Nemesis but make sure they're given the spa treatment.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Be careful when making chainsaw near Spur, as she remembers when she was Emma and how got killed. She still remembers her karate skills.
- Berserk Button: Marilyn Manson is a walking version of this to Fusion Gundam.
- British Accents: Unlike Celebrity Deathmatch, the Brits are given their proper accents.
- Both Spur and Hawk has a Received Pronunciation accent, Hornet speaks in an Estuary type.
- Oop North: Redd has a Scouse accent, while United has a Yorkie one. Both were women named Melanie, coming from Liverpool and Leeds respectfully.
- Celestial Paragons and Archangels: There's one, mostly by goddesses. They're mostly neutral when it comes to affairs.
- Celestial Bureaucracy: A version is carried out.
- Council of Angels
- Divine Delegation
- Warrior Heaven
- Custom Uniform: Their armor as Fusion Gundam acts like this for Spice Girls.
- Cyborg: Gene has become this, which he's actually chilled with.
- This happens to the Spice Girls, as part of the automation, especially Melanie of Liverpool, she gets Brain-Computer Interface to go along with hers.
- Emma shows her new arm.
- Super Senses: Among the upgrades, which included Augmented Reality.
- Glowing Mechanical Eyes: Among the side-effects
- This happens to the Spice Girls, as part of the automation, especially Melanie of Liverpool, she gets Brain-Computer Interface to go along with hers.
- Genre Savvy: Pretty much everyone is aware of going on.
- Medium Awareness: Gene takes a moment to look at the audience after talking to Ace about Melanie of Liverpool, implying she's The Chosen One.
- During the bar fight, Fusion Gundam comments about the background, including their target.
- Episode 10, Melanie of Leeds, or just Mel for short, explains how she was paying to the story, which it was why wasn't worried.
- Background Music: Spur seems to like to dance to the music playing.
- Sting (music): Duns and Rimshots
- Medium Awareness: Gene takes a moment to look at the audience after talking to Ace about Melanie of Liverpool, implying she's The Chosen One.
- Human Traffic Jam: Hilariously done in Episode 12, at the Hedge Maze.
- I Always Wanted to Say That: This gets said, a lot, often at random.
- Nixxom calls out on this one.
- This Means War: Hornet (Geri) shouts this, explaining that she always wanted to. Skull also sneaks in this during the bar brawl.
- Episode 13, Groucho explains the situation to both Emma and Melaine of Liverpool.
- In Medias Res: Episode 8 starts to give a backstory on Fusion Gundam.
- Food Fight: Such fight occurs when Mike Tyson and Vince McMahon find Carrot Top's show boring.
- Pie in the Face: Victoria falls victim to this, upon getting out from her spot.
- Bonus Points for Benny Hill theme.
- Suddenly Voiced: Bigfoot didn't talk in the series but so here. He tries to be the Voice of Reason.
- Food Fight: Such fight occurs when Mike Tyson and Vince McMahon find Carrot Top's show boring.
- Involuntary Battle to the Death: Spice Girls were forced to fight Hanson despite having nothing to do with them.
- The Atoner: They later made peace with the brothers.
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Losing Your Head: This happens to Melanie of Liverpool during her automation.
- Icy Blue Eyes: Once hers was all done, Melanie of Liverpool ends up like this.
- Wetware CPU: She gets called that.
- Jacob Marley Apparel: All of the fallen still wears the clothes they were wearing on Deathmatch.
- Limited Wardrobe: The outfits Spice Girls were wearing changes from the original color to white, upon becoming part of Fusion Gundam.
- Kent Brockman News: Leave it to Johnny Knoxville.
- Last-Name Basis: The narration addresses many with this, while the in-story doesn't. This justified since it's common for more than one person to share the same first name.
- Loss of Identity: Averted... the Council of Angels requested the personality of each of the Spice Girls remains intact, as humanity is needed.
- Cybernetics Eat Your Soul: They want to defy this. However, Melanie is a different matter...
- Mass "Oh Crap": Pretty much reaction by the in-story viewers when they learned about what Spice Girls happen to own, same goes with Hanson.
- Artistic License: Law: Tal has a point when he asks on who gave Hanson the items they had. Nearly all the United States, something a sword or ax would be unlikely given to a child. In the UK, many permits are needed to carry some of the weapon owned by The Spice Girls, while not at all, even with permits.
- Rule of Cool
- Meaningful Name: The Fusion Gundam names are references to the hometown or birthplace (in Hawk's case) soccer teams of Spice Girls.
- Meatgrinder Surgery: Episode 10 didn't shy away from this as the Spice Girls were subjected to.
- Meta Fic: There's in-story commentary, with includes PewDiePie.
- No Sex Allowed: Downplayed, as they simply lost the drive.
- Petting Zoo People: With their mecha suit on, they take on Robotic Wolves.
- Pop-Cultured Badass: Nick had Melanie's mixtape, leaving the CDM wonder if they were too harsh on both Hanson and Spice Girls when they called them "annoying" given the playlist.
- Public Bathhouse Scene: Many goes to such after the food fight.
- Non-Nude Bathing: None of them are able to be nude.
- Revenge Fic: Fusion Gundam's main motive on fighting Manson. He was responsible for destroying their old lives as Spice Girls.
- Robot Girl/Robotic Angel: Without their armor, Spice Girls this.
- Winged Humanoid/Holy Halo
- Glowing Mechanical Eyes: Their eyes glow a bright blue, despite their original eye color.
- Holy Hand Grenade: One of them...
- Say Hello to My Little Friend: Twiggy and Savio all scream out, the latter in a Bar Brawl.
- Scooby-Dooby Doors: They have this in a cornfield. Bonus Points for having the song Corona by the Minutemen.
- It happens again in Episode 12, with a hedge maze filling in.
- She Fu: Both Spur and Redd still remember their martial arts when they were Emma and Melanie of Liverpool.
- Spirit World: It has a host of the fallen, angels, scientists, engineers, doctors, and paranormal team.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: Nick pretty much confesses to kidnapping, while Debbie confronts about a mixtape she found that belongs to Melanie of Liverpool.
- Take Cover: Parodied as Backstreet Boys takes cover behind Emma and Mel, while Victoria had under the table she was at during the food fight.
- Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Hawk (Victoria) is seen drinking tea, while Spur tries to get a soda. Zatar the Alien and Frankenstein's monster doesn't seem to many.
- T-Boz and Chili were too busy with their arm-wrestling match to pay attention to the food fight.
- Unwilling Roboticisation: Adam Sandler claims the Spice Girls willing went through for such measure, but this may be the case as they weren't told why they were brought to the hotel.
- They later about this but understood the reasons behind it.
- Gilded Cage: They were brought into a hotel, not knowing they're there.
- Were Once Human: Fusion Gundam used to be the Spice Girls.
- What an Idiot!: Christina takes the chance to nailed both Rosie O'Donnell and Missy Elliott. Britney quickly calls her out on this. Marc calls her a what a little shit.
- Would Hit a Girl: Manson didn't have qualms about killing Spice Girls back at "Deathbowl 98"
- Would Hurt a Child: Ditto with Hanson
- Worthy Opponent: Well, they're planing a five on five.