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From the original series:
- The entire third-season episode "The Secret Society of Poobahs" is hilarious with all the increasingly silly and absurd customs of the Poobah society, but the definite highlight is the roll call (made even better by Jim Henson's brilliant performance as the Vanguard - who, even funnier, happens to be Convincing John):
Beggler-Beg: The trial of Mokey Fraggle shall now begin! All Poobahs should be present! The judge will call the roll... |
- In the "Great Radish Famine," the Doozers take up knitting as a substitute for their construction work. Needless to say, they hated it.
- In the same episode mentioned above, the Trash Heap optimistically fantasizes what the Fraggle, Doozer, Gorg meeting turned out to be. She imagines them singing a Taste Like Diabetes song, complete with somewhat silly lyrics. Naturally, it didn't really go that well, and the Trash Heap had to be content with merely getting a Fraggle, a Doozer and a Gorg to meet in the first place.
- In "The Great Radish Famine," the Doozers take up knitting as a substitute for their construction work. Needless to say, they hate it.
- "Marooned": Gobo's attempt at making lima bean soup... does not go well.
Mokey: [tastes soup] Um... I think it needs a bit more salt. |
- "Let the Water Run": The Fraggles watch their water supply lower.
Wembley: Why does the water vanish everyday? |
- Anytime one of Doc's inventions goes awry and Sprocket laughs at him.
- Anytime Gobo announces he's received his Uncle Matt's latest postcard, leading to a Sarcasm Mode or Oh, Crap! reaction from Red.
- "The Cavern of Lost Dreams": Sprocket does a near dead-on Swedish Chef imitation while making a breakfast cereal for dogs.
- Mokey's airy nature occasionally gets the better of her to the point where she loses touch with reality. In "A Cave of One's Own," Red is attacked by a sentient plant while she and Mokey are gathering leaves and such for their cave-warming party, and Mokey's so wrapped up in what she's doing that she doesn't notice. he plant finally releases Red, who momentarily faints, leading Mokey to think Red is taking a nap and scold her for laziness.
- Wembley's attempt at writing a song in "The Trash Heap Doesn't Live Here Anymore."
Today had been an awful daaaaaayyyyy... (awful day)... until some Doozers came my waaaaayyyyy... They - they squeet-squat-boing-boinged just like that... And now I'm sitting in my hat. An awful day they came my way... A squeet-squat thing and a boing-boing-bing... Lots of fun... Ate a bun... Squeet-squat-squay and an awful daaaaayyyyy... today. ... Boy, writing songs is sure not as easy as it looks. Now what about a second verse? ... What a day for me and YOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU!!!!!! [Doozers cover their ears and grumble] For Wembley and for... Wembley and for... uh... oh, ROCKS! I'll never think of a rhyme. |
- In the final episode, Sprocket goes berserk when Doc tells him he has to travel as baggage, taking his frustrations out on Doc's hat and on the telephone receiver. Doc manages to get around this in a novel way: by bundling up Sprocket in winter clothes and pretending the dog is his "grandfather."
- "The Terrible Tunnel:"
- Boober's superstitions. Watching Boober and Wembley hop around Gobo's and Wembley's room screaming "Ooo! Ooo! Ooo!" (It Makes Sense in Context) is priceless.
- Sprocket won't give up his lucky horseshoe for Doc's collapsible bookcase, unless Doc makes it worth his while. Doc finally ends up trading just about everything he owns to his own dog just to get the horseshoe, and after all that, the collapsible bookcase - what else? - collapses after he adds the horseshoe.
- "The Beetle Song" in "I Want to Be You." It's amusing watching Red trying to follow Mokey's lead as the song gets faster and Mokey keeps adding to the lyrics. Finally Red gives up and Gobo ends up finishing the song with Mokey.
- Same episode, after the Trash Heap serenades Philo and Gunge with a poem.
Philo: Oh, Marjory! |
- "The Challenge": While Sprocket plays "Zombie Attack", he takes his paws off the controls to do his Shimmelfinney imitation, then ends up losing a life and has an Oh, Crap! reaction.
- One of Uncle Traveling Matt's postcards is about the time he decided to try out the rapid transit of the Silly Creatures- a roller coaster. His expression as the speed kicks up is utterly hilarious. Incidentally, that's his puppeteer, Dave Goelz, sitting next to him on the coaster. Goelz hated roller coasters, which didn't keep writer Jerry Juhl from writing this scene for him, and didn't keep Goelz from having to do thirteen takes.
