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  • Episode 1: Clain's reaction to Innocent Fanservice Girl Phryne when she nonchalantly undresses to apply medicine to her injuries, and later when she approaches Clain topless, as she needs help applying the medicine to an injury on her back.
  • Episode 3:
    • Clain fanboying over all the antique items in Granites Village, much to Enri's annoyance. Not the reaction one would expect from a prisoner. Especially when Enri warns him he could get shot down, and Clain obsesses excitedly because the gun her shooter is holding has an optical sight.
    • Nessa following Enri around... to the bathroom. It Makes Sense in Context.
  • Episode 4: Barrot hilariously failing to capture Phryne.
  • Episode 5: Clain's underwear of choice is revealed to be a... Fundoshi.
  • Episode 6: Clain's and Phryne's childish race up the hill.
  • Episode 8:
    • Nessa's reaction to seeing Clain:

 Nessa: --Clain! There you are!

Clain: --Oh shoot!

Guard: --There they are!

[Clain, Phryne, and Nessa run off]

    • When Clain and Phryne share a moment in the underground passage way, Nessa walks right past them.