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In a nutshell, take the premise of Lost and replace the utterly screwed up main characters, the Mind Screws, and the Epileptic Trees with angsty teens, high school drama, and idealism cranked to eleven, and you basically have this show.
In other words, the Coral Island to Lost's Lord of the Flies.
Aired on Discovery Kids for two seasons before getting cancelled. A Made For TV Movie was made to tie up loose ends and to conclude the series.
A fan-made spin-off series is being worked on here.
The show provides examples of:[]
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: Daley and Nathan, a lot. Their competitive natures don't help, either.
- Blond Brunette Redhead — Taylor, Melissa, and Daley.
- Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: Jackson and Melissa.
- Butt Monkey — Daley in The Movie.
- Catch Phrase — Taylor had "we're not gonna be here that long". That is, until reality sets in.
- Confession Cam — Each kid gets a tape for the video camera to use as a sort of diary.
- Covers Always Lie — The DVD covers show Daley with short hair. At no point in the series proper does Daley have short hair. She cuts it at the beginning of the movie.
- The Ditz: Taylor, who on occasion proves to be a Genius Ditz. Think "Chilloween".
- Heroic BSOD — Taylor spends the bulk of the first episode of season 2 just sitting there after discovering their camp destroyed.
- Jerkass — Eric is pretty much Jerkass incarnate!
- Last-Name Basis: Jackson It is revealed that his first name is Cody.
- Love Triangle: Melissa likes Jackson, Jackson appears to likes Taylor, Taylor likes Jackson. Melissa and Jackson are implied to end up together in the The Movie though.
- The Movie: The made for TV movie that ended the series, called The Hotel Tango.
- Never Say "Die"
- Nice Hat — Mostly Eric's fedora, but just about everyone has one.
- No Hugging, No Kissing
- Obfuscating Stupidity — Taylor's actually smarter than she lets on.
- Take a Third Option — When the kids try to decide whether the leader should be Daley or Nathan, Jackson wins.
- Troubled but Cute — Jackson
- True Companions — "Club 29 Down." They'll bicker and fight, but they would and do risk their lives for each other.