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The original version of this article was written by the writer of the work being discussed. Other viewpoints are requested.

Written on Wattpad by Beta_Log_86 (under username Beta_Mat_86), Final Stand of Death is a Continuation/Crack Fic of the animated MTV program, Celebrity Deathmatch.

Following some time after the events, Marilyn Manson learns he's marked for death once again and more is at stake? Seeing this could be the end, Manson opts to see this threat once and for all. This group has been given a new suit of armor in order to interact with both worlds and remembers the final moments of their human life. One of them has the one thing that could settle the matter. With the attention reaching as many as possible, this could become Once in a Lifetime event as the fate of the worlds rests on the hands of the The Chosen One.

The work has been made available on Archive of Our Own.

As a Mega Crossover fanfic, Final Stand of Death incorporates elements from the following works:
Tropes used in Final Stand of Death include: