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Character sheet for Freedom Force, because a game so Troperrific really should get one of these. Still under construction.
The Freedom Force[]
The Minuteman[]
An aging Nuclear physicist who helped create the Atom Bomb. He gets shot when he observes another scientist selling secrets to the Obviously Evil Sukhov. In his dying moments he touches an Energy X infused statue and is revived as...THE MINUTEMAN!
- Badass Abnormal: The Energy X he absorbed restored his youth and gave him strength, speed and endurance far beyond a normal man, yet he doesn't reach the incredible levels of power that the others do.
- Badass Bookworm: He was an old scientist before gaining his powers. His detailed knowledge of nuclear weapons still comes in handy from time to time.
- Badass Grandpa
- Cane Fu: His walking cane becomes his main weapon when he gets his powers.
- Captain Geographic
- Captain Ersatz: Of Captain America
- Captain Patriotic
- Catch Phrase: "For Freedom"
- Right Makes Might!
- "Stars and bars!"
- Cool Old Guy
- Determinator: He can have up to three Heroic points. In the second game, where Heroic points can be used to bring a fallen hero back on his feet, he can be quite difficult to put down for good.
- Glass Cannon: Minuteman hits like a truck in melee with his decent strength and high-damage attacks, but has a below-average endurance and goes down quickly under concentrated fire.
- In a Single Bound
- Patriotic Fervor: Played for Laughs of course.
- Personality Powers: His patriotism revives him as Minuteman.
- Standardized Leader
- Super Strength
- The Cape
- The Hero
- Wearing a Flag on Your Head
- You Have to Believe Me: Was fired for accusing a co-worker of being a soviet spy, he was right
A former advisor to Lord Dominion. However, when he learned of his master's plan for Earth, he fled with Energy X in order to gift it to the best of humanity so they may stand up to the Domain. He then takes it upon himself to guide Earth's heroes as...MENTOR!
- Captain Ersatz: of Martian Manhunter
- Catch Phrase: "Rings of Rexor"
- Defector From Decadence
- Evil Chancellor: Inverted, Mentor was an advisor to Lord Dominion but opposed him when he heard his plan to dump Energy-X on Earth's worst and let them destroy themselves.
- Little Green Men: His original body wasn't 100% this but it was close.
- I Love Nuclear Power: Has a couple of radiation based moves
- Mr. Exposition
- The Obi-Wan
- Pstandard Psychic Pstance: One of his combat animations.
- Psychic Powers: He lacks physical strength and speed but has a lot of different powers to make up for that.
- The Smart Guy
- Spock Speak
El Diablo[]
A former petty criminal that was nearly killed in neighbourhood gang warfare. When he gains his power, he learns the true scope and beauty of the world and reforms as the fiery and passionate...EL DIABLO!
- Badass Spaniard
- Badass Mustache
- Flight
- Foreshadowing: Tombstone claims that he will one day marry the Sea Urchin. Mind you, at he time he said it El Diablo had been erased from time, and his memory was possibly as muddled as everyone else's.
- Glass Cannon: Can't take much but his higher tier moves can decimate anything that doesn't resist fire.
- Gratuitous Spanish
- Latin Lover
- Magikarp Power: In the first game, he only has his basic attacks none of which are upgraded and to top it off he has an elemental weakness to the enemies he's introduced too. But level him up and he becomes one of the best damage dealers in the game. In the sequel, he's nearly indispensable for the first half of the game.
- Personality Powers: Take a guess.
- Playing with Fire
- Ret-Gone: Entropy erases him from time shortly into the third act of the second game.
- The Lancer
The prettiest girl on campus, she was disdainful of her roommate's Wiccan beliefs. But one night, her roommate's mysterious statue talks to her and gives her great powers, and instructs her to fight evil as...THE ALCHEMISS!
- Action Girl
- Alpha Bitch: Before gaining her powers.
- After too.
- Attempted Rape: What was probably going to happen to her if she did not get her powers.
