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  • In episode 8 Gedächtnis responds to Drossel's request for a pet by giving her a swarm of butterflies, which she of course mistakes for birds. At the end when she asks who turned out the lights it's revealed they've clustered around her head.
  • In episode 10 Gedächtnis gives Drossel a helmet to block the rain leaking from the ceiling. The camera then zooms out to show that the "helmet" is a jack o' lantern, then when the lights go out for a second the light from her eyes can be seen through the holes. She goes to look at herself in a mirror and of course bumps into one of the invisible maids.
  • The first episode of Charming with Drossel apparently having a bit of difficulty trying to stand due to being weighed down by the blade-like protrusion on the back of her head.