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  • Anticlimax Boss: Big Bad Lord Dominion, the ruler of the entire freakin' multiverse, turns out to be a 4-foot tall twerp who's barely any tougher than his basic alien Mooks.
    • And Timemaster may have to be fought several times, but Microwave can hold him down pretty much on his own. Blame the clones. Green Genie can be devastating against him as well considering her default attack can whittle him down surprisingly quickly with without expending any energy.
  • Contested Sequel: Freedom Force vs The Third Reich was an excellent game, but the dumbing down of the energy system from a wide spectrum of possible energy costs to a choice of 0, 1, 2, or 3 of 3 bars of energy dismayed the community when it was released.
    • One camp hate how it makes some powers too cheap or expensive, claiming it ruins the balance. The others say it helps to streamline the game and cut down on micromanagement. Though everyone hates that Man O'War's Storm Bolt now has an energy cost.
  • Ear Worm: Nu-cle-ar Vin-ter, Nooo! Turns Your Lands to Snoooow!
  • Game Breaker: Some powers are more powerful than others. The largest gamebreaker in Freedom Force 1 is probably Microwave's Clone ability. There is no limit to how many clones Microwave can have at a time, and although each clone has only half the health of the original, they've got all the attack power. The AI is not not quite fast enough/smart enough to pick off the clones faster than Microwave can make them.
    • Supercollider, a bonus character from the first game, might be this too. Ridiculously high attack and defense power makes him harder to kill than most bosses, and nearly every punch he lands is an instant KO. In the second game his stats were reduced to prevent this.
    • Tombstone's Possession power allows you to take control of any opponent. Tombstone himself cannot move while he's using it, but that doesn't stop him from using it to paralyze foes, including bosses, so other team members can rip them up. Try it on Entropy or Timemaster!
    • The Character editor allows you to make custom heroes. Feel free to design your own game breakers!
    • It happens the other way with the game to degree, Man-Bot's power to rapidly replenish his comrades with Energy X on top of his considerable strength and firepower can easily lead you to build him up to become the tactical lynchpin of your superhero field team. Thus when he is abducted late in the game that can throw you for loop.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Alchemiss is a Scarlet Witch Expy but with a storyline that resembles Jean Grey, later in comics Scarlet Witch gets a similar A God Am I arc.
  • Narm Charm: Doesn't technically qualify as Narm, as it's deliberate, but the dialogue is intentionally written in the sort of over-the-top cheesy style that defined the Silver Age.
  • Spiritual Licensee: these are probably some of the best Justice League and/or Avengers video games ever made (although some of the games with those licenses fall into No Problem With Licensed Games anyway).