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  • From the 1980 movie:
    • The Football fight scene where our hero takes on Ming's guards by playing quarterback. The whole sequence is a winner from Dale playing cheerleader to Brian Blessed whacking random guards on the head with his staff while their backs are turned to Ming's priceless remark about Klytus' troops:

 Ming: Klytus! Are your men on the right pills? Maybe you should execute their trainer!

    • Dale's escape from Ming's chambers. The bit with the shoes, the unnecessary cartwheel - pure She Fu.
    • Barin and Zarkov are chained up in a dungeon.

  Barin: Tell me more about this man, "Houdini".

      • Made even funnier by "LONG LIVE FLASH!" being randomly burned into the wall behind them.
    • At Ming's wedding, ships fly two banners in the background. The first says "All creatures shall make merry". The second says "Under pain of death".
    • Long live Flash! You've saved your Earth. Have a nice day.