Friends with Kids is a 2012 romantic comedy. Adam Scott and writer/director Jennifer Westfeldt star as Jason and Julie, two single Manhattan yuppies and longtime friends. After observing their other close friends (Missy and Ben, played by Kristen Wiig and Jon Hamm, and Leslie and Alex, played by Maya Rudolph and Chris O'Dowd) pair off and have kids, Jason and Julie decide to conceive a child together so they can experience the joy of parenthood without the complications of relationships. Surprisingly, complications ensue.
This work provides examples of:[]
- A-Cup Angst / Buxom Is Better: Jason is straightforward in believing the latter. Julie suffers from the former, worrying that he won't get excited when it's time to conceive and later crying that that's why he doesn't love her.
- Anguished Declaration of Love: Two, from different characters, at different times.
- Big Applesauce: Well, who makes a romantic comedy about two people falling in love in Boise, Idaho?
- Child-Hater: Mary Jane (Megan Fox) is this, leading to the end of her relationship with Jason.
- Everyone Can See It: Their friends are astonished when they find out that Jason and Julie aren't getting together.
- Fake American: Irishman Chris O'Dowd.
- Friends Rent Control: There is a Hand Wave about Julie's apartment being rent-controlled.
- I Don't Want to Ruin Our Friendship: Jason when Julie wants more.
- Inelegant Blubbering: Julie after Jason turns her down.
- Pick Up Babes with Babes: Jason does this in Central Park when he spots Mary Jane while out on a walk with the baby. It works.
- Production Posse: Rudolph, Hamm, O'Dowd and Wiig all starred together in Bridesmaids.
- Real Life Relative: Hamm and Westfeldt are married.
- They are not married. They have, however, been in a committed long-term relationship since 1997.
- Right Through the Wall: Jason and Mary Jane are rather loud when having sex at the cabin in Vermont, much to the displeasure of Julie and Kurt.
- Romantic Comedy
- Romantic False Lead: One for each of the principals, in the form of Megan Fox and Ed Burns.
- Seasonal Baggage: A fade from Central Park in springtime to the same shot of Central Park in fall.