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  • The conversation between Ike, Soren and Aimee in Radiant Dawn. The whole thing: Aimee's plan to seduce Ike by forcing him to confess and then spreading rumors of it, Soren's dramatic rescue and "What I do now, I do for the company," Aimee's horror at being left alone with Soren, and then Soren's lady-killing speech... Priceless.
    • "You're a diamond, and other beorc only glass beads, Miss Aimee. ... ... Stay beautiful."
  • Soren's advice on how to keep Volke in check:

 Soren: I believe this will be a good opportunity. We will almost certainly have need of this man's talents. He is a dubious character at best, but at least we know his motives: everything begins and ends with gold. He'll be easy to control.

Ike: Soren, he's standing right there.

Soren: I don't think he minds.

  • Ike calls Yune a dark god one too many times.

 Yune: There you go, calling me a dark god again! How would you like it if I called you a dark bag of organs? That's it! I'm not talking to you anymore!

  • Gatrie and Shinon's first support conversation in Po R.

 Gatrie: But every time I spend money, you give me a hard time!

Shinon: I do? How?

Gatrie: What about the other day, when I bought the Ultimate Shield?!

Shinon: Gatrie, that was a castle gate. Hey, did you ever give that back? That guard thought you were a thief.

Gatrie: And remember the Speed Bring 4000? That secret elixir that boosts speed just by sprinkling it over your body--

Shinon: You mean that putrid snake oil? You dumped the whole bottle on your head without smelling it first.

Gatrie: But that wonderful little potion worked! I DID move faster!

Shinon: You moved faster because thirty stray dogs were chasing you.

Gatrie: See! You're giving me a hard time again!

  • At the end of the prologue of Part 3 in Radiant Dawn, the victorious Skimir gives this speech to his troops.

 Skimir: Soldiers of Gallia! The battle is over! We have won! No human can stand against the laguz! We are not done yet! We'll continue to fight, kill, and crush our enemies!

Soren: My... What a stupid speech.

  • Pretty much everything Oliver says in Radiant Dawn. Although it's hard to choose - Reyson telling him to go away, Ike telling him to rejoin the enemy and poor Sephiran just at a loss - my favorite is:

 Levail: Duke Tanas! I thought you were executed as a slave trader three years ago.

Oliver: True beauty is immortal. Look at me. Right now, I am flawless. You are not without potential. With education, you could aspire to be me.

Levail: ...No, thank you.

  • Shinon's conversation with Ike before Chapter 24. He's absolutely WASTED.
  • When Yune is first awakened in Radiant Dawn and is mad because people refer to her as the Dark God, saying things such as, "How would you like it if I referred to you as a dark bag of organs?" and after Ike does it enough times, says "You called me a Dark God again! That's it, I'm not speaking to you."
  • Ike's reaction to Oliver joining the party in Radiant Dawn. "Look, would you mind rejoining the enemy?"