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Characters introduced in Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light and Shadow Dragon[]

Main and Playable Characters[]

Prince Marth of Altea (Mars)[]

FireEmblem Marth 7376

The prince and heir of the kingdom of Altea, and the hero of most of the Archanea games. Exiled to Talys in the beginning of the War of Shadows after his father was betrayed by former ally Gra, Marth united the forces of Altea, Aurelis and Archanea to rise up against Dolhr and kill the revived Medeus. Three years later, he clashed head-on with the mad Emperor Hardin of Archanea in the War of Heroes. In time, Archanea would come to be united under his rule as the War of Heroes took its toll on the rulers of other nations, and he would go down in history as the legendary Star Lord and Hero King; thousands of years later, his descendants are the royal family of Ylisse, including Chrom, Emmeryn, Lissa and Lucina.


 Class: Lord (most appearances), Star Lord (Awakening DLC and Spot Pass)

Voiced by: Hikaru Midorikawa (Japanese, OVA and all versions of Super Smash Bros), Ai Orikasa (Japanese, OVA [child]), Spike Spencer (English, OVA)



FireEmblem Frey 3931

A knight of Altea. During Marth's escape, Frey volunteered himself as a decoy to lure the invading Gra/Grust army away from Marth and was seemingly killed. In New Mystery of the Emblem, it was revealed that he was left for dead by the invading army and, after recovering from amnesia, reunites with Marth after the War of Darkness.


 Class: Cavalier



FireEmblem Abel 2185

A knight of Altea and close friend of Cain, known as the Black Panther. He was one of the retinue of Altean knights who aided Marth in escaping Altea and accompanied him in his Talys exile. He fell in love with Est after the War of Darkness, and retired early from the army to run a shop with Est. Unfortunately, Abel was later forced to fight against his prince and country in the second war, although he can be persuaded to rejoin again after speaking to either Marth or Est.


 Class: Cavalier (FE1, FE11), Paladin (FE3, FE12)

Voiced by: Ryotaro Okiayu (Japanese, OVA), Bryan Bounds (English, OVA)


Cain (Kain)[]

FireEmblem Cain 7233

A knight of Altea and close friend of Abel, known as the Great Bull. At the onset of the War of Shadows, he fought in the battle at Gra in which King Cornelius was killed, and was sent back to bring Marth the king's last words; he then accompanied the prince in his exile to Talys.


 Class: Cavalier

Voiced by: Nobuyuki Hiyama (Japanese, OVA), Kyle Stuadvant (English, OVA)


Jagen (Jeigan)[]

FireEmblem Jagen 4675

A veteran knight of Altea. He acts as Marth's guardian and is one of the people Marth turns to for guidance. After the War of Shadows, he retired from active service as a knight and instead took up the position of Marth's advisor.


 Class: Paladin

Voiced by: Seizo Kato (Japanese, OVA), John Swasey (English, OVA)


  • Ascended Extra: In FE1/FE11 he was just a character who had a few lines (though the same goes for most characters in those games). In FE3/FE12, he's now an important NPC and Marth's tactician.
  • Badass Grandpa: Moreso in story than ingame, though he can have his uses early on.
  • Cool Old Guy
  • Crutch Character: He was formerly the trope namer for this, and among the fandom continues to name, define and exemplify it as an archetype. A villager in Shadow Dragon lampshades it.
  • Demoted to Extra: Though he played a much more prominent role in the sequel's story as Marth's advisor, he's still one of a handful of characters from Dark Dragon/Shadow Dragon to not be playable at all in New Mystery. Oddly, he still wears full armour as if he would be.
  • Fountain of Expies: As the progenitor of the "Jeigan Archetype".
  • Old Retainer: He's served Marth for a long time.
  • Old Soldier
  • The Paladin: In Name Only.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": His name was widely translated as Jeigan before the game officially made it out of Japan. This has led to an interesting quirk in the fandom - calling Jagen himself by the name Jagen is now near-universal, but the archetype he started is still generally called "Jeigan".
  • Spikes of Heroism: Seriously, you could kill several men at once on those shoulderspikes.
  • The Strategist: In Book 2, which he actually does very well at.
  • 24-Hour Armor: For some reason, he still wears his full battle armour while serving as Marth's tactician, despite being unable to fight himself.

Gordin (Gohdon, Gorden)[]

FireEmblem Gordin 729

An archer in the service of Altea and a friend of Draug's. During Marth's escape at the onset of the War of Shadows, he was captured by the enemy and disguised as one of their soldiers as a trap, but is saved by Marth and accompanies him in his exile to Talys. After the war, he moves to Akaneia to train under Jeorge, and later serves as an inspiration to his younger brother Raian.


 Class: Archer

Voiced by: Akira Ishida (Japanese, OVA), Kurt Stoll (English, OVA)


Draug (Dohga)[]

FireEmblem Draug 8355

Draug is an armoured knight in the service of Altea. At the onset of the War of Shadows, he prepares a ship to allow Marth and his cohort to escape Altea, and is shown to be friendly towards the new recruit Norne.


 Class: Knight

Voiced by: Yasuhiko Kawazu (Japanese, OVA), Jason Lee (English, OVA)


Norne (Norn)[]

FireEmblem Norne 2721

A volunteer soldier who joins Marth as he is fleeing Altea. She appears to befriend Draug and Gordin and is an old childhood friend of Chris.


 Class: Archer


Princess Caeda of Talys (Shiida, Sheeda)[]

FireEmblem Caeda 8194

Caeda is the pure-hearted princess of Talys, trained as a pegasus knight. She is a childhood friend of Marth, the two having grown up together. She joins Marth in his quest, staying by his side most of the time and is also responsible for recruiting various people, including Castor, Nabarl, Roger, Jake, and Lorenz. After the War of Shadows, she becomes Marth's fiancée, but the two don't get around to marrying until after the War of Heroes.


 Class: Pegasus Knight

Voiced by: Sakura Tange (Japanese, OVA), Kim Sevier (English, OVA)


  • Action Girl
  • All-Loving Heroine: She's capable of recruiting a large number of characters because of this.
  • Badass Princess
  • Blade on a Stick
  • Crutch Weapon: The remake gives Caeda the Wing Spear, an Expy of Marth's Rapier, to compensate for her rather weak start and her newfound inability (thanks to the introduction of weapon ranks) to grab Jagen's silver lance as compensation.
  • Everything's Better with Princesses: One of the many princesses appearing in the game, and surprisingly doesn't end up as a Distressed Damsel in any of the games she appears in.
  • Heroic Seductress: While generally an overall nice girl, there is a reason why she is required to recruit almost all of the units that start out as enemies, despite having absolutely no past connection with them and relying solely on her "feminine wiles." This is especially apparent in her recruit conversation with Roger; poor guy betrayed his country because he was led on to think he actually had a chance.
  • Fragile Speedster
  • Hello, Nurse!: She has several admirers.
    • Lady in Red - Show Some Leg: She flirts with Roger right on the battlefield so he can join the Akaneian League, and IT WORKS.
  • I Uh You Too: Her and Marth in the epilogue
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something
  • Spell My Name with an "S": One of the worst cases, given she was stuck with multiple English-language name changes. Sheeda, Shiida, Caeda, Sheyda, or even Sheda have all seen use at some point or another.
  • Tsundere: The OVA interprets her as this with Marth. 
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair

Wrys (Riff)[]

FireEmblem Wrys 1989

Wrys is a healer from Talys who joins Marth to defend his nation from the pirates.


 Class: Curate


Ogma (Oguma)[]

250px-OgumaDS 1862

Ogma is a hard-edged mercenary who leads the mercenary trio Barst, Bord and Cord. He was a gladiator at first and was drafted to the Talysian army when Caeda stopped several people from punishing him after he aided in Samto's escape. Ogma then dedicated his life to being the princess's bodyguard and was eventually handpicked as the guard of both her and Marth during the latter's quest.