- Expy: She has elements of Scarlet Witch, even her powers have similar peculiarities (Scarlet Witch is a mutant but her powers are also magic, Alchemiss got powers from the statue of a goddess imbued with Energy-X) In the sequel she gets many elements from Jean Grey altough it may also count as an Scarlet Witch reference.
- Catch Phrase: "Peaches and cream!"
- The Chick: Of the original members.
- Face Heel Turn
- Functional Magic
- Fiery Redhead
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Hot Witch
- Maybe Magic,Maybe Mundane/Left Hanging: We never find out if her powers are based on Energy X or a Goddess gifting them to her, or a combination of the two. However, the intro of the 2nd game hints at the Goddess gifting her the powers (possibly via Energy X), as her vision is shown in the Intro.
- Left Hanging: And her ultimate fate when she meets Energy X.
- Redemption Equals Death: Altough she doesn't completely disappear, the game ends on a cliffhanger about her fate.
- Ret-Gone
- Skepticism Failure: She mocked her roommate for following some generic wiccanesque religion, then she gets her powers.
- Southern Belle
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity
Millionaire Playboy who is struck with Energy X. He goes to his scientist brother for help when he begins to create Energy X uncontrollably, but then refuses the Powered Armor he is offered. Another blast of energy then kills his brother and destroys his lab. In penance for this, he dons the armour and becomes...THE MAN-BOT!
- Badass Automaton: OK, so he's just wearing Powered Armor, but he never takes it off.
- Blessed with Suck
- Clingy Costume
- Death By Origin Story: The death of his brother thanks to his powers is what caused him to become The Atoner.
- Expy: Of Iron Man, as both are Millionaire Playboys who use Powered Armor, but he also has a few features of other comic heroes, making him a Composite Character in some ways. See the main page for more details.
- Heroic Sacrifice in the end of Freedom Force by way of Sealed Evil in a Duel
- Iron Woobie: Literally although he doesn't fit the trope much.
- Jerk Jock: Shades of it in his backstory.
- Man in the Machine
- Meaningful Name: Ted Taylor. Not only does it bring to mind Ted Kord, the Blue Beetle, but also Tim Taylor. "More power", indeed.
- Mighty Glacier: Although you can make him able to fly later on to improve his mobility.
- Leaving you able to play him as either a foot-slogging tank or a long ranged artillery/Energy battery.
- Millionaire Playboy: His backstory, he also has a little bit of Jerk Jock too.
- Name's the Same: His name is shared with that of a nuclear physicist, who is also called Ted Taylor.
- Power Incontinence
- Powered Armor: It was built to contain his unstable energy but it works just like one.
- Though how isn't explained, his brother built it as a mobility aid. Either he modified it himself or he powers the flight and energy blasts through the Energy X he creates alone.
- Superpower Meltdown
- Tear Jerker: The ending of Freedom Force
- The Atoner
- The Big Guy: Of the original five members of Freedom Force.
- The Woobie: Oh so very much.
- 24-Hour Armor: Justified in that, however uncomfortable wearing it may be, it's peanuts compared to what happens if he takes it off.
The Ant[]
Bullied high school nerd who loves ants. One day, he's infused with the powers of the ants and then prevents his bullies from committing a far more serious crime. From then on he's dedicated to fighting crime as...THE ANT!
- Captain Ersatz: Spider-Man and bits of Hank Pym during his stint as Ant-Man.
- The Beast Master: He commands ants! Not that this ability gets used much outside of cutscenes...
- There is the ant swarm attack but it kinda sucks compared to his acid grenades and Genius Bruiser hand-to-hand powers.
- Badass Bookworm
- Fast Tunnelling
- Gadgeteer Genius: Makes his own acid bombs.
- Rock Beats Laser: More often than not the best way for Ant to do damage is not to use his acid bombs but to have him pick up big things (like rocks) and toss them at enemies. Especially useful and funny during the Deja Vu arc when enemies with laser pistols die from a thrown rock.
- Stone Wall: Can't inflict much outside of acid bomb or his later melee strikes but he has incredible endurance and agility.
- The Smart Guy: Often researches a way to beat the Monster of the Week.
