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The Other Wiki tells us that "Firefly is a common name for a bioluminescent beetle in the family Lampyridae."

This is a disambiguation page. On All The Tropes, Firefly could refer to:


  • Firefly (film), a 2005 independent film directed by Pete Marcy
  • The Firefly (1937 film), the 1937 film adaptation of the Rudolf Friml operetta starring Allan Jones
  • The Firefly (2015 film), a Colombian film directed by Ana Maria Hermida
  • Fireflies (film), a 2014 film


  • Firefly, a science-fiction novel by Piers Anthony
  • Fireflies, a memoir by David Morrell
  • Fireflies (novel), a 1970 novel by Shiva Naipaul
  • The Firefly, a novel by P. T. Deutermann

Live-Action TV[]

  • Firefly (TV series), a 2002 science fiction TV program created by Joss Whedon
    • Serenity, a movie based on the TV series
    • Firefly (franchise), a science fiction franchise stemming from the TV series
  • Fireflies (TV series), a 2004 Australian TV series
  • "The Firefly", a 2011 episode of the television series Fringe


  • Fire Flies, an American rock band based in New York City
  • The Fireflies, an American doo wop group
  • Firefly (band), the Filipino Indie rock bands

Tabletop Games[]

  • Firefly Role-Playing Game, a role-playing game by Margaret Weis Productions


  • The Firefly (operetta), by Rudolf Friml

Fictional Characters[]