 Class: Mercenary

Voiced by: Jurota Kosugi (Japanese, OVA), Rob Mungle (English, OVA)


Barst (Barts)[]

FireEmblem Barst 2177

Barst is one of the three axe fighters in the Talys mercenary group. Like the two of his fellow axe-wielding mercenaries, Bord and Cord, he is under the command of Ogma.


 Class: Fighter

Voiced by: Wataru Takagi (Japanese, OVA), Charles Campbell


  • An Axe to Grind
  • Heroic Neutral: In New Mystery of the Emblem. After the War of Darkness, he retired from being a mercenary and just wished to live peacefully as a lumberjack. During the War of Heroes, one of his fellow mercenaries (either Ogma, Cord, or Bord) convince him to fight alongside Marth once again.
  • Jack of All Stats: Could be considered the axe wielding counterpart to Ogma, and has the most balanced growths and starting stats compared to Bord and Cord.
  • Put on a Bus: Didn't appear in the second book of Mystery of the Emblem. This was remedied in Heroes of Light and Shadow.
  • Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?: Lampshaded in New Mystery.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair

Bord (Saji)[]

FireEmblem Bord 2569

Bord is a Talys mercenary under Ogma. After the war, he becomes a woodcutter renowned for his skill.


 Class: Fighter


Cord (Maji)[]

FireEmblem Cord 2588

Cord is a Talys mercenary under Ogma. After the war, he becomes a woodcutter renowned for his speed.


 Class: Fighter


  • An Axe to Grind
  • Art Evolution: He was slowly visually differentiated from Bord as more Akaneia games were released.
  • Put on a Bus: Didn't appear in the second book of Mystery of the Emblem. This was remedied in Heroes of Light and Shadow.
  • You All Look Familiar: Lampshaded in New Mystery. If you recruit Barst with Cord, the former mistakes him for Bord at first.

Castor (Kashim)[]

FireEmblem Castor 1090

Castor is a hunter from Talys who was forced to leave his home and work with bandits and pirates to pay for the money needed to tend to both his sickly mother and many siblings. During the War of Shadows, Caeda convinces him to join Marth's army and promises to pay for his mother's medicine. By the time of Mystery of the Emblem, however, Castor has become a swindler, playing up his pitiful act and his mother's illness to gain more money.


 Class: Hunter

Voiced by: Hideyuki Hori (Japanese, BS Fire Emblem)


  • All There in the Manual: The developer's notes revealed that after the War of Shadows, Castor returned home only to find that one of his younger sisters sold herself into slavery to pay for the family's needs, and thus Castor tracked her down to Port Warren, where he found her left dead in a back ally. After this, Castor vowed to make enough money to sure this never would happen to his siblings again, leading him to become the swindler he is during Mystery of the Emblem.
  • The Archer
  • Bow and Sword In Accord: upon promotion
  • Dead Little Sister
  • Only in It For the Money: A more sympathetic example than most, however.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair

Darros (Daros)[]

FireEmblem Darros 7974

A pirate who grew sick of the lifestyle and sought to join Marth's army as soon as he heard Marth was in the area.


 Class: Pirate (FE1, FE11), Berserker (FE12)


  • An Axe to Grind
  • The Atoner: Implied in support conversations with My Unit.
  • The Berserker: In New Mystery.
  • Boisterous Bruiser
  • Pirate: A Type 2 that wanted to escape the Type 1 lifestyle.
  • Put on a Bus: Didn't appear in the second book of Mystery of the Emblem. This was remedied in Heroes of Light and Shadow.
  • What Could Have Been: He along with Wrys, Jake, Roger, Beck, and to a lesser extent Gotoh were meant to return as playable characters in the SNES remake but were scrapped during development.


FireEmblem Julian 5258

A thief who was part of the Soothsires, but betrayed them to save Lena, and joins Marth's army alongside her. In Mystery of the Emblem, he and Lena are living together, but he is forced back into the fight after she is kidnapped.


 Class: Thief

Voiced by: Kappei Yamaguchi (Japanese, OVA), Brett Weaver (English, OVA)


Lena (Rena)[]

FireEmblem Lena 1272

A noblewoman and cleric from Medon who was raised in Grust and is an acquaintance of Camus. Originally chosen to wed Prince Michalis of Medon, she ran away from Medon and was eventually captured by the Soothsires. However, one of the Soothsires, Julian, freed her, and together they joined Marth's army. In Mystery of the Emblem, she starts an orphanage in Medon with Julian and her new apprentice Malliesia, but is kidnapped by Gharnef.....


 Class: Cleric (FE1, FE11), Bishop (FE3, FE12)

Voiced by: Michiko Neya (Japanese, OVA and BS Fire Emblem), Tiffany Grant (English, OVA)


Nabarl (Navarre)[]

250px-NabarlDS 8180

A stoic swordfighter known as the Crimson Fencer who is often found fighting alongside bandits. He seems to hold himself to a moral code of never harming women or children. In Mystery of the Emblem, he appears protecting the dancer Feena. He appears to know Ogma, but how they met is currently unknown.


Class: Mercenary (FE1, FE3), Myrmidon (FE11, FE12)

Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu (Japanese, OVA and FE: Heroes), Shinichiro Ohta (Japanese, BS Fire Emblem), Aaron Krhon (English, OVA)


Merric (Marich)[]

250px-MarichDS 2594

An Altean nobleman and childhood friend of Marth and Elice. He has spent years in Khadein training in magic under Wendell, and is the current holder of the Excalibur spell. In Mystery of the Emblem, he is cornered by his rival Ellerean, but is saved by Marth and Wendell.


 Class: Mage


Matthis (Machis)[]

FireEmblem Matthis 6269

Lena's brother, a lowly soldier of Medon forced to fight against Marth's army under penalty of death if he refuses. In Mystery of the Emblem, he pretty much serves the same role, only now as a soldier of the Medon rebel army.


 Class: Cavalier


Prince Hardin of Aurelis[]

FireEmblem Hardin 120

The younger brother of the King of Aurelis, and leader of its resistance against Dolhr. Hardin is in love with Princess Nyna of Akaneia, but seems to be unaware of her feelings for Camus. After joining with Marth's army, Hardin quickly befriends the young lord.


Class: Cavalier (FE1, FE11), Emperor (FE3, FE12)

Voiced by: Hideyuki Hori (Japanese, BS Fire Emblem), Kazuhiro Nakaya (FE: Heroes)



FireEmblem Wolf 8422

Hardin's right hand man, and is fiercely loyal to him. After the war, Wolf becomes the captain of the newly formed Wolfguard and continues to serve Hardin even after his fall into madness.


 Class: Horseman


Sedgar (Zagaro)[]

FireEmblem Sedgar 1757

A Knight of Aurelis and the right hand man to Wolf. After the war, he joins the newly-formed Wolfguard, and after the events of Mystery of the Emblem, succeeds Wolf as leader.


 Class: Horseman


Roshea (Roshe)[]

FireEmblem Roshea 6516

A Knight of Aurelis under Hardin. After the war, he joins the Wolfguard, but spends some time in Altea first. In Mystery of the Emblem, he is the first (and in the original, only) of the Wolfguard to defect and join Marth's army.


 Class: Cavalier (FE1, FE11), Paladin (FE3, FE12)


  • Bishonen
  • Defector From Decadence: In Mystery of the Emblem. Starts the chain for the other Wolfguard members to do the same in New Mystery.
  • My Master, Right or Wrong: Though Roshea is the only member of Wolfguard who wonders if Hardin is himself.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Roshea is young and has pink/purple hair and armor. But in some versions of the game, he's one of the best cavaliers.

Vyland (Biraku)[]

FireEmblem Vyland 6733

A Knight of Aurelis under Hardin. After the war, he joins the Wolfguard. He seems to be one of the more sensible members of the group.


