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Characters from Fire Emblem: Engage include:
Main Characters[]
The protagonist and child of the Divine Dragon, Queen Lumera, who's been asleep for a thousand years. The game begins with them awakening at last, starting to rediscover the world around them, and then starting to fight the forces of the Fell Dragon Sombron alias, their actual father
Tropes exhibited by this character include:
- Amnesiac Hero: They can't remember their life or anything that happened before going into their deep sleep. They do eventually get those memories back, though, and it helps them come to a greater understanding of who they are.
- Heroic BSOD: Just narrowly averts this trope when Griss mockingly reveals their true heritage in front of the entire army, and even considers running away because they're a fraud. Luckily, they keep their wits enough to ask Emblem Sigurd for the true story, and he's able to remind them that they're Lumera's child just as much, perhaps even more.
- Multicolored Hair: Half red, half blue. There's a huge reason for it: as the much abused child of Sombron, they were a redehad - but after Lumera took them in and used her powers to revive them, half of it turned blue.
The crown Prince of Firene. A cheerful guy who loves to work out and help his friends.
Tropes exhibited by this character include:
- Blade on a Stick
- Deadly Distant Finale: If the player doesn't S-Rank him.
- Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Is blonde and is one of the sweetest people in the army, if not a bit dense at times.
- Ill Boy: Was one in his past, and still has spells of it now and then. This is the reason he works out so much, hoping the exercise will help boost his immune system.
The crown Prince of Brodia. While he looks serious, he's a very social and jovial person who loves to laugh.
Tropes exhibited by this character include:
- The Ace: Deconstructed. While he is strong, skilled, and incredibly smart, he secretly has a lot of anxieties about Brodia's future and tends to bottle up his emotions. This comes up both in his supports with Alcryst, and Alcryst's post-battle dialogue in chapter 15 when they run into Veyle for the first time since finding out she helped kill their father and took the Emblem Rings.
- Big Brother Instinct: Cares deeply for Alcryst and tries to help him overcome his self-deprecation.
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Hollywood Tone Deaf: He tries to sing in public during his B support with Timerra. The results are...not good. Though that's also due to his discomfort and the rather terrible lyrics he comes up with.
- Nice Guy: Can support two of his former enemies, Princess Ivy (who attacked Brodia castle) and Veyle, who played a major role in his father's death. He's kind to Ivy and gives her a stone to make her feel braver at night, and is willing to talk to Veyle and let her help him once she joins Alear's side.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Is terrified of fire due to a mistake he made handling magic as a child. He trains with mages every day to overcome it.
The crown Princess of Elusia. Solemn and serious.
Tropes exhibited by this character include:
- Adorkable: Her supports show that she's actually quite awkward and cute despite initially coming off as scary and sad.
- Badass Princess
- Big Sister Instinct: Towards Hortensia. Even when they're actually half-sisters, but it seems she got along with Hortensia's late mom.
- Rebellious Princess: Chose to worship the Divine Dragon instead of Sombron like the rest of Elusia.
- Why Did It Have To Be Snakes?: Terrified of ghosts.
The Crown Princess of Solm. Cheerful, carefree, and dedicated to her role.
Tropes exhibited by this character include:
- Badass Princess
- Blade on a Stick
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: She may seem like a typical free-spirited royal who comes and goes as she pleases and sings silly songs, but she takes her role as the next Queen of Solm very seriously.
- Cute But Cacophonic: She and her retainers are called "The Racket of Solm" for a reason.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Meat!
A mysterious young girl Alear encounters several times throughout their journey. She's actually their younger sister, the other surviving child of Sombron, and has been looking for them all this time.
Tropes exhibited by this character include:
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Invoked by Zephia, who uses magic to awaken Veyle's draconic instincts so she'll be the Fell Child Sombron needs her to be and do his evil bidding.
- Break the Cutie: Dear lord, this poor girl goes through hell.
- Dark Magical Girl: This cute young girl has been severely broken in the past, and has to suffer the consequences in the present. Especially regarding her Evil Self's actions.
- Easily Forgiven: Subverted. While most of Veyle's supports are with people who encourage her while she tries to make a fresh start or want to help her with her atonement, Hortensia starts out their chain angry as she remembers how evil!Veyle laughed as Sombron devoured King Hyacinth. It takes until their A support for Hortensia to start coming around, and even then she's not 100% sure. She's presented as being perfectly justified as well, and Veyle understands.
- My God, What Have I Done?: When she realizes she's responsible for so much death and destruction while under Zephia's control, and that Marni died trying to save her from it.
