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In the year 198 of the Solar Era in Tokyo, there are fire brigades called the Fire Force that fights living inferno monsters. These fiery beings are called Infernal, human beings transformed by the phenomenon called Spontaneous Human Combustion. While these are first-generation cases, there are those who still retained their human form while gaining pyrokinetic abilities. These people work under the Fire Force as they protect the Tokyo Empire from Infernals or even others.

The manga started in 2015 by Atsushi Okubu, the same mangaka who created Soul Eater. An anime adaptation produced by David Production was announced in November 2018 with Funimation streaming it English. The series premiered on July 5, 2019 on Tokyo Broadcasting System and on Toonami on July 27th in the United States.

Examples of tropes from Fire Force
  • Different Individualistic Powers: Ignition Abilities that Third Generations have can generate fire from their limbs or other body parts like their mouth, head, or eyes. They can also be augmented through the use of objects such as cigarettes, sword hilts, and flags.
  • Differently Powered Individuals: Second and Third Generations are people who have adapted to Spontaneous Human Combustion. Second Generations have the power to manipulate fire yet can't generate it like Third Generations. Third Generations have the ability to generate fire called an Ignition Ability while also immune to the fire they create. Those who cannot adapt are known as First Generations or Infernals which are humans burned by their own power and turned into scorching monsters the Fire Force fights.
  • Flaming Sword: Arthur's Excalibur is a blade of plasma in the form of his Ignition Ability.
  • Hero Academy: The Fire Department trains their new officers for the Fire ForceShira and Arthur were a part of the same group before being assigned to Company 8.
  • Playing with Fire: Most people in the Fire Force can use fire while also the Infernals that they fight also have such an ability.
  • Power Incontinence: Infernals are those who can't control their fire which leads to their transformation.
  • Production Throwback: Reference to Soul Eater is hidden in the series from the mangaka's previous work.
  • Wreathed in Flames: Some Third Generation's Ignition Abilities can manifest their flames around their bodies that results in augmentation of physical attributes.