 Class: Cavalier (FE1, FE11), Paladin (FE3, FE12)



FireEmblem Wendell 4133

A sage of Khadein and the teacher of Merric and Ellerean. He dislikes war, but is forced to fight against his will.


 Class: Sage


  • Cool Old Guy
  • Crutch Character: Can be considered the magical version of the Jeigan archetype.
  • Fan Nickname: Either "Windell" or "The Pope", the 2nd one for obvious reasons if you look at his portrait.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: Apparently, he has no love for war, but for some reason in FE 11 he will attack you by default until you talk to him with Marth or Merric. This was changed in FE 3 book 1, where he was found in a prison cell. In FE 1, he would go up to Marth and talk with him.
  • Martial Pacifist: Does not like war, as stated above. However, he will fight if he has to.
  • Squishy Wizard

Rickard (Ricard, Ricardo)[]

FireEmblem Rickard 4480

A stray thief who is friends with Julian.


 Class: Thief

Voiced by: Kazue Ikura (Japanese, BS Fire Emblem)



FireEmblem Athena 1444

A woman who was saved from drowning by a group of Akaneian villagers. In order to repay their kindness, she vows to save the village's children from the pirates in the area. After working with Marth to defeat the pirates, she insists that he let her in his army. In New Mystery, she can appear in the prologue helping to train the new recruits, and later appears after being ambushed by Kleine.


 Class: Myrmidon


Bantu (Banutu)[]

FireEmblem Bantu 5906

An elderly Manakete who serves under Gotoh. He is the one who unsealed Tiki and raised her as they traveled the world.


 Class: Manakete


Caesar (Seazer)[]

FireEmblem Caesar 640

A mercenary from Port Warren who joins Marth's army alongside Radd. He reappears in New Mystery, being forced to fight against Marth due to his sister being held hostage by the enemy.


 Class: Mercenary


Radd (Radei, Raddy)[]

FireEmblem Radd 1111

A swordfighter from Port Warren who joins Marth's army alongside Caesar. After the war, he laid down his sword for a woman, implied in New Mystery to be Caesar's sister. Like Caesar, Radd is forced to fight against Marth after she is taken hostage.


 Class: Mercenary (FE1), Myrmidon (FE11, FE12)


  • Bishonen
  • Heroes Prefer Swords
  • Magikarp Power: He is pretty good if you want to use him, though he has such horrible base stats that it is hard to train him.
  • Put on a Bus: Didn't appear in the second book of Mystery of the Emblem. This was remedied in Heroes of Light and Shadow.


FireEmblem Roger 8200

A knight of Grust who is recruited by Caeda flirting with him. He later appears in New Mystery, still with a crush on Caeda.


 Class: Knight


Jeorge (Jorjue, George)[]

FireEmblem Jeorge 5446

A Akaneian nobleman and one of the finest archers in the land. He joins Marth's army after hearing of his alliance with Princess Nyna and later becomes a mentor to the Altean archer Gordin.


 Class: Sniper


Princess Maria of Macedon[]

FireEmblem Maria 4467

The youngest princess of Macedon, who was taken hostage at a young age by her own brother in order to get her sister Minerva to fight. She is later rescued by Marth, allowing Minerva and her Whitewings to safely defect from Medon. Mystery of the Emblem reveals that after Michalis was defeated by Minerva, Maria prayed for him and restored him back to life. In response, when she is captured by Gharnef, Michalis risked (and depending on the version, gave) his life to save her.


 Class: Cleric (FE1, FE11), Bishop (FE3, FE12)


Princess Minerva of Macedon (Minerba)[]

250px-MinervaDS 8302

The elder princess of Macedon and leader of the Whitewings. Reluctant to fight with Doluna, Minerva is forced to do so after her sister Maria is taken hostage. Minerva later sends Catria to Marth in order to persuade him to free Maria and later defects after learning of Maria's safety. According to Mystery of the Emblem, she is the one who fights against and defeats Michalis later in the war. During the events of Mystery itself, Minerva is crowned queen of Macedon, but is overthrown by a group of knights led by Rucke, but is saved by Michalis and later reunites with Marth.


 Class: Dracoknight

Voiced by: Yoshiko Sakakibara (Japanese, BS Fire Emblem)


Linde (Linda, Rinda)[]

250px-Linde 7237

A noblewoman of Khadein and the daughter of Miloah, capable of using his Aura spell. After her father was killed by Gharnef, she disgused herself as a boy and escaped, but was later captured by slave traders. After being saved by Marth, she joins his army. After the war, she is made a noble of Akaneia by Nyna (who also takes her in as an apprentice), and is later entrusted to get the Fire Emblem to Marth during the events of Mystery of the Emblem.


 Class: Mage


Jake (Jeik)[]

FireEmblem Jake 4557

A Ballistician from Grust who is in love with Anna. He and Anna would later travel to distant lands like Jugdral and Elibe. In New Mystery, he replaces a lone enemy Berserker.


 Class: Ballistician (FE1, FE11), Warrior (FE12)


For Jake's tropes, see his section here.


FireEmblem Midia 7083

A Knight of Akaneia and the lover of Astram. She is taken prisoner by Dolhr in Akaneia castle, but is later saved by Marth. In Mystery of the Emblem, she tried to rebel against the corrupted Hardin, but is again captured and rejoins once she's freed.


 Class: Paladin

Voiced by: ?? (Japanese, BS Fire Emblem)


  • Faux Action Girl: Got captured in the same place twice, though to be fair this IS Hardin we're talking of.
  • Lady of War: In the main games, at least character wise. However, in BS Fire Emblem, she acts much more crude.
  • Plucky Girl: During the fall of Pales, when the group was all but defeated, she attempted to strike down Camus. Just to be clear: after being defeated, she tried to kill Camus. Say what you will, but gal's got quite the guts.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair

Dolph (Tomth)[]

FireEmblem Dolph 5570

A Knight of Akaneia who was imprisoned alongside Midia, Boah, Tomas, and his lookalike Macellan. After the war, he leaves the Akaneian Army as a rejection of Hardin becoming King. During the War of Heroes, he travelled to Altea to assist Marth in reclaiming the castle.


 Class: Knight (FE1, FE11), General (FE12)


Macellan (Mishelan)[]

FireEmblem Macellan 5286

A Knight of Akaneia who was imprisoned alongside Midia, Boah, Tomas, and his lookalike Dolph. After the war, he forms a band of watchmen near the border. During the War of Heroes, he travelled to Altea to assist Marth in reclaiming the castle.


 Class: Knight (FE1, FE11), General (FE12)

Voiced by: ?? (Japanese, BS Fire Emblem)


Tomas (Thormas)[]

FireEmblem Tomas 8753

A knight of Akaneia who was imprisoned alongside Midia, Boah, Dolph, and his lookalike Macellan. After the war, he leaves the Akaneian Army, but comes to Marth's assistance in Gra during the War of Heroes. He uses a bow.


 Class: Archer (FE1, FE11), Sniper (FE12)

Voiced by: ?? (Japanese, BS Fire Emblem)


Boah (Boha)[]

FireEmblem Boah 7623

The Advisor to the Akaneian royal family, who was taken prisoner alongside the Akaneian Knights. In Mystery of the Emblem, he pressures Nyna into marrying Hardin, and is later killed defending Nyna from Hardin.


 Class: Bishop

Voiced by: Koji Yada (Japanese, BS Fire Emblem)


Horace (Horus)[]

FireEmblem Horace 4068

A Knight of Akaneia forced to fight for Doluna after the people of Akaneia were taken hostage. He is ultimately spared by Marth's army and pardoned by Nyna, to whom he swears devotion towards. He later appears in New Mystery fighting off Roro and his clones.


