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Flag Capture is an early Atari 2600 game from 1978. It's the first video game example of Capture the Flag, though the mechanics are incomplete - there is only one flag, there are no bases to bring it back to, and there is no fighting.

One or two players wander around a 9x7 grid of squares, and press the fire button to find out what's in that square. It may be the flag, or a hint about where the flag is, or a bomb that sends them back to their starting square.

There are 10 variations:

  • 1: Free For All: Both players move in real time.
  • 2: Double Two-Player: Players take turns moving and checking a square.
  • 3: Double Two-Player with a moving flag that bounces off the edges of the screen.
  • 4: Double Two-Player with a moving flag that wraps around the screen.
  • 5: Solo Two-Player: Players take turns moving and checking until they find the flag.
  • 6: Solo Two-Player, moving flag with wall.
  • 7: Solo Two-Player, moving flag with wrap-around.
  • 8: Single Player Timed.
  • 9: Single Player Timed, moving flag with wall.
  • 10: Single Player Timed, moving flag with wrap-around.

Flag Capture provides examples of:[]