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The film[]

  • If you weren't ready to cheer for Flash Gordon the instant you heard his theme song (by Queen!), then Flash Gordon was not the movie for you. What is most impressive is that we hadn't even been introduced to Flash yet.
    • His later Crowning Moment is to capture War Rocket Ajax alongside the Hawkmen, then blow most of it up. He decides to stay and pilot the ship so that it'll crash into the lightning field surrounding Ming's palace, which will deactivate it and kill him in the process. Seconds before he hits it, Dr. Zarkov turns the shield off, and the wedding crowd watches in horror as War Rocket Ajax crashes through the window and stabs Ming the Merciless in the back with its pointy nose.
    • It's funny how no one remembers the one-hit wonder who played the titular Mr. Gordon, but everyone remembers who played ... Princess ... Aura.
  • Prince Barin: [Takes Flash's hand] "Where you go, I follow."
    • After his Heel Face Turn, Prince Barin became a walking fountain of Crowning Moments, the first being his and Flash's double-teaming of Klytus.