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Finder's Keepers is an Urban Fantasy webcomic focusing on the exploits of Cardinal, Lord and Aspect of the Primary Directions and some other stuff, and Cailyn Asher, the owner of his Soul Jar through a bit of poor choice of words. Now she's being chased by Living Shadows, meeting The Powers That Be face to face, and discovering that pretty much every myth she's ever heard is true... but not always the way she heard it.

Finder's Keepers is written and drawn by Garth Cameron Graham, also the author of the now-ended Slice of Life webcomic Comedity.

Not to be confused with Finders Keepers, the Nickelodeon game show of the same name.

Tropes in Finder's Keepers include:[]

  • Absurdly Sharp Blade: The Cutting Edge. Remember that "many things on this side [of the Veil] are more literal than you might imagine."
    • Fridge Logic: It is the line between theory and reality, between what is defined and what isn't, between open and locked, perhaps between knowing and not knowing. It seems Lady Death has given the key to the answer to all questions right at the start of the story but no-one is the wiser.
  • Bazaar of the Bizarre: The Wyrd Bazaar.
  • Bigger on the Inside: Morlock's shop. According to Cardinal, "Doors don't have to open to the same place on both sides."
  • Bilingual Bonus: Sort of. If you know how to read Tarot, then you can see exactly why it is that the fortuneteller in Chapter 5 reacted the way he did.
  • Clap Your Hands If You Believe
  • Could Say It, But...: Robin leans on this here.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Cailyn, mixed with enough Good Old Ways style Fey terminology that she instantly gets on Robin's good side.
  • Exact Words: Cailyn refuses to surrender Cardinal's Soul Jar until she knows exactly what's going on. Now Cardinal can't take it back from her until the Umbra explain why they're after him... something they seem reluctant to do.
  • Fantasy Gun Control: Justified(scroll down).
  • Fantasy Kitchen Sink: "Every myth, every belief, every dream, every nightmare, they all are residents of this side. The Veil separates the Every-Day from the Every-Daydream. If Humanity has dreamt it up, you'll find it lurking around here somewhere."
  • Fiery Redhead: Cailyn.
  • First-Episode Resurrection: The story begins with a flashback of Cardinal dying, and Cailyn claiming his soul as a result.
  • Forgot I Could Find Literally Anything:

 Cailyn: I can take care of myself.

Cardinal: So you keep saying. Yet, I still don't like it. How will I find you afterward?


Cardinal: Oh. Right. Nevermind.