 Class: General



FireEmblem Beck 1082

 Class: Ballistician (FE1, FE11), Horseman (FE12)


  • The Archer: A Ballista type archer in Shadow Dragon and an actual archer in New Mystery.
  • Bow and Sword In Accord: In New Mystery of the Emblem.
  • Horse Archer: Also in New Mystery of the Emblem.
  • Heel Face Turn: Sort of. He fought Marth's army at Castle Deil and after his defeat, decided to join him during the battle with Grust's Wooden Cavalry.
  • Put on a Bus: Didn't appear in the second book of Mystery of the Emblem. This was remedied in Heroes of Light and Shadow.
  • Palette Swap: Of Jake's portrait in the NES game.
  • Siege Engines
  • What Could Have Been: He along with Jake, Darros, Wrys, Roger, and to a lesser extent Gotoh were meant to return as playable characters in the SNES remake but were scrapped during development.

Astram (Astria)[]

FireEmblem Astram 4412

A Akaneian mercenary and Midia's lover. Originally hired to fight for Doluna, he is convinced to defect by his girlfriend. In Mystery of the Emblem, he serves as one of Hardin's generals and wields the Mercurius, but is later convinced to defect by Jeorge.


 Class: Hero


Palla (Paola)[]

FireEmblem Palla 5907

Palla is the oldest of the three Whitewing sisters, and is Minerva's second in command. Originally forced to fight for Doluna, Palla and her sisters are later able to defect after Maria was resuced. During the war, she develops a crush on Abel. After the war, she and Catria are forced to travel to the foreign continent of Valentia in order to save Est, getting involved with the war there and serving under Cellica. In Mystery of the Emblem, she joins Marth's army after Minerva is overthrown in Rucke's rebellion, and vows to help Julian and Minerva save Lena and Maria.


 Class: Pegasus Knight


Catria (Katua)[]

200px-FESMN Catria 9237

Catria is the middle child of the three Whitewing sisters. Like her sisters, she was forced to fight for Doluna prior to Maria's rescue, and later join's Marth's army. During the war, she appears to develop a crush on Marth. After the war, she and Palla travelled to the foreign continent of Barencia in order to save Est, getting involved with the war there and serving under Cellica. During the events of Mystery of the Emblem, she joins with Marth's army after rebellion breaks out in Medon.


 Class: Pegasus Knight


  • Action Girl
  • All Love Is Unrequited: Implied with Marth, though it's little more than a throwaway reference in her Book I ending.
  • Ascended Extra: In a way - in a game duology where precious few characters have (released) official artwork of them to the point where the final boss doesn't, she for some reason had a downloadable wallpaper all to herself from the Japanese New Mystery of the Emblem website.
    • Not to mention, she's one of the only characters to be playable in all six Archanea/Valencia Fire Emblem titles, if one counts the four BS Fire Emblem chapters as one game. Being that she's also available by way of SpotPass in Fire Emblem Awakening and Est isn't, she is playable in seven games, more than any other character!
    • She's summonable in FE: Heroes too (and fairly easy to get), and has at least two Alters. That makes at least eight games for her!
  • Blade on a Stick
  • Fountain of Expies: She, Catria, and Est are the progenitors of the archetype of the Pegasus Knight trio who, when together, can initiate a Triangle Attack.
  • Disk One Nuke: She is seen as this in Mystery and its remake. Most likely become one of your Infinity Plus One Characters later.
  • Lightning Bruiser: In Mystery and its remake. And she joins in the second chapter!
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair
  • Zettai Ryouiki

Arran (Aran, Alan)[]

FireEmblem Arran 9238

A knight living in an Altean village which is opposed to Samson's village. It is revealed in New Mystery that he once served under a different kingdom, but became disillusioned when he was ordered to put down a peasant rebellion caused by a bad winter's harvest. He left his lord and wandered the land looking for the true meaning of Knighthood, eventually settling in the Altean army. During Mystery of the Emblem, he falls ill, but continues to fight in order to maintain his honor as a knight.


 Class: Paladin



FireEmblem Samson 777

An Altean mercenary living in a village that is opposed to Arran's village. After the events of Shadow Dragon, he was hired by Princess Sheena of Gra as a bodyguard and eventually fell in love with her.


 Class: Hero


Xane (Cheine, Chainy)[]

FireEmblem Xane 8572

A mysterious youth with the ability to transform and take the appearance of anyone he pleases. He joins Marth after being saved from the Doluna army, although it is implied he was actually sent by Gotoh to keep an eye on Marth and later Tiki. He is one of the few surviving Divine Dragons, who lost the ability to take dragon form following the battle with the Earth Dragons centuries ago. Unlike Gotoh, Xane grew to hate humanity due to how they were treating dragonkind, to the point that he sympathized with the dragons who formed the Doluna Empire. Despite this, he continues to serve Gotoh loyally, and seems to have taken a liking to Marth.


 Class: Chameleon



FireEmblem Etzel 1921

A sorcerer from Akaneia who lost his wife Ursula during the war with Doluna, and is forced to fight for them in exchange for her ring. After the ring is recieved, he happliy joins Marth's army. After the war, he travelled the world and appears to have settled in Khadein by the time of New Mystery of the Emblem.


 Class: Sorceror



FireEmblem Est 6985

The youngest of the Whitewing siblings. Like her sisters, she was forced to fight for Dolhr due to Maria being captive. After Maria was saved, Est manages to steal the legendary sword Mercurius from Dolhr and joins Marth's army. After the war, she is captured by pirates and ends up getting involved with a whole other war in Valentia, serving under Celica with her sisters. In Mystery of the Emblem, she weds Abel, only for her to be taken hostage by Akaneia in order to get Abel to fight Marth.


 Class: Pegasus Knight


Tiki (Chiki)[]

FireEmblem Tiki 9286

A Divine Dragon girl who traveled the world with her "uncle" Bantu, but was captured and brainwashed by Gharnef. After being freed from the spell by Bantu, Tiki joins the Altean army and takes a liking to Marth. She is the daughter of Naga, the God-king of the Divine Dragons, who gave his life to seal her away due to her massive power. Eventually, Bantu took pity on her, and unsealed her and raised her. During the events of Mystery, she is put back to sleep by Gotoh, who is afraid she might go feral, but is allowed to be reawakened after Marth restores the Starsphere and claims the Lifesphere and Geosphere.


 Class: Manakete


For Tiki's tropes, see her section here.

Lorenz (Rolence, Lawrence)[]

FireEmblem Lorenz 7220

A respected general of Grust and a close friend of King Mostyn of Talys. Unlike Camus, Lorenz opposed Grust fighting alongside Dolhr, but complied due to his loyalty. When Marth's army does battle with him and Camus, Mostyn's daughter Caeda convinces him to fight alongside them. After the war, he is made regent to Prince Yubello and Princess Yumina; however, in Mystery of the Emblem, he is betrayed by Akaneia and starts a rebellion in order to protect the royal siblings from Lang. However, by the time Marth reaches him, he is too wounded to carry on and dies after entrusting Marth with the fate of the children.


 Class: General


Ymir (Hymir)[]

FireEmblem Ymir 9517

A large man from Grust who is treated as a monster due to his size. Ymir eventually found a village who accepted him for who he is, but the villagers came under attack by the army of Grust. Ymir fights to protect the villagers, but is later convinced by Marth that they should work together.


 Class: Warrior


Princess Elice of Altea (Ellis)[]

FireEmblem Elice 7593

Marth's older sister and the princess of Altea. When Doluna first invaded, Elice stayed behind so that Marth and his allies could escape. She survives, but is captured by Gharnef so that he could use her to use the Aum Staff. After Gharnef's defeat, Elice reunites with Marth and aides him with the power of the Aum. In Mystery of the Emblem, she is captured by Akaneia after they invade Altea to be used as a sacrifice for Medeus's resurrection alongside Lena, Maria, and Nyna, but is ultimately saved from Medeus by Merric.


