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  • Anvilicious: One of the all-too-rare successful aversions!
  • Broken Base: With Back to the Rock, fan opinions are divided on Mokey's updated character design, which changed her hair style to a ponytail and her outfit from a robe to a green dress. Some prefer the original Mokey; others enjoy the fresh take on the character.
  • Ear Worm: The theme song... oh god THE THEME SONG!
    • Have to mention the Doozer song.
    • Say it with me: "Dance your cares away! *clap clap* Worry's for another day..."
    • Now say it in French!
    • And then in German!
    • And now in Japanese!
    • Where to end? This show is simply full of earworms. Special mention also to "Follow Me," which may be second only to the theme song as the franchise's most iconic.
  • Magnum Opus: Combining music, puppetry, ethos, on an international level from the very start. HBO and CBC, understandably excited about a new Jim Henson series, allocated additional funds to help make the series good.
  • Periphery Demographic: Indeed, many are the fans who like it even more as adults.
  • Wangst: Gobo occasionally falls into this, mostly based on his status of de-facto leader of the gang. As early as the first season, he spends most of the Invisible Garboil episode in the depths of a Heroic BSOD! Suffice to say, he does not cope well whenever his ego is deflated. He gets better as the series progresses though.
    • This is even parodied in the second-season episode "Wembley and the Great Race", where Wembley has a Dream Sequence in which Gobo goes completely to pieces over losing a race.