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Frank-turner1 3474

Frank Turner is a singer/songwriter from Winchester, UK. While originally part of a post-hardcore band called Million Dead, he then went solo playing folk/punk songs with his acoustic guitar.

He was born in Bahrain.


  • Bad Bad Acting: Murder On The Tour Bus Express, probably intentional though.
  • Growing Up Sucks: "Photosynthesis"
    • "All my friends are getting married, mortgages and pension plans."
      • It gets worse, his latest album, England Keep My Bones expands this by being focused in many songs on the realization that he will soon die.
  • Hollywood Atheist: Averted with Glory Hallelujah which is a song about how there isn't a God so we can just focus on working hard and being happy.
  • Lyrical Dissonance: The upbeat song "Heartless Bastard Motherfucker"
  • Margaret Thatcher: "Thatcher Fucked The Kids"
    • Old Shame: Turner's political opinions have changed a fair bit over time, making "Thatcher Fucked The Kids" this.