Anvilicious: One of the all-too-rare successful aversions!
Broken Base: With Back to the Rock, fan opinions are divided on Mokey's updated character design, which changed her hair style to a ponytail and her outfit from a robe to a green dress. Some prefer the original Mokey; others enjoy the fresh take on the character.
Ear Worm: The theme song... oh god THE THEME SONG!
Where to end? This show is simply full of earworms. Special mention also to "Follow Me," which may be second only to the theme song as the franchise's most iconic.
Magnum Opus: Combining music, puppetry, ethos, on an international level from the very start. HBO and CBC, understandably excited about a new Jim Henson series, allocated additional funds to help make the series good.
Wangst: Gobo occasionally falls into this, mostly based on his status of de-facto leader of the gang. As early as the first season, he spends most of the Invisible Garboil episode in the depths of a Heroic BSOD! Suffice to say, he does not cope well whenever his ego is deflated. He gets better as the series progresses though.
This is even parodied in the second-season episode "Wembley and the Great Race", where Wembley has a Dream Sequence in which Gobo goes completely to pieces over losing a race.