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Frontlines: Fuel Of War is set in the year 2024, after peak oil production. World War Three is taking place. You are cast as a member of the Western Coalition 125th Strike Division, the "Stray Dogs". The game mostly takes place in the former Soviet Union, though the Chinese are present as hostiles. You start in Turkmenistan, where the Red Star Alliance stages an ambush of a routine guard duty rotation. By the end, Russian nuclear weapons have been used on their own soil.You succeed where Hitler had failed, taking control of Moscow, forcing the Russians out of the war... Officially. The Chinese are still fighting, and partisan fighters, coupled with the harsh Russian winter, have usually been able to beat back any invader. It's obvious that the war is still ongoing.

Tropes used in Frontlines: Fuel of War include:
  • Bag of Spilling: Used to the point of frustration. Each mission comes in two halves, and everything you had before the loading screen is gone after it. However, you can die and respawn, with all your gear.
  • Bittersweet Ending: The Chinese are still fighting, partisan militias are coming out of the woodwork, and winter's yet to come. Good luck soldier, you'll need it.
  • Boom! Headshot!: An instant kill, plus you see the enemy's hat go flying.
  • Division Nickname: Your division is always referred to as the Stray Dogs. Its official designation is the 125th Strike Division.
  • Hold the Line: The end of the last mission is literally you, in a square, with a handful of Coalition soldiers, against a massive Red Star force.
  • Hopeless War
  • Post-Peak Oil: The cause of the war. The fact that the vehicles being used to fight it are fossil fuel-powered is lampshaded in the loading screens.
  • Sequel Hook: The ending has the Russians already setting up a government in exile, the Chinese massing on the Russian borders, partisan militias coming out to resist you and winter yet to come.
  • A Storm Is Coming: Practically used word for word in the intro.
  • Twenty Minutes Into the Future: The game takes place in the year 2024, "post peak oil, post Middle East, post... everything." The Western Coalition uses a heavily modified XM8 as their primary assault rifle, while the Red Star Alliance uses a heavily modified bullpup AK-series rifle, and military robotics are widespread.
  • Walk It Off: You can take multiple rounds to the chest and be inches from death, but as long as you don't get shot for five seconds, you'll dust yourself off and keep fighting.
  • World Half Empty
  • World War III: The entire point of the game is that oil has run out, sparking it off.