Alfred's younger sister, the Princess of Firene.
- Beware the Nice Ones: She outright states she's not afraid to be ruthless if it means protecting Firene.
- Collateral Angst: Downplayed. She worries about Alfred's health to the point where she has nightmares about his death, but it doesn't run her life and his POV about the situation is far from absent.
- Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: She really is a kind person who wants to do all she can for others.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Chloe and Etie
- Spot of Tea: Drinks a lot of tea to relax due to the stress of the war and her worries about her brother
- Tender Tears: Cries pretty easily, especially when he's reading a good book with an emotional story.
- Bizarre Taste in Food: She loves all manner of folk foods most people find nauseating.
- Yuri Fanboy: Implied to be one in Japanese. The localization makes him a general people-watcher and gives him Bi the Way tendencies.
Diamant's younger brother, the second Prince of Brodia. He's apologetic to a fault and holds the lowest opinion of himself, but cares deeply for others.
- Always Someone Better: Sees Diamant as this, and it doesn't help that so many people in the castle do as well according to Alcryst's supports with Fogado and Boucheron.
- Apologizes a Lot: And how!
- Beware the Nice Ones: He's a kind person, but he doesn't take kindly to people hurting the ones he cares about. Or playing a role in his father's death.
- Big Brother Worship: Alcryst admires Diamant deeply and wants to protect him. This is part of the reason for his self-esteem issues, though, as he tends to put Diamant on a pedestal when even Diamant has to remind him no one's flawless.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: Due to years of people dismissing him as inferior to Diamant and him internalizing it as his own failure in addition to genuinely seeing Diamant as flawless, rather than blaming his brother for being talented.
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Saphir
- You Are Better Than You Think You Are: This is the crux of many of his supports.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Always Someone Better: Jade, ever since she beat him at the tournament where Diamant would pick his retainers.
- Always Second Best: Has a bit of a complex about this as a result.
- Blade on a Stick: Starts as a lance knight.
- Bodyguard Crush: It's subtle, but he seems to have one on Diamant
- Butt Monkey: He means well, but his tendency to rush into things and try to be a hero leads to him screwing up, and this is the main plot of one of Jade's book series.
- Cry Cute: Diamant asked him to be his second retainer when he found Amber alone, crying over his loss.
- Cute Clumsy Boy: Many of his supports involve him doing some sort of pratfall.
- Fantasy-Forbidding Father: His parents didn't want him to enter the tournament to become a retainer for unknown reasons. Though when he came in second the entire hamlet called it a miracle and they haven't tried to demand he come home, so the reason was probably they were afraid he'd lose and end up heartbroken.
- Farm Boy: Technically, but rather than opportunity knocking on his door, he sought it out and wound up retainer to the Crown Prince of Brodia.
- The Stoic: Subverted. She looks the part and has the voice to go with it, but she's actually a highly skilled comedy writer with a wicked sense of humor.
- Bodyguard Crush: Downplayed. She's clearly very fond of Alcryst and is hinted to fancy him a bit, but she's not as overt about it as past examples in the franchise.
- Penny Among Diamonds: While she's not the only commoner among Brodia's retainers (Jade, Amber, and Saphir also come from humble backgrounds), she's the poorest due to her village's lack of fertility for growing crops. She's self-conscious about this fact and tries to hide it, including the useful skills that her background gave her.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: Not as bad as Alcryst, but she constantly fears people will think she became Alcryst's retainer simply because of nepotism. So she trains herself ragged in hopes of becoming strong enough to have earned it.
- Spoiled Sweet: Is exceedingly wealthy and will gladly spend that wealth on her friends.
- You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Gets this from Alcryst in their supports.
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Alcryst
- Broken Bird: Had a tough childhood as a girl named Larimar, forced to be an assassin by her cruel adoptive father
- You Are Better Than You Think You Are: In some of her supports, particularly from Seadall and Alfred
The first Prince of Solm, Timerra's younger brother. He's cheerful, carefree, and a bit of a flirt.
- Cry Cute: In his support with Pandreo after admitting he's afraid of losing anyone to the war.
- Hidden Depths: He comes off as a playful party boy and a flirt, but he takes his duties as a Sentinel and as a Prince very seriously. He's also known to offer some pearls of wisdom to his support partners (Clanne, Rosado) or emotional support (Alcryst, Yunaka).
- Little Brother Instinct: He's actually very supportive and protective of his big sister Timerra, always wanting to find a way to help her and to spend time with her. (The latter even results in him trying to make a doll of himself that can keep her company!)