 Class: Cleric (FE1, FE11), Bishop (FE3, FE12)

Voiced by: Sumi Shimamoto (Japanese, OVA), Amanda Winn-Lee (English, OVA)



FireEmblem Nagi 951

A mysterious woman with amnesia who resembles Tiki, she's found sleeping in a coffin atop a tower in another dimension. She is awakened by Marth, who was sent there by Gotoh to make up for a lost Falchion and a dead Tiki, and gives a weaker version of the Falchion. She later joins his army in the final battle against Medeus, insisting that she has something she needs to finish. She disappears shortly after the war ends, only to reappear in New Mystery when Medeus threatens to revive again.


 Class: Manakete


Gotoh (Gato)[]

FireEmblem Gotoh 2586

A legendary magic user known as the White Sage, he was the founder of Khadein and the master of Gharnef and Linde's father Miloah. He became disillusioned with humanity after Gharnef betrayed him and killed Miloah. He eventually becomes a guide to Marth, whose actions restore his faith. He creates Starlight from the Starsphere and Lightsphere in order to defeat Gharnef and personally joins Marth's army in the final battle against Medeus.

Gotoh is one of the surviving Divine Dragons, who lost the ability to take dragon form after the battle with the Earth Dragons centuries ago. Following Naga's dying wish, Gotoh watched over humanity during this time. During the events of Mystery, Gotoh orders Marth to recover the five spheres and reveals to him the truth about the Falchion and the Fire Emblem, originally known as the Shield of Seals.


 Class: Bishop (FE1), Sage (FE11)


Notable NPCS[]

Malledus (Morodof)[]

FireEmblem Malledus 4147

Marth's elderly tactician and advisor. Malledus was also the former confidant to Marth's late father, King Cornelius. During the game, he explains to Marth the events of the war where Marth's ancestor, Anri, fought Medeus.


 Class: Bishop (in cutscenes)


  • Cool Old Guy
  • Fountain of Expies: After FE 1 there's always been a tactician/advisor/strategist in the army or kingdom that gives advice to the main character. Only recently did they double as playable characters.
  • Put on a Bus: Is not seen at all in book II of Mystery of the Emblem due to being ill.
  • The Strategist: The first in the entire series.

Princess Nyna of Akaneia (Niena, Nina)[]

FireEmblem Nyna 8511

The Princess of Akaneia and last living member of the Akaneia royal family. Spared and protected from Doluna by Camus, Nyna fell in love with him and eventually convinced him to help her escape. Afterwards, she joined with Hardin and later Marth and guided them throughout the war.

After the War of Shadows and upon succeeding the throne of Akaneia, she is pressured into marrying Hardin by Boah despite still loving Camus: Hardin's conflict over this indirectly led to his corruption by the Darksphere. Before she was captured by Gharnef, Nyna managed to send her apprentice Linde and the Fire Emblem to Marth and sent a letter to Hardin's brother detailing his "illness". She and three other girls are used as Barrier Maidens for Medeus, but Nyna is ultimately saved by the masked knight Sirius.


 Class: Bishop

Voiced by: Michiko Neya (Japanese, BS Fire Emblem)


King Mostyn of Talys[]

FireEmblem Mostyn 3037

Mostyn is the first King of Talys, who united the island tribes. He is the father of Caeda and is friends with Lorenz of Grust. He hid Marth in Talys after his flight from Altea, and was rescued by him when pirates under Gazzak attacked the castle.


 Voiced by: ?? (Japanese, OVA), Phil Ross (English, OVA)


  • No Name Given: He is just referred to as the King of Talys ingame; only developer notes confirm his name as Mostyn.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Reasonable enough to lend his mercenary troops to Marth.

King of Aurelis[]

FireEmblem KingAurelis 1284

The older brother of Hardin, who has entrusted his younger brother with defending the nation due to his poor health. During Mystery of the Emblem, at first he trusted and supported Hardin until he received a letter from Nyna describing Hardin's condition. Afterwards, he personally traveled to the front lines to stop the Wolfguard from fighting with Altea.




 Class: Pirate

Voiced by: ?? (Japanese, OVA), Brian Granveldt (English, OVA)




 Class: Pirate


Reynard (Hyman)[]


 Class: Fighter




 Class: Pirate



King Jiol of Gra[]

FireEmblem Jiol 4680

The corrupted King of Gra who sided with Dolhr out of fear, then betrayed and personally invaded former closest-ally Altea. He is eventually killed by Marth's army. After the war, his daughter Sheena was instated as ruler.


 Class: General


Gra Captain[]

A captain from Gra.


 Class: Cavalier


Macedon (Medon, Macedonia)[]

King Michalis of Medon (Misheil)[]

FireEmblem Michalis 3477

The King of Macedon. He killed his own father to gain the throne, due to continuing tension between them and a rumor spreaded by Gharnef that he was planning to choose Minerva over him. Michalis immedeately makes his little sister Maria a hostage so that Minerva would fight for him. Although he serves Dolhr, he secretly planned to betray them alongside Camus, but the plan never came to fruition and eventually Michalis was struck down by Minerva.

In Mystery of the Emblem, it is revealed that he survived the battle, badly wounded, living only because Maria constantly prayed for him. After Maria was kidnapped by Gharnef, Michalis attempted to rescue her by aiding Minerva and stealing the Starlight tome from Gharnef, but was wounded in the process. In the original Mystery, he dies from his wounds after passing Starlight to Marth, but in New Mystery, it is possible for him to survive and join Marth's army.


 Class: Dracoknight




 Class: Cavalier




 Class: Knight


  • Beard of Evil: Though evil might be pushing it here.
  • Gonk: The man looks like a bear. Though he is less ugly-looking in the remake.
  • Punch Clock Villain: Possibly, as he was guarding the castle under Minerva's orders.



 Class: General


  • Bad Boss: Implied, as he refers to his soldiers as idiots in his battle quote.
  • Gonk: While kind of ugly looking in Shadow Dragon (well, more wrinkly due to older age, possibly), he was far more hideous looking in FE 3 book 1.
  • Mighty Glacier



 Class: Paladin


Grust (Grunia)[]

King Ludwik of Grust[]

The weak king of Grust who sided with Dolhr out of fear. He is never directly seen and seems to have died by the time of Mystery of the Emblem. His children are the twins Jubelo and Yuliya, who become party members in Mystery of the Emblem after lots of misadventures.


FireEmblem Camus 7181

The leader of Grust's Sable Knights, said to be the most able man alive. During the war, he fell in love with Nyna and helped her escape from Dolhr's grasp, at the cost of his own rank and freedom. Despite having to fight against his beloved Nyna and her allies, Camus served Grust loyally and to the end and was seemingly killed by Marth's army....


 Class: Paladin

Voiced by: Kazuhiko Inoue (Japanese, BS Fire Emblem)




 Class: General


  • Palette Swap: Of Jiol in the original NES game.
    • In FE 3, he got the boss portrait used for most bosses in the NES game. It was also used for Toras in Book 2.


The boss of Chapter 8. He is an armoured knight guarding the eastern castle of Port Warren and is caught off guard as the Akaneian league tries to capture the castle.


 Class: Knight


  • Anticlimax Boss: He has no ranged weapon, so you can take your time blasting him away with magic.
  • Punch Clock Villain: You can't help but pity him, he just happens to be guarding that castle at the wrong time.
  • Genre Savvy: Is aware that he'll probably die as soon as the player fights him.
  • Gonk: In FE 3 book 1, less so in Shadow Dragon. He still has a creepy look on his face though.
  • Mighty Glacier



 Class: General



The boss of chapter 13. He is the leader of the feared Wooden Cavalry, an artillery regiment of Grust that launches powerful missiles from afar to destroy their enemies, but can't attack close which what kills him in the end.


 Class: Ballistician



The boss of chapter 16. He guards Altea castle and commends the league for reaching Altea. He is killed by Marth's army as they storm the castle


 Class: General


  • Palette Swap: Of Harmein in both the NES and SNES versions.
  • Punch Clock Villain: May be a member of the Sable Order as several surround him and his death dialogue says he works for Camus.



