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  • Playing Against Type: Bernard Cribbins, who plays the odious pubkeeper Forsythe, was usually known for his comedic roles and for his work in children's shows such as The Wombles.
  • What Could Have Been: The original idea for the project featured as the protagonist a handsome, charming young body-builder who happens to be a serial killer. It was to be set in New York City and told from the POV of the murderer, and to feature nudity and violence beyond anything ever shown on screen at that time (the 1960s). After the murderer kills twice the climax was to come when NYC police set up a trap with a policewoman posing as a potential victim. The project, tentatively titled Kaleidoscope Frenzy, was rejected by Universal and then abandoned by Hitchcock, who later reworked some of the elements into the later Frenzy.