- Wall Crawl
Liberty Lad[]
The young president of Minuteman's fan club is injured by Pinstripe while watching Freedom Force in action. A blood transfusion from his idol saves him in time, and so he decides to don a costume and aid his saviours as...LIBERTY LAD!
- Ascended Fanboy
- Captain Ersatz: He's Bucky with all the charm, usefulness and likeability surgically removed.
- Fragile Speedster: Starts as this then with some levelling becomes a Glass Cannon.
- Kid Sidekick
- Reckless Sidekick
- Superhuman Transfusion: How he got his powers.
- The Scrappy: Turns up as an annoying little twerp with little use and is compulsory for a few missions, and also earns the respect and acceptance of Minuteman too quickly for some fans.
- Rescued From the Scrappy Heap: In the sequel he's still useless, but he's now an optional character who shows up in one cutscene.
- Throw Down the Bomblet
A deadly human hunting machine from the future possibly sent back to destroy Earth's mightiest protectors, Freedom Force themselves! Once neutralised, Mentor is able to realign the robotic rapscallion to the greater good as...MICROWAVE!
- Badass Automaton
- Expy: Of The Vision.
- Flight, Strength, Heart: On top of his radiation powers Microwave has the ability to retrieve fruit.
- Heel Face Turn
- I Love Nuclear Power
- Mecha-Mooks: Microwave was one and his clone self allows him to make some for you.
- Mighty Glacier: Made of metal and near immune to radioactivity and physical attacks. His attack powers are decent but short-ranged (except for one that's annoyingly inaccurate), and he moves like the terminator. Once you unlock teleport some of these shortcomings disappear.
- Pick Your Human Half: Averted in that Microwave looks and acts like a robot.
- Robo Speak
- Shout-Out: Mike comes from a future where machines have usurped humanity and took over the world. Where have we heard that before?
- The Smart Guy: He's a robot from the future with highly advanced sensors. Kid knows stuff.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: in concept art for the unreleased third Freedom Force game.
An ace pilot who loves speed. After his plane was shot down, he discovered he could outrun bullets and move fast enough to create whirlwinds. Though he opts for a quiet life back in Patriot City, Minuteman soons convinces him to become...BULLET!
- Blow You Away: Can create small tornadoes.
- Captain Ersatz: The Flash.
- Flash Step
- Healing Factor: Once he gets Fast Healing
- Lightning Bruiser: Bullet actually has good endurance and while individual punches may be weak the damage racks up pretty fast.
- Lets him take down groups of weaker mooks by himself.
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs
- Super Speed: Obviously.
- Weaksauce Weakness: He's a great character but keep him away from those radiation and acid spewing enemies.
A judge's assistant who becomes the target of hitmen when she agrees to testify in a murder case. Though under heavy attack, she recieves the blessing of Energy X and becomes...LAW!
- Cool Sword
- Disability Superpower: It is implied that the loss of her sight has increased some of her other senses, hence her being a Handicapped Badass, as said below.
- Lady of War
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Law turns into Order.
- I Am the Noun: She actually says "I am the law" quite often.
- Handicapped Badass: She's blind, but that doesn't stop her from kicking ass.
An honest policeman assigned to watch of the woman who would later become Law. In their most desperate hour, he is transformed into...ORDER!
- Scary Black Man: Though big and imposing Order is a very nice and polite guy.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Order transforms into Law.
- Drop the Hammer: It even causes earthquakes!
- Mighty Glacier
Man O' War[]
Hank Waters was a down on his luck fisherman about to pack in the business. That is, until he discovered a stowaway on his boat and hit a storm. After the ordeal he found himself transformed into...MAN O'WAR!
- Eyepatch of Power
- Fish People
- Sean Connery: Okay, not really, but it certainly sounds like him.
- Kill It with Water
- Lightning Bruiser: Once he gets flight.
- Papa Wolf: Hints of it towards Sea Urchin, and the younger members of Freedom Force in general.
- Shock and Awe
- This Looks Like a Job For Aquaman: Averted-Man O' War is a pretty solid character but when the mechanical arc comes along he is practically required for his lightning attacks.
