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2003 Version[]

  • You can't deny that with these two this type of exchange was unavoidable.

 Anna (in her mom's body): I'm old!

Tess (in Anna's body): I beg your pardon!

Anna (in her mom's body): Oh, I'm like the Cryptkeeper!

  • Piece of advice, never try "a jolt" into each other after you've swapped bodies, it wont help you swap back. Though it is very funny to watch!
  • Beware vindictive big sisters!

 Ryan: OK, where are we going next, Harry's school?

Anna (in Tess's body): Oh, he can walk from here.

Harry: It's 20 blocks!

Anna (in Tess's body): Fresh air will do you good.

Harry: But what about bullies?

Anna (in Tess's body): Run fast.

  • Seems the only one who never learns is Pei-Pei's momma.

 Pei-Pei: Mama! What are you doing? Mama! Grandpa! Harry! No!

(Mom runs for it as Pei-Pei tackles Harry and Grandpa, and manages to grab the cookies)

Pei-Pei: Okay!
