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Frasier has had many in its eleven seasons.

  • Say what you want about Season 10, Rooms With a View is one long tearjerker as Niles goes for surgery. It's heightened when Niles keeps saying Daphne's name - just in case.
    • And Martin's flashback concerning Hester's diagnosis of cancer.
  • In the final episode, when Niles said, "I'll miss the coffees."
  • In the episode Frasier's Edge, Frasier's mentor, Dr. Tewksbury, is trying to help him through a crisis of confidence. He advises to diagnose himself as if he were a caller on his own show. Frasier tries to stall by bringing up numerous exercises, but Tewksbury pushes him to deal with his feelings. Finally, Frasier breaks down:

 Frasier: But I don't know what he wants!

Dr. Tewksbury: Then why do you keep trying to bury him in psychiatric exercises?

Frasier: Because that's all I have!

[long pause, Tewksbury looks at him sadly]

Frasier (whispering): ...I'm sorry, caller. I can't help you.

  • In the Season 9 episode "Deathtrap," after Martin explains about "Hamster Heaven" to console Roz's daughter Alice about her dead pet, Alice asks about whether Eddie would be going to "Dog Heaven." Martin laughs and says not for a long time. But after she leaves, Martin looks somber and calls Eddie over to his lap for a hug. The look on his face as he realizes that Eddie won't be around forever made me tear up.