- In the sequel, his electricity and energy X-resistance makes him the best wraith-hunter bar none. He's also extremely good against the Final Boss.
Sea Urchin[]
A young stowaway on Hank Water's ship. When a storm hits, she becomes the bubbly and eager...SEA URCHIN!
A mysterious woman who appeared one day in Patriot Park. She can commune with nature, but none know her true identity. To the world she is known only as...EVE!
- The Archer
- Green Thumb
- Hot Amazon
- Improbable Aiming Skills: She has an attribute called "Crack Shot" which increases her aim; since her arrow powers all have great accuracy already, her aim is pretty much perfect. She has a power called "Homing Arrow" that will follow its target even if that means changing direction mid-flight.
- Kiss of Death: Though it doesn't actually kill.
- Ms. Fanservice: Lets face it any scene Eve is in is fanservice.
- Nature Hero
- Statuesque Stunner: Is 7 feet tall.
- Stripperiffic
- Walking Swimsuit Scene
- Does Not Like Shoes
Nathan Graves is a devoted husband, framed for his wife's murder by his slimy next door neighbour. Energy X strikes him at the moment of his execution. Nathan Graves dies, but in his place rises...TOMBSTONE!
- Anti-Hero: Probably a Type III since he's not that bad for a Nineties Anti-Hero and seems more focused on people who evaded justice than just killing every bad guy that he finds (this makes sense since the Freedom Force probably wouldn't allow him around if he were a Sociopathic Hero.)
- Anti-Heroes Sound Deep
- Awesome but Practical: Possession.
- Dark Is Not Evil: He is called Tombstone but he is a good guy.
- Darker and Edgier: Still Played for Laughs, but the guy possesses and kills people, attacks them with electricity from his own execution and causes animals to wither and die by his mere presence.
- Demonic Possession: An inverted heroic example Tombstone can possess enemies.
- Energy Being: Basically an energy x-induced ghost.
- Ghostly Chill: Tombstone's basic punches deal cold damage.
- Guns Akimbo
- In a Single Bound
- Lightning Bruiser: Tombstone has good stats across the board: The only thing that really stands out is his 7/10 endurance (granting him a massive 220 HP). His powers run the gamut from some decent and quickly unlocked attacks to some useful utility spells, like his possession spell, a few (mostly redundant) defensive powers, and a late-game teleport spell. His only real 'weakness' is his energy X vulnerability, which many late-game foes use.
- Nineties Anti-Hero: As a clash from the Silver Age of everyone else. The game still manages to play it for laughs.
- Power Nullifier: His "Power Devour" ability.
- Shock and Awe: His pistols shoot electricity from his execution.
- That Man Is Dead: "Run, fools, and tell the wicked that their lies shall be brought into the light. For where Nathan Graves once stood... only Tombstone remains!"
- The Faceless: Never takes his execution hood off. It appears to have become his face.
- The Lancer: Never really interacts with Freedom Force's more idealistic members but his attitude is very much this when compared to Minuteman's.
- White Mask of Doom: Actually his execution hood.
- Voice of the Legion: Mild example.
Green Genie[]
The rebellious daughter of an Arabian businessman who is granted the gift of Energy X shortly before an unwanted marriage. She enacts revenge upon her cruel father and escpaes to aid those less fortunate at...THE GREEN GENIE!
- Baleful Polymorph
- Bare Your Midriff
- Fragile Speedster
- Fun Personified
- Genki Girl
- Lethal Joke Character: Her only direct attack is a ranged joy buzzer that deals a mighty 4 damage and can't be set to auto-attack. With some proper micro-management, however, her utility spells and disruptive powers make her (potentially) one of the most powerful heroes in the game.
- Magic Carpet
When a young boy's wilful ignorance of his proud heritage causes the death of his grandfather, the spirit of a God bonds with him to restore his grandfather to life and to protect the world as...QUETZALCOATL!
- Captain Ethnic: Aztec.
