Cheerleaders: We! Are driving! We! We! Are driving! |
A 2009 cheerleading film about two football stars who decide to get into a cheerleading squad, in order to attend a cheering camp to hook up with as many girls as they can and leave before the camp-end competition. Then they one of them falls for the squad captain and the other for a camp instructor, and decide to stay, but get caught and expelled, and have to work around a way to get back into the camp.
This movie features examples of:[]
- All Guys Want Cheerleaders: The reason behind the whole plot.
- Badass Gay: Bianca. One punch sends the Panthers running. She's also a lesbian
- Bring It On: No, really. It's an in-universe trope.
- Camp Gay: Brewster is really camp.
- Catch Phrase:
- Silvya: "I'm just saying"
- Shawn: "You've gotta risk it to get the biscuit"
- The Cheerleader: Completely averted with everybody else, but the Panthers are the cover boys of the trope as stated. Go ahead, take a look
- Clingy Costume: The mascots never take of their costumes. Even when they're skinny dipping.
- Cluster S Bomb: The coach really likes the word "Shit". Nick and Shawn made a game out of trying to guess how many times he can say it in one conversation.
- Dangerous Forbidden Technique: The Fountain of Troy.
- Dawson Casting: At 23 at the time of filming, Sarah Roemer was the youngest of the lead actors. Nicholas D'Agosto was 27 and Eric Christian Olsen was 30.
- Deadpan Snarker: Don't talk with Poppy if you can avoid it.
- Gratuitous Spanish: The Fountain of Troy is prohibidado. Prohibidabado. Prohibibabo.
- Hand or Object Underwear: Following the Skinny Dipping.
- Jerk Jock: Every guy who isn't on the cheering camp. It gets hilarious when they get caught by coach.
- Les Yay: With a healthy dose of Fan Service.
- Lipstick Lesbian: Bianca, of course.
- Most Annoying Sound: We! Are driving! We! We! Are driving!
- Opposing Cheerleaders Team: The Panthers.
- Please Put Some Clothes On: Bianca is asked to put on some underpants when they get woken up at night and when she was sharing Angela's bed.
- The Problem with Pen Island: During the Fired Up cheer, most shout the letters "F U". Shawn and Nick are apparently the only ones to notice the problem
- Second Place Is for Losers: Averted. The Tigers get thirteenth place, but they are happy because it's ten places better than last year
- Secret Diary: Nick has one full of romantic poetry.
- Serious Business: Cheering. Specially for Adam.
- Skinny Dipping: Followed by the inevitable Gone Swimming, Clothes Stolen.
- Straight Gay: Downey actually got Nick to thing he was straight.
- Also, most if not all of the oh-so straight looking Panther guys, if we believe to the girl who said that there were only four straight guys in the camp, being three of those Nick, Shawn and Adam.
- Suddenly Sexuality: Angela getting together with Bianca.
- Take That: The band Nickleback takes a few hits.
- The Wildcats: Both The Tigers and The Panthers.
- Title Drop.
- Training From Hell: Or the closest you're gonna see to this in a cheerleading movie.
- Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: Shawn's sister, Poppy, is very mature for her age.
- Verbal Tic: Again, the coach.