Fite! is a Furry Webcomic by Mike Luce, aka Thomas Blue. It's the story of a boxer named Lucco, who wakes up in an unfamiliar land after a blow to the head and meets a soldier named Guz. Together, they try to find a way to get Lucco home.
Fite! is notable for its creative panel layouts, dialog-less story, and flexible, expressive artwork. Needs More Love.
The archive can be found in multiple places. The most complete version, with the final versions of all strips, is here, but this site includes a cast page and earlier versions of some strips.
Tropes in Fite! include:[]
- All There in the Manual: Most characters' names are only mentioned on the cast page.
- Armor Is Useless: Subverted when Gorgado stops to tear off Guz's armor before scratching him. Then played tragically straight when Guz's armor fails to stop a Frogera claw through his torso.
- Art Evolution: Notably, by the start of Round 4, Lucco and Guz's portaits in the header no longer look like their current faces. The header is updated shortly after.
- Attack of the 50 Foot Whatever: Giant Lucco
- Back Stab/Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: How Guz dies.
- Badass: Lucco and Guz (and maybe others)
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: Giant Lucco
- Barefoot Cartoon Animals
- Battle in the Center of the Mind
- Berserk Button: Ricci normally seems bored with everything, but the slightest mention of Lucco will cause him to flip OUT.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows: Guz
- Bolivian Army Ending: The comic originally had one, but the author eventually added one last comic.
- But You Were There and You and You: Cub is another patient at the hospital, and Skerry is a doctor.
- The Cameo: This comic contains Tamino the cat, from another of Thomas Blue's comics.
- Cheerful Child: Cub, who is also a Littlest Cancer Patient.
- The Chessmaster: Skerry
- Civilized Animal: The Mutali, as opposed to everyone else who is a . . .
- Conspicuous Consumption: Ricci and his manager both sport gold jewelry.
- Converse with the Unconscious: Cub to Lucco.
- Cool Shades/Sinister Shades: Ricci's manager.
- Defeat Means Friendship: After Lucco beats Guz in a fight, Guz embraces him like a brother.
- Exposed to the Elements: Guz warns Lucco of winter's approach and offers him a tunic. Lucco declines, instead doing . . . this.
- Eyes Are Mental: After Lucco "absorbs" Guz, his eyes change in appearance to those of Guz.
- Foe Yay: Ricci seems a little too obsessed with Lucco . . .
- Foreshadowing: This seems awfully similar to Lucco's eventual confrontation with King Frogera.
- Full-Frontal Assault: Heroic version: When Guz and Lucco are attacked while bathing, Guz doesn't bother to get dressed until after the fight.
- Fusion Dance: Lucco and Guz at the end — Power Booster with shades of Composite.
- Going Commando: Nothing comes between Lucco and his trunks.
- Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal: The Mutali chief. Notably, none of the other Mutali wear any clothes, or even walk upright.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Lucco and Guz
- Ho Yay: Lucco and Guz bathing together.
- Journey to the Center of the Mind
- King Mook: King Frogera.
- Loin Cloth: All Gorgado wears. Guz spends a while in one too.
- Lower Deck Episode: Round 6 leaves Lucco and Guz to follow Ricci, who was only seen briefly before.
- Meat Puppets: The Mutali are just puppets of Skerry.
- Me's a Crowd: Sometimes there is one Skerry, sometimes there are three.
- Mooks: The Frogera.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Lucco in his "God of Boxing" form.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Ricci is kind of an otter Mike Tyson.
- Non Standard Character Design: Mutali's original design was intended to look out-of-place, but the author redesigned him to look more like the other characters.
- Out of Focus: To the point that Gorgado replaces Guz in the header.
- Portal Cut: More of a Portal Slam, really.
- Punch-Punch-Punch Uh-Oh: King Frogera gets one, though it's more of a Scratch Scratch Scratch Uh Oh.
- Rebus Bubble: The characters talk like this when the readers are meant to understand them.
- Recap Episode: Here.
- Sacrificial Lion: Guz
- Say My Name: Happens a couple of times, if you can recognize the symbols representing the characters' names.
- Skinny Dipping: Lucco and Guz do this at one point.
- Skyward Scream: The second example for Say My Name above.
- Soft Water: Subverted — Lucco survives a long fall into water with no apparent injuries, but the landing does cuase him to briefly hallucinate.
- Speaking Simlish: There are actually different languages of "Simlish" — Lucco's is more angular, while Guz's is more squiggly.
- You can actually recognize a few symbols, like the characters' names.
- As time goes by, Lucco and Guz seem to talk to each other with Rebus Bubbles more ofter, perhaps because they're growing to understand each other more.
- Speech Bubble Censoring: Here. Awfully convenient that Gorgado happened to say nothing right then.
- The Speechless: The Mutali can't speak, but they can create portals by howling.
- Spirit Advisor: Cub before Lucco wakes up. Once he's awake, Guz becomes one.
- Training From Hell: Gorgado puts Lucco through this.
- Unlike most examples, though, it seems to weaken Lucco rather than make him stronger.
- Trapped in Another World
- Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty: An after-the-bell sucker punch from Ricci to Lucco is what kicks off the events of the comic.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: First place goes to Gorgado, who only wears a Loin Cloth.
- Second place goes to Lucco, who is only seen with his torso clothed in one comic (spoilers!). At one point, he refuses a shirt when offered one.
- And third place goes to Ricci, who is seen with a shirt a couple of times, but is still shirtless the vast majority of the time, despite having more access to shirts than the other characters.