- Does Not Like Shoes
- Expy: A composite character variant. Quetzalcoatl is mostly an expy of Thor, Captain Marvel and El Dorado from Superfriends. In addition, he has similarities to Firestorm's (in that there is a shared consciousness), and his origin has similarities to Spider-Man's (Johnny Azotl, the human Quetzalcoatl is bonded with, has his grandfather killed by robber, similar to Uncle Ben's death, but Johnny's grandfather is resurrected by Quetzalcoatl's tear)
- Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: Averted. It's very clear that Quetzalcoatl is a real deity, as the narrator says Johnny Azotl feels "a strange combination of Energy X and Something Ancient, Something Noble, coming from the staff of Quetzalcoatl itself". It's clear that Energy X just revived the power in the staff, switching (and linking) Johnny with Quetzalcoatl.
- Mayincatec:an Aztec God who acts as a Superhero.
- The Medic: Until you unlock his snake-summoning, his only attack is a hexing melee strike that enemies often resist.
- Physical God
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
- Older Alter Ego:Played with. Johnny Azotl, the human Quetzalcoatl is bonded with, is a young boy, whereas Quetzalcoatl is a deity (hence, probably Immortal) who physically resembles an Adult Man. However, you can only control Quetzalcoatl in the game.
- Super-Hero Gods: an Aztec God who acts as a Superhero.
Black Jack[]
Jack Spade was all too eager to go to war, but his mentor kept him safely away from the front lines. Upon witnessing the power of Blitzkrieg, he resolves to aid the war effort as...BLACKJACK!
- Badass Normal: Like all the heroes of the '40's, Black Jack has no special powers, just gear and gumption.
- British Accents: Seriously he sounds more British than real British people.
- Death Dealer
- Expy:Of the Comedian, albeit Lighter and Softer. Like The Comedian, Black Jack is a Badass Normal Superhero Packing Heat who wears a Domino mask and fights his nation's enemies, and both characters started crime fighting in the 1940s.
- Stock British Phrases: To the point of Narm.
- Gadgeteer Genius: Like a likeable Liberty Lad. He can throw acid-edged cards, flash bombs, noise bombs and even make stationary doppelgangers.
- The Gunslinger: Uses a gun with impunity, and has a special "aimed shot" type move.
An Olympic fencer whose skill caught the attention of the odorous Blitzkrieg. He brainwashed her into being an agent of Nazi Germany, but when the sight of the French flag restores his self control and her patriotism she seeks to atone for her acts as...TRICOLOUR!
- Badass Normal: She's just an "ordinary" fencer.
- That can deflect bullets with a sabre, taken dozens of hits and go toe to toe with a giant enraged Gorilla with a whip.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: She was put under mind control by Blitzkrieg and forced to do his bidding, but fortunately her strong patriotism allowed her to break free of Blitzkrieg's manipulation.
- Captain Geographic: She is very French.
- Catch and Return: She not only deflects bullets; she can bounce them back!
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Being a Olympic gold-medalist in fencing gives her speed and agility that can rival individuals with Energy X powers, and her masterful swordsmanship allows her to cut through almost anything with her fencing sword as well as to reflect projectiles back at the assailants, including bullets.
- Everyone Looks Sexier If French
- Glass Cannon
- Implausible Fencing Powers
Sky King[]
A movie star who wanted to help fight the good fight. When his modifications to his suit paid off as he apprehended a German spy, he decided to go to Europe, to make known the legend of...THE SKY KING!
- Ascended Fanboy: Sky King was a movie star who wanted to be a a real hero.
- Badass Normal: He's a normal man in a suit. In fact, he's probably more normal than the other 40's heroes.
- Except for the wrist mounted chainguns and the rocket pack with super-sonic capabilities.
- Death From Above
- Reverse the Polarity: Invoked by Bullet to get Sky King's rocket pack working for real.
- Powered Armor
A former burglar, she recieved her powers in prison and decided to reform as...THE BLACKBIRD!
- Ambiguously Brown
- Captain Ersatz: Very much like Black Canary.