 Class: General



One of the Sable Knights.


 Class: Paladin



The boss of chapter 20X. He is a General who, in an attempt to stay alive orders his men to take all of the residents of a nearby village hostage to keep Marth from striking.


 Class: General


Dolhr (Doluna, Durhua) and Dragons[]

Emperor Medeus of Dolhr (Mediuth)[]

FireEmblem Medeus 9769

An Earth Dragon and, if not the cause of it all, the primary foe and biggest threat of the game. He was once a prince of the Earth Dragon royal family, but when the dragons were forced to take Manakete form, he was the only Earth Dragon who complied and thus did not go wild. After the other Earth Dragons were sealed by Naga, Medeus was tasked with guarding the seal. Over time, he became furious on how humans looked down upon his race, so he formed up the Dolhr Empire and enslaved humanity. He was eventually killed by the hero Anri, and his kingdom was destroyed. Centuries later, the dark priest Gharnef brought his forces back and worked to resurrect him. Medeus was revived, but not completely, as he could not leave Dolhr Keep.


 Class: Manakete (FE1, FE11), Earth Dragon (FE11), Dark Dragon (FE3, FE12)

Voiced by: Hideyuki Hori (Japanese, BS Fire Emblem)


  • Back From the Dead: Twice, both times revived by Gharnef - once before the beginning of Shadow Dragon, sparking the War of Shadows, and again near the end of the War of Heroes in Mystery. As he dies for the second time, he swears that he can be revived again.
  • Big Bad / Big Bad Duumvirate: With Gharnef.
  • Dark Is Evil
  • Final Boss: In both games.
  • Looks Like Orlok: Medeus's human form has this appearance.
  • Non-Indicative Name: Sort of an in-universe example - everyone calls him the "Shadow Dragon", but he's an Earth Dragon and he doesn't appear to be in possession of any sort of dark-based power which would give rise a name like "Shadow Dragon". That said, come Mystery, he does indeed become a full-fledged dark dragon.
  • Medeus On His Throne: This one's actually justified. As stated above, he has to stay within the walls of Dolhr Keep until his resurrection is complete; if he left it, he might be powerless.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Given that he started several wars against humanity because of how they treated the Manaketes...
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Moreso than the other Manakete characters, being an Earth Dragon and all.

Gharnef (Garnef)[]

FireEmblem Gharnef 6290

Gharnef was a former pupil of Gotoh, but due to his lack of a caring heart, he was passed up for inheriting the Aura spell in favor of Miloah. Enraged by this, Gharnef stole the Darksphere and forged from it the spell Imhullu, which corrupted his soul. Gharnef then began his plans to take over the world: first by killing Miloah, then by reviving Medeus and the Dolhr Empire, and then manipulating the rulers of the other nations into betraying Akaneia and Altea and siding with Dolhr. Despite his power, however, Gharnef was eventually killed by a member of Marth's army wielding the Starlight spell.

Years later, it is revealed that Gharnef survived by hiding his soul in the Darksphere, and later used that sphere to corrupt Emperor Hardin of Akaneia. Using the war between Akaneia and Altea as a distraction, Gharnef kidnapped four maidens (Nyna, Maria, Lena, and Elice) to be sacrificed for Medeus's revival.


 Class: Bishop (FE1, FE3 Book 1), Dark Mage (FE3 Book 2), Sorcerer (FE11, FE12)

Voiced by: Takeshi Aono (Japanese, OVA), Charles Campbell (English, OVA)



The boss of chapter 11. He is one of the manaketes who serves Medeus. He helps Grust and Dolhr hold Akaneia, and only seems to care about incinerating his enemies. He is one of the only boss characters in the game that doesn't start on a throne or a gate, and actually moves on the map.

Class: Manakete


The boss of chapter 12. He is a bishop leading the forces occupying Pales and a good example of a human holding authority in Dolhr.

Class: Bishop

King Mannu of Pyrathi[]

FireEmblem Mannu 1971

Mannu is the king of the small isolationist nation of Pyrathi. He regards Marth and his army as "unclean" and attacks them as soon as they arrive.


 Class: Manakete



Introduced in Shadow Dragon, Heimler was originally an unused enemy character in the Famicom version before making his proper debut in the remake. He appears in chapter 12 and is likely working under Volzhin.


 Class: Paladin


  • Dummied Out: In the original Famicom Dark Dragon.
  • Filler Villain: About as much filler as you can get really.
  • Who Is This Guy Again?: Despite having a unique name and face among non-boss enemy units, he cannot be recruited, does not not have a background story, nor has any spoken lines when he is attacked or defeated.



 Class: Paladin


Morzas (Moses)[]

FireEmblem Morzas 8873

A cruel Manakete left in charge of Altea Castle after Camus's demotion. He personally killed Queen Liza, Marth and Elice's mother, and executed captives for the smallest of reasons. He is killed by Marth's army as they retake Altea.


 Class: Manakete


  • Adaptational Attractiveness: In FE 1 and Book 1, he resembled an old man, but in FE 11, he is a much younger and stronger-looking Manakete.
  • Faux Symbolism: A standout case among Fire Emblem, in which this is normally the case - his name in the Japanese version is Moses, but he's got nothing in common, either as a person or in role, as his namesake.
  • Kick the Dog: His killing of Liza, Marth and Elice's mom.
  • In the Hood
  • Mage Killer: Depending on the game, Mage Dragons either have a extremely high Resistance, or flat out void all magic damage.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: A Mage Dragon.
  • Palette Swap: Reused Mannu's portrait in the original Famicom game.
  • Wizard Beard (original games) --> Goatee (Shadow Dragon).


The boss chapter 24. He guards Dolhr Keep and is likely taking orders under Medeus himself. He is killed by Marth's army.


 Class: Manakete


Characters introduced in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem and Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem ~Heroes of Light and Shadow~[]

Main and Playable Characters[]

My Unit (default: Kris / Chris)[]

FireEmblem MyUnit 6191

An Altean recruit who joins the Altean army alongside Katarina, Rody, Luke, and Raian, and is eventually made Marth's right hand man/woman.


 Class: Variable (Mercenary [M] and Myrmidon [F] are the defaults)


  • AFGNCAAP: An odd example, actually. While his/her appearance and class are dependent on the player, his/her actual character and personality is preset and unchangeable.
  • Back-to-Back Badasses: With Marth in New Mystery of the Emblem ~Heroes of Light and Shadow~ boxart.
  • Expy: The default male My Unit strongly resembles Ike, and the female one similarly resembles Mia. They even have very similar default classes, given that Ike's promotion tree is one long Mercenary expy.
  • The Ishmael: In reality, they're this to Katarina in the sidestory chapter subplot.
  • Hello, Insert Name Here: That said, his/her default name appears to be Kris.
  • The Hero: If you consider the 7th Platoon a minor Five-Man Band.
  • Lethal Chef: He/She can't cook for the life of him/her.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Will almost always be this, to the point where people consider him/her a Game Breaker
  • The Straight Man/Woman
  • Tomboyish Name: Kris is the default.
  • The Stoic
    • Not So Stoic: Samto, Palla, and Katarina are the only ones that have him/her show more emotion.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Marth, to the point when he even asks why is he/she is so loyal to him.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: The default hair colour for My Unit. S/he can be given other colors, however.

Katarina / Reese[]

FireEmblem Katarina 3912

A Altean recruit who is training alongside My Unit and the others to become a tactician. This is actually a ruse to get close to Marth. In reality, she is Eine, one of Eremiya's assassins sent to infiltrate the Altean army and kill Marth before he can interfere with their plans. She fails and retreats with Roro's help, and afterwords she begins to gradually see Eremiya's cruel nature as she watches her "siblings" die one by one, and can be eventually recruited into the group.


