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 Kal-El: Van, when you were born, it was the happiest day of my life. When I first saw your beautiful little face, when your tiny fingers squeezed my hand so tight—like you never wanted to let go. I've watched every step, every struggle, I... but, Van, I—oh, Rao help me [begins to cry]—but I don't think you're real. I don't think any of this is real.

Van-El: Don't say that, Daddy! Please, you're scaring me.

Kal-El: No, no, I don't want to scare you, Van. You are everything I ever wanted in a son. This... this is everything I ever wanted in a life. But I've got responsibilities, Van. And I... [voice breaking] have to go now...

    • And then the music rises, the same achingly sad theme that played over the destruction of Krypton back in the pilot for Superman: The Animated Series, as Jor-El and Lara watched their son fly away and their world die.

 Van-El: Daddy...

Kal-El: I promise you... I'll never forget.

  • It's even more sad in the original story, when he brings Van-El to the site of Kandor Crater.

 Kal-El: Van, I'm sorry. I... I just needed to come here. There's something completely wrong. You know when you get a bad feeling, and then... Oh, Van, I'm sorry. I'm not talking sense. You're too young to understand...

Van-El: Father, can we go and meet mother and Orna? I'm cold.

Kal-El: Van, it's... it's this feeling. I... Oh dear Rao, am I going mad? I keep thinking that... Van, please, I know this won't make sense, but... you're my son. I was at your birth and I'll always love you. Always. But, Van, I... I don't think you're real.

  • In the JLU episode, Bruce Wayne being forced to relive his parent's deaths.

  Wonder Woman * outside the dream as Joe Chill aims* : BRUUUUCE!!!! * BLAM!*

    • Up until that moment, Thomas was beating the crap out of Chill. It's only when Diana tries to snap Batman out of his hallucination that the tables turn.
      • Ah, but that's because Thomas Wayne beating the crap out of Joe Chill is Bruce's 'ideal' world. Diana helps Bruce fight back against the Black Mercy and so reality asserts itself.
    • This scene is even more heartwrenching when you see that Batman has a genuine smile on his face, and that removing the Black Mercy will return him to reality... but also force him to relieve his parent's deaths... gah... just... gah!