In Finding Nemo, Gil calls Nemo "Sharkbait" as a nickname. "Sharkbait" is a synonym for "Chum." Gil is a Crazy Prepared driven genius with a penchant for overly elaborate plans. Gil is Batman.
He's also a Moorish idol, a type of fish infamous for taking really poorly to captivity. If it wasn't a deliberate bonus on Pixar's part for viewers who would know, it's interesting to note. And an extra point of already strong irony for the Red Stapler Effect the movie suffered from.
Crush mentions that "Mr. Turtle" is his father. That would make his name Crush Turtle. Or C. Turtle.
Gil was voiced by William Dafoe, who also played Jesus Christ in "The Last Temptation of Christ". It is known that early Christians depicted Christ as a fish.