- Femme Fatalons
- Flight
- Make Me Wanna Shout
Iron Ox[]
A former boxing champion who was exposed to Energy X and became...IRON OX!
- Cultured Badass
- Badass Mustache
- Mighty Glacier
- Overshadowed by Awesome: Iron Ox is a good melee fighter in his own right but he falls behind compared to faster or more versatile heroes like Bullet and Supercollider.
A mysterious ally. Is he a robot, a human, an alien? Is he from mankind's past, or its distant future? All we know is, he is...THE SUPERCOLLIDER!
- Blood Knight
- Dumb Muscle
- Game Breaker: In the original, toned down in the sequel.
- Lightning Bruiser
The Bard[]
Harry Holmes, a Shakespeare fanboy who recently lost the love of his life. Throwing away his lute in frustration, he inadvertently ruptured an Energy X container and became imbued with the power of the muse, thereby transforming him into...THE BARD!
- Ascended Fanboy: Sort of. Started off as a fan of Shakespeare, then became a Shakespeare-themed superhero.
- Ballistic Bone: Throws exploding skulls for his move "Alas, poor Yorick."
- Magic Music
- Official Fan Submitted Content: He was the winning entry in a contest to have an original fan-created character included in the game.
- The Pen Is Mightier: Wields a quill pen as a weapon.
- Wandering Minstrel: Essentially behaves and dresses like one.
- Weak but Skilled
Nuclear Winter[]
When Russian secret agent Sukhov was being chased by the newly transformed Minuteman and his ally Mentor, he was frozen in liquid nitrogen. This interacted with the tiny dose of Energy X within his body to create...NUCLEAR WINTER!
- An Ice Person
- Attack of the 50 Foot Whatever: in the sequel
- Arch Enemy: To Minuteman
- Dirty Commies
- Red Scare: Played for Laughs.
A mafia boss made all the more daunting by Energy X. He rules the criminals of Patriot City as...PINSTRIPE!
- Cigar Chomper
- The Don
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Go ahead tell me with a straight face he's not Al Capone with purple skin.
- Stone Wall: Rarely will he ever kill anything but his passive allows him to negate damage from the most common attacks in the game which causes him to be damn hard to take down with your low level heroes.
- That One Boss: The first time you fight him you are timed to do damage to him which is a lot harder than it seems. Though he's a piece of cake when you aren't timed.
A former model who recieved a small scar to her cheek. Seeing herself as now warped and ugly, she decided to make the entire world so. She creates an underground kingdom which she rules over as...THE SHADOW!
- Casting a Shadow
- Intangible Woman
- Minor Injury Overreaction
- Weaksauce Weakness: Takes major damage from radiation and acid
- In the Hood
Deja Vu[]
A schizophrenic who escaped from a sanitarium with the aid of his new powers. Able to duplicate himself and others, Freedom Force soon know the power of...DEJA VU!
- Curse Cut Short: One of his defeat quotes has this.
Deja Vu: I've been hit / I don't feel well / I fall down / You go to *groan* |
- Game Breaker: Since he's so easy to beat and has a predictable AI pattern you can farm his clones for near infinite prestige.
- Glass Cannon: Subverted in that he isn't that strong despite his radiation gun but he literally has glass bones.
- Me's a Crowd
- Rhymes on a Dime.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Deja Vu has the incredibly unfortunate weakness to crushing attacks which is the most common type of attack from your heroes, a couple of jabs to the face and he shatters like glass.
Mr. Mechanical[]
A failed architect who was laughed out of town. With his ambition of revenge fueled by Timemaster, he intends to create a monument to destruction through the steel legions of...MR MECHANICAL!
- Attack of the 50 Foot Whatever and Humongous Mecha
- Mad Scientist
- Mecha-Mooks: His specialty
- Ted Baxter: Fancies himself a great archetect but once you find out what happened to his last build you'll know why he's a villian.
A God from another dimension. He attempts to lure innocent women to become his servants, and Eve is the prize of that collection. Freedom Force must somehow content with the otherworldly power of...PAN!
