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Characters for the Flunk Punk Rumble / Yankee Kun to Megane Chan manga.

Hana Adachi[]

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The female protagonist and former Student Council President


  Didn't she just want to "fwap" our shirts open?!


Daichi Shinagawa[]

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Our male protagonist and former Student Council Co-Vice President.

  • Badass Normal
  • Captain Oblivious: Completely unable to recognize Hana as the girl he fell in love with at the entry exam and the one who gave him his scar.
  • Chick Magnet: Complete with a Token Mini-Moe. This dude has had every named female character, save one or two, fall for him.
  • Delinquent: The titular "Yankee-kun".
  • The Drag Along: Much of the fun in earlier volumes comes from Shinagawa reluctantly complying with Hana and co.'s shenaningans. * Five-Man Band: The Hero
  • Genius Bruiser: see the Obfuscating Stupidity entry below.
  • Idiot Hero: Subverted in his backstory. It's revealed that he was formerly one of the top two students at Japan's top Junior High.
    • And the subversion continues as Shinagawa gets into Japan's top university.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Actually a nice guy underneath the rough exterior, especially towards Hana though he goes tsuntsun most times with her.
  • Manly Tears: Chapter 209, his graduation speech
    • Also results in everyone else crying.
  • Megane: In middle school. And of the studious variety. It serves as explanation toward how he was even eligible for Monshiro High in the first place.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: It's implied that Shinagawa was actually a brilliant student in the Bonus strip. In chapters 150 and 151, these implications are more or less confirmed when his backstory is explored. Before he became a delinquent in junior high, he was one of the top students at his school, complete with natural-colored hair and glasses. And not just any junior high, but the top school in the country.
  • Teacher-Student Romance: Maybe.
  • Tsundere: Interesting in that he relatively quickly admits that he is fond of Hana and the Student Council.

Seiya Chiba[]

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Student Council Treasurer. Used to be a major Hikikomori before Shinagawa and Adachi convinced him to come back to school to keep his grades up. Since then he stayed with them and is grateful that they consider him a friend. Although he's often thought to be a delinquent because of his eyes he's actually just a very shy young man that wants to make some ordinary friends.

Rinka Himeji[]

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Former Student Council Secretary. Used to be Adachi's "right hand man" in middle school and nicknamed 'The Bloody Pantheress.'

  • Chickification: She was introduced as Adachi's former right-hand-woman, who had a fairly strong reputation as a fighter. By Chapter 55, she doesn't even seem capable of taking on a couple of Mooks. She gets more and more girly; always cleaning some mess with her broom, interested in makeup and clothes and generally coming as the weakest member of the gang, even behind Chiba, since nobody is taking her seriously. Jokingly acknowledged in chapter 119 when she attempts to invoke an Expository Hairstyle Change.
  • Delinquent
  • Five-Man Band: The Chick
  • Informed Ability: Despite her position and nickname, she's never actually seen fighting.
  • Large Ham: Though she quiets down after a few chapters.
  • Moe: In-universe. She seems to have a Dojikko reputation. Her small size does not help either. She even got a chapter cover as a clumsy Meido.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Grade B

Gaku Izumi[]

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Former Student Council Co-Vice President. Second highest grades and second strongest fighter.

Akita Hikaru[]

One year older than the main cast, Akita is the former president of the Student Council. He's usually an easygoing, peaceful and laid back person. Just never ever call him a girl, or simply say the word when he's around.