- Really, all of the Uncle Traveling Matt sequences are gold.
- In "The Challenge," he comes across smokers and proceeds to throw a pitcher of water on a guy smoking a cigar, thinking he's doing the man a favor by "putting out the fire in his mouth." He's then baffled when the man angrily lunges at him instead of thanking him.
- In "The Finger of Light," he encounters a puppeteer and notices a certain "family resemblance" between himself and the puppeteer's "string creature" (a traditional puppet).
- Another segment has Matt discovering cotton candy. Interested in trying it, he spots what he thinks is a large mound of cotton candy, but was actually a woman's pink afro. Needless to say, she was not happy about Matt taking a bite of her hair.
From Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock:
- "Four Wembleys and a Birthday":
- Traveling Matt crashes a birthday celebration at a Mexican restaurant under the assumption that everyone's there to celebrate his birthday. After stealing a diner's tortilla to wear as a hat and then chowing down "pie-eating-contest" style on a birthday cake, he gets thrown out of the restaurant. The artifact he sends back to Gobo? Tortilla chips, where are ground into dust by the time the Fraggles get them. They are not impressed.
- Boober recalls his last birthday, which he spent doing his favorite activity: the laundry.
Boober: [in flashback, while ironing] I'm having a blast! |
- "Red and the Big Jump":
- After a trip to the beach, Doc enters the workshop wearing a wetsuit and flippers, insisting to a laughing Sprocket that "fish have a very strict dress code when you go to their house."
- Boober, as the referee for Red's "Floop, Bloop and Whoop" game, insists on going through the rules first. There are well over 800 of them, and the first rule is that every rule must be recited twice. After Boober bores everyone to sleep with his lengthy recitation of the rules, Red finally has enough and cuts him off when he tries to start a Q&A session as well. Even more absurd: Even with 800+ rules, there's apparently not a single rule that says how you determine who the winner of the game is. But there is a rule about players who are frozen (i.e. covered in ice, like Wembley)... apparently they must preregister.
- "The Glow":
- Uncle Matt suggests the Fraggles organize a museum to hold the "Bizzle of Secrets," and that they call it something "understated" like: "The Uncle Traveling Matt Museum, Hooray Uncle Traveling Matt."
- Wembley's overly-complicated plan to smuggle the "Bizzle" back into the Uncle Matt museum involves dressing up as the World's Oldest Fraggle and digging a tunnel into the museum. It also involves Wembley being caught by Henchy, Henchy immediately seeing though the disguise, and Wembley not being able to convincingly impersonate the World's Oldest Fraggle. How the plan would go from there, we never find out, because Boober interrupts Wembley's ramblings.
- Doc wonders aloud who on earth would send a water bottle through the mail. Cut to the Traveling Matt segment with him announcing "It's MEEEEEE!"
- "Deep Dive":
- Gobo, Wembley and Boober's plot to scare the Merggles out of their hiccups is a convoluted, incoherent mess, and it ends with Boober getting a Pie in the Face. (Which was not part of the plan.) Fortunately, this gets the Merggles laughing, which cures their hiccups.
- Meanwhile, Doc's attempts to get Sprocket to take his medicine by covering his pill in peanut butter and then wrapping it in cheese results only in the dog eating the food and spitting out the pill... repeatedly. Doc goes through an entire block of cheese before she finally realizes that Sprocket's antics are just his way of saying he wants some cuddle time.
- "Craggle Lagoon":
- Travelling Matt mistaking a photocopier for a "light massage cavern" is already funny enough, but what really pushed this moment into CMOF is the look of freaked-out confusion on the office lady's face when she comes in to take a photocopy and Matt is lying there saying "five more minutes, please."
- When summing up their work week, Wembley tells about how he and the fire brigade put out a fire... except, as it turns out, it wasn't a fire. It was Boober making soup. A cold soup.
- Inspector Red loves her Private Eye Monologue sessions, but keeps forgetting the fact that speaking them out loud means everyone can hear them — which really becomes a problem when she uses those monologues to admit she doesn't have a clue what she's doing.
- "The Night of the Lights": When Junior is about to light up the Gorgs' castle with Glow Grapes and Pa spies the Fraggle Five, Jamdolin and World's Oldest Fraggle.
Pa: Listen up! Connect the Glow Grape vines in three, two... FRAGGLES! |