- Physical God
- Shock and Awe
- That One Boss: Pan is a whole lot faster and stronger than any boss you have faced so far barring Mr Mechanical and he has an AOE hypnosis attack which can turn your whole team against one another.
- Fauns and Satyrs
The right hand man of Lord Dominion, he leads the forces of the Domain into battle as...PRAETOR!
- The Dragon
- Little Green Men: Similar to the Mentor example.
Lord Dominion[]
Ruler of the Domain, he controls all of time and space except for Earth. He unleashes Energy X upon the most evil and twisted of its inhabitants to watch the planet tear itself apart. This leads to the birth of Freedom Force, a constant thorn in the side of...LORD DOMINION!
- Anticlimax Boss: The big bad conqueror of worlds is only a wee bit tougher than those mooks of his.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Averted
- Galactic Conqueror
- Little Green Men: Similar to the Mentor example.
Time Master[]
He who controls all of time yet is still bound to it by the chains of his own mortality. It is his goal to conquer death by destroying everything but him, leaving only...TIMEMASTER!
- Anticlimax Boss: In the first game he's pretty tough, but falls fairly easily to Microwave. When he's fought in the second it takes just a few good lightning attacks to kill him.
- Complete Monster
- Immortality Immorality: He plans to become immortal in a way that will kill everyone else in the universe.
- Immortality Seeker
- Omnicidal Maniac: His goal involves destroying all life in the universe, not that he cares though.
- Time Master: Well duh.
- True Final Boss: in the both games.
Red Oktober[]
A Russian witch who allies herself with Nuclear Winter. In an effort to protect the interests of the Motherland, she fights Freedom Dorce as...RED OKTOBER!
- Dark Magical Girl
- Dating Catwoman: Shares a mutual attraction with Minuteman.
- Dirty Commies: Though less so than Nuclear Winter.
- Enemy Mine
- Evil Is Sexy
- Flying Broomstick: Her preferred mode of transportation.
- Hot Witch
- In the Hood
An Italian opera aficionado. Blitzkrieg entrusts him with important tasks, which only serves to boost the indomitable ego of...FORTISSIMO!
- Badass Mustache
- Bald of Evil
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: though more like drop a T-rex on him.
- Fat Bastard
- Make Me Wanna Shout
- Stone Wall: He has a shield that protects him from almost every attack except for crushing and piercing attacks but since most of those are melee attacks he flies to avoid them making him a pain to take down.
- Revive Kills Zombie: Throw about 4 cars at him and watch him crumple.
Red Sun[]
A Japanese warrior who was split into a Hive Mind of identical bodies. His enemies know true fear as the face down dozens of enemies, each one an exact replica of...RED SUN!
- Irony/HilariousInHindsight: A japanese villian with a weakness to radiation.
- More like Unfortunate Implications.
- It's closer to Harsher in Hindsight, at this point.
- Hive Mind
- Japanese Politeness
- Katanas Are Just Better
- Let's Fight Like Gentlemen
- Noble Demon
- Worthy Opponent
A powerful mad psychic in the employ of the Third Reich. His foul plans know no morality, and he attempts to create a world under Nazi rule as...BLITZKRIEG!
- Dangerously Genre Savvy
- High-Class Glass
- Large Ham
- My Brain Is Big
- Psychic Powers
- Stupid Jetpack Hitler: He uses Time Travel to invoke this trope in order to alter history to one where the Nazis won World War II.
- Those Wacky Nazis: Basically here so they didn't have to include any actual Nazi leaders.
A being of near infinite power. She thrives on the chaos of existence, and using her powers for pain and destruction only serve to heighten her abilities. Surely all the universe will not fall before the power of...ENTROPY!
- A God Am I
- Barrier Change Boss
- This can be easily exploited, as her resistances to electricity, energy x and radiation are interchangeable (if she's hit by one, she becomes vulnerable to one of the two others). Bring a team of Man-Bot, Tombstone, Microwave and Man'O War and watch her crumple.
- Entropy and Chaos Magic
- Super-Powered Evil Side: To Alchemiss
- Tragic Monster