Millions of people are gathering to make fun of...a thirteen year old girl. Eh, good for her. Most folks don't release a single, quality or otherwise, at that age. Boo to all the adults in her life who said this was a good idea.
Yeah, people really shouldn't hate her. That hate should be directed at the label and the people who should have known better but thought this was a good idea and let it happen.
I don't think anyone really hates her. Everyone I met (including myself) really enjoy the video - just not for the reasons she expected. Nobody hates Tommy Wiseau or Ed Wood either - they've just created something so hilariously bad it wraps right around back to awesome and we love them for it.
Now that she has her own Twitter account, she's getting death threats. We get that it's a bad song, but does a 13-year old girl really deserve to get death threats from complete strangers?
Come on, really? People take death threats seriously? It's the internet. Justin Bieber gets death threats, but is he dead? No. No one ever killed anyone over a terrible song.
Hrm. I apologize. That was a little over generalized, but really, she isn't that bad of a singer, the lyrics are just terrible, is all. And the overuse of auto tune did not help. I'm not a malicious person. Personally, 13 year olds should not be trying to get into a career like that this early in life.
That is true, but any parent who puts a song of their child's on the Internet or has it published by a recording company and isn't ready for a possible shitstorm from idiots and trolls is being Genre Blind. I'm not saying idiots and trolls are justified - they aren't - but we see young people's lives ruined by media overexposure and by trolls and idiots every day in the news. Parents, and anyone seeking a little fame need to take note and prepare themselves. Once you go public and have a hit, you've lost the rights to privacy pretty much. Here, see - ARK offered to take the video down, but Black said that doing so would make the haters win. So she's got some balls, and that's good.
It is something of an over generalization. That said, while it's true (and sad) that the Internet automatically means the home of trolls, at the same time, shouldn't we at least be willing to allow people to express their creativity and share it without every little thing becoming a shit storm?
I'd just like to mention that both of the above examples of suicides aren't necessarily the best. Megan was diagnosed with depression and had emotional struggles before the harassment even occured, and Choi Jin Sil already had to deal with the stresses of being a single mother. Rebecca Black, as far as we know at least, is a mentally stable young girl.
No, what I mean to say is that if Jerkasses send death threats to 13 year old girls, they should be able to handle them with proper support.
Who the hell is this girl, and why do people want her dead?
"Death threats" are taken seriously because the implications are serious and there really are wackos out there - however any teenager or adult troll with the ability to make a phone call or send a letter anonymously could and would do it just to play a prank.
She's a 13-year-old, whose parents paid a couple of thousand bucks for her to star in a music video for a terrible song over the weekend. And now she'll make more money off of it than most people see in a year (or a lifetime if she gets a record deal, which is almost guaranteed at this point). I can see why people with actual talent that have spend years unsuccessfully trying to get noticed are not amused. That being said, the kid seems to be having the time of her life right now and will likely be missing her haters when her 15 minutes of fame are over.
In the video, when she's debating which seat to take, both front seats are TAKEN. Why is this even an issue, then? She should clearly opt for the back seat.
Well, she's also debating the same thing while she's already sitting (well, standing) in one of the seats. Maybe she just thinks her friends will move if she asks, or something.
To be fair, it makes sense (or at least more sense) if you listen to the song without the video.
Imagine if she was in a movie theatre...
What comes after Sunday?
Monday, but don't think about it too much or your brain will seize up.
But the song doesn't mention a "Monday." Indeed, there is no real indication anywhere how long the mysterious gap between Sunday and Thursday is. It could be years, for all we know.
Nothing comes after Sunday if the weekend never ends. Unless Monday is added to the idea of "weekend." Or maybe there's a Funday...
This troper is fully convinced she can only retain four things in her brain at one time. Thus, only four days of the week.
"We so excited" and "We gonna have a ball today". What is she going for with this obvious grammar error? Is she going for the catchy grammar error in songs, like The Way I Are and other songs? Because it's too noticeable and not catchy, it just makes her look stupid.
Especially because "We're so excited" fits just as well.
Whoever wrote the song was told to appeal to teens and tried to make it sound "street."
What amazing parties do teenagers go to? Especially middle schoolers. Adults and rich, or famous, kids are the ones that go to cool parties.
Is this song really THAT bad? Yes, it's irritatingly catchy. Isn't pop music designed to be catchy? She uses a lot of Auto-Tune, but so do many accepted pop artists like Ke$ha. Yes, the lyrics are rather silly and meaningless, but so are most pop lyrics. I'll bet that if the song had been sung by a celebrity like Selena Gomez or Miley Cyrus, preteens would love it.
Okay, I'll forgive Rebecca for Friday because she didn't write it, but why does Prom Night exist?
To cash in on her success? Not to mention, the person who did it USED REBECCA'S NAME in it.
Now that you bring up "she didn't write it": How did she file a successful copyright claim against the people who did write it...and who produced it...and who directed the video...and who distributed both the song and video?