 Class: Mage (in the prologue as a boss), Sage (when recruited later)


Cecil (Cecile)[]

FireEmblem Cecile 6264

An Altean knight of the 7th Platoon, although she was originally part of the 9th Platoon. Doesn't like to lose, and often gets into fights with her fellow knights.


 Class: Cavalier


Roderick (Rody)[]

FireEmblem Rody 3242

An Altean knight of the 7th Platoon. He has a rivalry with Luke, and seems to have some sort of feelings towards Cecil.


 Class: Cavalier


  • The Lancer: Of the 7th Platoon, although he is replaced by Cecil almost as soon as she arrives.
  • Those Two Guys: With Luke, though averting the traditional "red cavalier/green cavalier" dynamic this trope brings in the franchise.

Luke (Ruke)[]

FireEmblem Luke 9111

An Altean knight of the 7th Platoon. He is Rody's rival and a bit of a gambler.


 Class: Cavalier


Raian (Ryan)[]

FireEmblem Ryan 6743

An Altean knight of the 7th Platoon, and the younger brother of Gordin.


 Class: Archer


Marisha (Marisa, Maillesia, Melissa)[]

FireEmblem Maricia 6112

A young Grustian priestess who was training under Lena. After Lang was assigned control of Grust, her grandmother hid her to protect her. After Marth visits her village, she joins Marth's army and develops a crush on him.


 Class: Cleric



FireEmblem Warren 1071

A hunter from Medon who joined with the rebel army to earn gold. He is informed by Catria of the reasons behind Rucke's coup against Minerva and he offers to join Marth's army. When the war is won, he returns to Medon and continues living as a hunter.


 Class: Hunter


Prince Jubelo of Grust[]

FireEmblem Yubello 1174

The young Prince of Grust who was put under Lorenz's care after the War of Shadows. Once Lang begins his oppression of Grust and Lorenz begins his rebellion, Jubelo is sent away with his older twin sister Yuliya under the protection of Ogma. Before they can reach Wendell, they are attacked by Medon rebels but are saved by Sirius.


 Class: Mage


Princess Yuliya of Grust[]

FireEmblem Yumina 3570

The Princess of Grust and Jubelo's twin sister. Like her brother, she was sent away with Ogma to be protected by Wendell in Medon, but was attacked by Medon rebels and saved by Sirius.


 Class: Cleric



FireEmblem Sirius 9298

A mysterious knight who appears to protect Yuliya and Jubello, and later saves Nyna from Medeus before disappearing as suddenly as he came. It's almost certain that he is Camus of the Sable Order, despite his protestations to the contrary; Belf is the only one to suspect so, but is asked by Sirius to not pursue his suspicions.


 Class: Paladin



FireEmblem Samto 6691

A former gladiator who managed to escape from his slavery with the help of Ogma. In the War of Heroes, he is hired as a mercenary by Lang, who confuses him for Nabarl due to his impersonation, but is later convinced by Ogma or Caeda, who both initially confuse him for Nabarl as well, to join Marth's army.


 Class: Mercenary (FE3), Myrmidon (FE12)


Phina (Feena)[]

FireEmblem Feena 3712

A traveling dancer who comes under Nabarl's protection after she is ambushed by thieves. It is implied that she may come from royalty.


 Class: Dancer


Ellerean (Elrean)[]

FireEmblem Elrean 3510

The current leader of Khadein's mage army and Wendell's first pupil. He is jealous of his fellow pupil Merric due to his inheritance of the Excalibur spell and attempts to kill him once the war reaches Khadein, but is stopped by Wendell. After the war, he succeeds Wendell and works to restore the nation.


 Class: Mage



FireEmblem Dice 5895

A gambling mercenary who travels with his daughter Malice. Before the events of Shadow Dragon, he and Malice were recruited by Rickard to help him steal from Dolhr. During a later revolt in Talys, as recorded in New Mystery's DLC, the two were hired by the rebels, but were later convinced to side with Caeda, in part due to a debt that Dice owed Ogma. During New Mystery itself, Dice and Malice force their way into Marth's army, hoping to get paid greatly.


 Class: Fighter

Voiced by: Koji Yada (Japanese, BS Fire Emblem)


Malice (Maris)[]

Malice 4639

A female swordfighter who travels the land with her father, taking jobs mostly to pay off his gambling debts. Prior to Shadow Dragon, she and Dice found themselves amongst a group of bandits, but were later bribed by Rickard to help him steal from Dolhr in the name of justice. Malice and Dice would later be hired to fight in a rebellion in Talys, but she was convinced to defect by Ogma, and told Dice to follow suit. During New Mystery, Malice forces herself into Marth's army, hoping to be paid greatly for her service.


 Class: Mercenary (FE3), Myrmidon (FE12)

Voiced by: Yoshiko Sakakibara (Japanese, BS Fire Emblem)



FireEmblem Robert 7803

A Sable Knight under Camus during the War of Darkness, who aided Camus in helping Nyna escape from Dolhr's clutches. During New Mystery, he and his comrades join Marth's army.


 Class: Horseman


Belf (Vergil)[]

FireEmblem Belf 7945

A Sable Knight under Camus during the War of Darkness, who aided Camus in helping Nyna escape from Doluna's clutches. During New Mystery, he and his comrades join Marth's army. He suspects thatSirius is Camus, but is later convinced by Sirius not to reveal his suspicions.


 Class: Cavalier

Voiced by: Shinichiro Ohta (Japanese, BS Fire Emblem)


Leiden (Raiden)[]

FireEmblem Leiden 8659

A Sable Knight under Camus during the War of Darkness, who aided Camus in helping Nyna escape from Doluna's clutches. During New Mystery, he and his comrades join Marth's army.


 Class: Cavalier


Princess Sheena of Gra (Sheema, Shina)[]

FireEmblem Sheema 8039

The princess of Gra, and the daughter of Jiol from his second wife. During Mystery of the Emblem, she hires Samson as a bodyguard and is ordered by Akaneia to face Marth's army. If Marth spares the weak Gra soldiers, Sheena and Samson will gladly join his forces. After the war, she settles in Pales with Samson.


 Class: General



FireEmblem Frost 8664

An elderly bishop who was acquaintances with the rogue Dragon Knight Ruben, but later joined Minerva during her battle against Ruben's forces. He later appears in New Mystery, having apparently been following Marth since he liberated Medon.


 Class: Bishop

Voiced by: Kazuhiko Inoue (Japanese, BS Fire Emblem)


Medon (Macedon, Macedonia)[]

Rumel (Lumel)[]


 Class: Dracoknight


Rucke (Ryuke)[]

FireEmblem Rucke 7319

A former general of Medon who instigated a successful rebellion against Minerva after she disbanded much of the country's army.


 Class: General





 Class: Pirate




 Class: Thief


Akaneia (Archanea) and Allies[]

Emperor Hardin of Akaneia[]

FireEmblem EmperorHardin 4798

The former prince of Aurelis and ally of Marth, now the Emperor of Akaneia through Arranged Marriage to Nyna. His feeling that Nyna did not truly reciprocate his love for her drove him to despair, cutting himself off from others and paving the way for Gharnef, disguised as a merchant, to corrupt him through the Darksphere, twisting his once noble and just heart into one of hatred and rage. Under its influence, he turns Akaneia into a brutal empire, subjugating and destroying other countries, and he handed Nyna over to Gharnef without a second thought.


 Class: Emperor




 Class: Ballistician


Duke Lang of Adria[]

FireEmblem Lang 2770

A noble of Akaneia who sided with Dolhr during the War of Darkness and had his men raid towns and steal from the people. After Hardin's descent into madness, he restores Lang to power and places him in control of Grust, and his resulting reign of tyranny provokes Lorenz into rebelling in order to protect Yumina and Yubello. However, it is later revealed that Hardin placed Lang in charge of Grust (and subsequently sent Marth as Lang's reinforcements against Lorenz) to provoke Marth into entering battle against Akaneia, so that Akaneia could justify invading Altea.


