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Trivia for the Game Show.

  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Eure starred in Days of Our Lives and Land of the Lost several years prior. Toffler would later appear as a contestant on several game shows (Debt, Greed, and Russian Roulette, to name a few) — yes, after his stint as a host.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Harvey, announcer for the first Eure season, also announced Double Dare.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: Since the demise of Nick GaS, the series is no longer being rerun. Moreover, GaS only had around 60% of the 195 episode run in its rota, including about 10 episodes from the 1987 season with Harvey, although another 12-14 episodes from that period are known to be on the trading circuit.
    • The two celebrity weeks from the Toffler series were never shown on Nick GaS, although at least one episode from each week is known to be on the trading circuit (including an episode from the Josie Davis/Emily Schulman week which finished as a tie; Josie and Emily ran the Romp together, with any prizes won going to both of their teammates).