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Forevermore ABS cbn

Forevermore is a Philippine romantic comedy television series directed by Cathy Garcia-Molina, starring Enrique Gil and Liza Soberano, together with an ensemble cast. The series premiered on ABS-CBN and worldwide on The Filipino Channel on October 27, 2014, succeeding Ikaw Lamang.


  • The Alcatraz: Xander ends up living in a shed on Agnes' farm near her oet pig, Bonita Rose.
  • Gratuitous Ilocano: Agnes and the farm folks sometimes speak in Ilocano, although their farm is in Baguio.
  • Noodle Incident: To the fact that it ended up having Xander ruining the harvested strawberries...
    • Oh Crap: And sent Agnes into towering rage.
  • Tsundere: Agnes becomes one towards Xander after his Noodle Incident.