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Basic Trope: One half of a couple wants a divorce; the other is reluctant to go through with it.
Played Straight: Alice wants a divorce from Bob, but Bob procrastinates about signing the papers.
Exaggerated: Bob flat out refuses to sign the papers.
Bob still has feelings for Alice, and/or wants to try and see if they can go through marriage counseling and "make it work."
Bob doesn't believe in divorce.
Alice wants Bob to propose marriage to her, but Bob is (for whatever reason(s)) dragging his feet about it.
Alternatively, Alice plops divorce papers on Bob's desk, and Bob signs them right away.
The deadline is fast approaching, and though the papers are unsigned, it's because Bob has been busy and forgot about them.
Or, Bob confronts Alice, and they agree that instead of divorcing, they will try couples' counseling first.
Or, Bob signs the papers right away.
Double Subverted: It turns out Bob still has feelings for Alice, and has been using "being swamped with work" as an excuse for avoiding the issue.
Deconstructed: See "Double Subverted".
Reconstructed: Alice and Bob talk about their issues, and either reconsider the divorce (and work through their problems), or agree that it's better to just end it.
Enforced: "We need to segue into a drawn-out romance arc, with an Alice-Bob-Charles Love Triangle."
Invoked: Alice gets involved with Charles, but she wants to get her Lazy Husband Bob out of the way.
Bob signs the papers right away, because he wants the divorce as badly as Alice does.
Alice and Bob agree to try counseling before getting a divorce.
Discussed: "Bob's not going to sign those divorce papers."
Conversed: "Ever notice how on TV, the guys are slow to get into a marriage, and even slower to get out of one, than the girls are? What's up with that?"