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In 2004, Friday Night Lights the movie came about. It furthered the career of Billy Bob Thornton, and showed the world that when he wants to, Tim McGraw can act. It was a financial and critical success, and begat Friday Night Lights: The Series in 2006.
Contains examples of:
- Abusive Parents: Donnie's father ,a washed up ex star, violently assaults his son on at least two occasions and resent him for not being as good a player as he once was.
- Alliterative Name: Coach Gary Gaines.
- Dawson Casting: Almost all the football players were played by actors in their twenties. Derek Luke, who plays Boobie Miles, was thirty.
- Genre Deconstruction
- Jaded Washout: Donnie's father Charlie. Once a star player, he is now a violent alcoholic angry at life and himself for not living up to his potential, taking his self-hatred out on his son.
- Manly Tears: Absolutely and brutally subverted. When Boobie breaks down to his uncle, it is full on weeping with nothing even resembling stoicism.
- Serious Business: Deconstructed with Football. The extreme passion people in the town have for the sport is implied to make things worse for the team as it is their burden to make the town proud and most of them are fighting enough of their own battles without the pressure of a town's failed dreams on their backs.
- Tearjerker: Boobie's injury. In most other films, it would feel cliche and probably only be used to set up some final tension for the game. Here it is absolutely devastating to watch as he slowly realizes his dreams are gone forever (The scene where he has to clean out his locker is almost unbearable).