- Nice Guy
- Stepford Smiler: His party boy nature is often a cover for his anxieties about the war and Solm's future.
- The Dutiful Son: Stayed behind with his and Panette's parents, then to take over their church when they finally abandoned it.
- Hidden Depths: Despite being a howling party boy, he's deeply religious and carries some baggage from his abusive, neglective parents.
- Cuteness Proximity: And how!
- The Runaway: Left her abusive, neglectful parents years ago.
- Weight Woe: Sort of. He's slender and lithe, but is obsessed with staying that way to the point of denying himself his favorite foods. Many of his supports revolve around his partners trying to ease him away from that mentality.
The second Princess of Elusia and Ivy's younger half-sister.
- Attention Whore: Deconstructed. She's constantly seeking validation and praise because her mother was King Hyacinth's mistress, and was hated by the Elusian royal court until she won them over with her smile and grace even in the face of their worst insults and barbs. This led her to realize charm had a power, and she wants to use it to make sure she wins people over as easily.
- Break the Cutie: The poor kid does not have an easy time of it during the story.
- Child Prodigy: Skipped a few grades at the Elusia Royal Academy due to her high intelligence.
- Heroic Bastard: Technically, as she's the child of one of King Hyacinth's mistresses.
- Stepford Smiler: Big time. Rosado calls her on this in their supports, several times, telling her to just be herself.
- Attention Whore: In his supports with Fogado, he's offended when Fogado refuses to tell him he's the cutest thing ever. He calms down in the end, though, when he realizes Fogado really doesn't like playing the comparison game.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Oh yes.
- In Touch with His Feminine Side: While he's a veritable badass with his axe on the battlefield, he loves painting, trying on cute clothes, styling his hair, and other ladylike activities. And this is never once a source of comic relief or a flaw that needs to be fixed - he's proud of who he is, and his peers completely accept and admire him for it.
- Attention Whore: Demands praise and adoration for her many talents and skills. Boucheron even lampshades it in their supports.
- Hidden Heart of Gold: Despite her ego and constant demands for praise, Goldmary is a kind person who genuinely cares for her friends.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: Downplayed in her support with Framme, where she casually starts stripping upon finding a lake near an apple-picking spot. Framme is appalled, but Goldmary explains that growing up surrounded by hot springs, she's used to bathing in the open. (And of course the player doesn't see anything.)
- The JailBait Wait: In her S-support. This was Bowdlerized in the English version to make it about them being friends, due to Values Dissonance. (Japanese media has less of a taboo around older men waiting for young girls to come of age before marrying them.)
- Deadly Distant Finale: Passes away peacefully sometime after the end of the war. Notably, he is the only character whom the Pact Ring cannot avert this for.
- Intergenerational Friendship: Most of his supports, being that he's the oldest of the playable characters.
- The Mentor: Hortensia wants him to be this to her.
- Together in Death: Is reunited with his wife in the afterlife sometime after the war.
The Four Hounds[]
- Four Is Death: There's four of them, and they're incredibly dangerous.
- Dying Declaration of Love: To Zephia. Granted, he frames it in a platonic sense, but the final shot of the two is Griss holding Zephia's hand, a classic Together in Death pose.
- Never Speak Ill of the Dead: While she was alive, Marni was quite the moody brat who only cared about being praised, but her last moments were spent trying to do the right thing and save Veyle. Because of this, Veyle and Mauvier remember her as a tragic knight and barely ever discuss her faults. Justified in that not only did Marni tell him about her backstory on the trip back to Lythos, she literally died in his arms after her attempt to save Veyle seemingly failed, which would naturally eclipse anything prior. In the case of Veyle, she learned the circumstances of Marni's death and what Marni tried to do for her after the fact, and part of her reverence is motivated by guilt at never getting to say goodbye or thank her.
Alternate Elyos[]
The Four Winds[]
- Interrupted Declaration of Love: Mauvier warps her to safety before she can confess her feelings for him.
- Loving a Shadow: Calls Mauvier out for trying to give her the praise he feels guilty for never giving Marni, before admitting to herself that she's just as guilty of conflating this world's Mauvier with her own.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Warps the other three to safety as the temple collapses around them, and dies alone so they can live.
- The Lost Lenore: Is this to Madeline for quite a while. She vows in her A support with the main Elyos's Mauvier to stop clinging to her own, though, and apologizes for having conflated him with her own lost love.
- Together in Death: His last words are addressing the deceased-in-this-world Veyle, telling her he'll be with her soon.