 Class: General




 Class: Bishop




 Class: General




 Class: Bishop




 Class: General


Other Antagonists[]


FireEmblem Eremiya 4779

The head of a group of assassins commanded by Gharnef to kill Marth. Eremiya is a cold hearted and manipulative woman who treats her minions as puppets simply to be used and discarded after they have served their purpose. It is implied that she and her assassins were also assigned to kidnap the maidens needed for Medeus's revival. After her defeat, Gharnef reveals to her that she was once a virtuous caretaker of an orphanage, but after the orphans there were killed during a war, she broke down, allowing Gharnef to wipe her memory and bewitch her into brutally training other orphans into being his assassins. After realizing what she had done, Gharnef leaves her to die in despair.


 Class: Bishop


Clarisse (Kleine, Claine)[]

FireEmblem Claine 7524

One of Eremiya's assassins. Clarisse is a cruel and sadistic young woman who lives to kill and seems to have absolute loyalty to Eremiya. Despite this, Katarina sees her as an older sister.


 Class: Sniper


Legion (Roro)[]

250px-Roro 1397

One of Eremiya's assassins, Legion is a savage masked Berserker. It is later revealed that he is in fact not one person, but a whole group of them commanded by a "head Legion".


 Class: Berserker


BS Fire Emblem Bosses[]


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The boss of the first Akaneia War Chronicles chapter, "Fall of the Palace". He is a general of Dolhr who leads the initial assault against Pales. He is killed by Nyna's party before reinforcments arrive.


 Class: General



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The boss of the second Akaneia War Chronicles chapter, "The Red Dragon Knight". He is a cruel deserter from Medon who had his men kidnap the women of Aurelis and kill the men, and has no respect to his superior's, making fun of Minerva's enthrallment by her brother and the death of her father.


 Class: Dracoknight


  • Blade on a Stick: More so in the original as that was all he could use.
  • Blond Guys Are Evil: This guy does stand out more than others.
  • Kick the Dog: Did this to Minerva when he makes fun of Minerva's enthrallment by her brother and the death of her father.

Barm (Varm)[]

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The so-called boss of the third Akaneia War Chronicles chapter, "Thieves' Gang of Justice,". He is the leader of a thief gang trying to steal as much as they can from the palace of Akaneia.


 Class: Thief



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The boss of the last Akaneia War Chronicles chapter, "The Beginnning". A powerful Manakete serving under Medeus, he is tasked with pursuing Camus as he tries to escort Nyna safety to Hardin in Aurelis. It's likely that he was killed by Camus's group, as he was never seen again afterwards.


 Class: Manakete


Characters in the backstory and supporting material[]

Recent History[]

King Cornelius of Altea[]

The late King of Altea, and father to Marth and Elice. When the Grust/Khadein army invaded Altea on behalf of Doluna, Cornelius personally led the Altean army, backed by their allies in Gra, to battle, wielding the Falchion. However, the king of Gra, Jiol, betrayed Altea in the middle of the battle and Cornelius was killed. It is unknown who actually took his life, although it's attributed to Gharnef, Camus, and Jiol in at least one version of the story each.


 Voiced by: Akio Ohtsuka (Japanese, OVA), Rob Bundy (English, OVA)


Queen Liza of Altea[]

The late Queen of Altea, and mother to Marth and Elice. She was killed by Morzas during Gra's invasion of Castle Altea.

Miloah (Miroa)[]

The Pontifex of Khadein, Linde's father, and one of the pupils of the White Sage Gotoh. Due to his virtuous heart, he was chosen to wield the light magic Aura by Gotoh. However, Gharnef would later betray Miloah and Gotoh out of jealousy. At the beginning of the War of Shadows, Gharnef, backed by the Doluna Empire, invaded Khadein and used his dark magic Imhullu to kill Miloah. Before his death, however, Miloah had entrusted Aura to his daughter and sent her to safety.

Ancient History[]

Naga (Narga)[]

Known to humans as the God of Light, Naga was actually the leader of the Divine Dragon tribe. Eons ago, the nature of the world changed, forcing dragons to take humanoid Manakete form to survive. The Earth Dragons, aside from Prince Medeus, refused to take Manakete form and gradually began to go insane. In order to protect the fledgling human race from the raging Earth Dragons, Naga led her tribe to battle against them, eventually sealing them away with the Shield of Seals, forged from her own fang. Tasking Medeus to guard the seal, Naga forged from another of her fangs the holy sword Falchion. Some time after this, she and a few of his allies moved to give power to humans on another continent in their time of greatest need, but that is a tale for another time...

Shortly after the birth of her daughter Tiki, Naga was forced to seal her away, as her great power would drive the infant child insane, leading to the destruction of the world. Afterwards, Naga passed away, entrusting fellow Divine Dragon tribesman Gotoh to watch over the world in her place. While the exact details are unknown, she has seemingly reincarnated as the Manakete Nagi in an alternate dimension.

For Naga's tropes, see her section here.

Emperor Ardah of Akaneia[]

The Founder of the Kingdom of Akaneia. Originally a lowly thief, sometime after the death of Naga he managed to loot the Fane of Raman and steal the Shield of Seals, removing the spheres from it to sell for cash, unknowingly weakening the seal on the Earth Dragons in the process. He also stole what would eventually be known as Akaneia's Three Regalia (the Gradivus, the Mercurius, and the Parthia) and used these weapons as well as the money he gained from the spheres to raise an army that would sweep across the continent. Believing it the cause of his good fortune, he renamed the now weakened Shield of Seals "Fire Emblem" and made it the crest of his new kingdom.

King Anri of Altea (Henry)[]

The founder of the Kingdom of Altea. Originally a peasant living on the Altean islands with his brother Marcelus, Anri became involved with the war against the Doluna Empire after meeting with Princess Artemis of Akaneia. Falling in love with her and vowing to protect her, Anri journeyed to the Temple of the Ice Dragons, led by Gotoh, and claimed the Falchion, allowing him to slay Medeus. Despite their love, Artemis and Anri could not marry for political reasons, and because of this, Anri died without an heir. After his death, his kingdom was divided into Altea, ruled by Marcelus, and Gra, founded by nobles who opposed Marcelus coming to power.

Princess Artemis of Akaneia[]

The Princess of Akaneia during the time of Anri. When Doluna invaded Akaneia, Artemis was forced to flee the country, but not before giving the Fire Emblem to General Cartas. To ensure Cartas's victory in battle, she placed a curse on the Emblem. She ended up in the Altean Islands, where she met and fell in love with Anri. After Anri left to claim the Falchion, Artemis and Cartas formed a liberation army against Doluna and with Anri's aid, were able to win the war. Artemis and Anri were unable to marry, however, due to Anri's status as peasant-born, forcing her to marry Cartas. She died giving birth to Cartas's child.

Emperor Cartas of Akaneia[]

The leader of the Akaneian army during Anri's time, who was given the Fire Emblem by Princess Artemis and led the war effort against Doluna. With the aid of the Emblem, Cartas was able to turn the tide until Medeus personally entered the battle. After the war, he married Artemis on request of the people, either oblivious to or simply ignoring her feelings for Anri. Their relationship would end in tragedy, however, as Artemis would die giving birth to his child.

  • History Repeats: The Love Triangle between Anri, Artemis, and Cartas is repeated with Camus, Nyna, and Hardin, with Cartas paralleling Hardin.

King Iote of Medon[]

The Founder of the Kingdom of Macedon. Originally a slave of Doluna, Iote and his men taught themselves how to ride the wild wyverns and took up arms against the Empire, eventually joining Cartas's liberation army. After the war, Iote and his men returned to the lands where they once served as slaves and bulit a kingdom there, with Iote chosen as their king.

  1. this is debatable in that the Swordfighters of Jugdral are a "middle ground" between the modern Mercenary and Myrmidon, with the player's available ones representing both sides of the coin; the class's outright distinct debut was in Sword of Seals