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  • Sorta Cinderella. Just... Sorta Cinderella! Not only was it hilariously miscast (Hanajima as Cinderella, Kyo as Prince Charming, and Tohru as the evil stepsister!), much of the play was ad-libbed, leading to a parody-like play with an even stranger ending - Cinderella has the Prince marry her stepsister! But, when that fails, Cinderella and her older sister open a yakiniku shop... Hiro sums it up best:

 Hiro: ... Crud. What was that supposed to be?

    • The rehearsals are funny as hell too, especially Tohru's Epic Fail at acting like a bully.
    • This troper could not stop laughing at how, during the actual performance, nearly the entire cast had to twist Kyo's arm to get him to perform his part. Even then, he continues to snap at everyone, and goes into a funk when the narrator insists that there's no way his character would agree to dance with the stepsister (Tohru). Then, there's his complete lack of chemistry with Hanajima.

 Hanajima: Your aura tonight is so pleasant, it's making my brain throb.

Kyo: Please choose an easier topic, I beg of you.

    • Yuki as the fairy godmother, proving that the universe is determined to force the poor guy into women's clothing as often as possible. He's one of the few cast members trying to act as seriously as possible, and eventually is forced to abandon that tactic when Cinderella is more determined to wish for meat. "YOU WILL GO TO THE BALL IN A PUMPKIN CARRIAGE! I'll just arrange for that!"
  • One of the best is when Yuki tears his shirt, and Ayame sews it for him while being very serious and brotherly. Then he holds up the shirt to show Yuki it's finished. Now, sewn on the back are the words "I live for my older brother!!"

 Ayame: Put it on forthwith!


  • When the Prince Yuki fan club infltrate Hana's house and meet Megumi.

 Motoko: So-so do y-you have electric wave powers too?

Megumi: No...(sighs of relif) I have something better. I can curse people.

  • The exchange between Kyo and Kagura when she tries to express her love by washing his shirt. She ends up ruining it, but she seems to think it was the thought that counts. It's their polar opposite, over-the-top reactions that are the best.

 Kagura: MY LOVE!


  • This moment from the anime.
  • Kagura showing up to beat the crap out of Kyou.
    • Also, "I don't understand why everyone like's to destroy people's houses."
    • The English version makes it funnier: "Sometimes, I think the whole world is conspiring to destroy my house."
  • Yuki and Tohru's reactions to Ayame slithering out of Tohru's shirt. And when Yuki says the following to Shigure: "Peel his skin off and burn him until he dies right now."
  • The following from this clip.

 Tohru: "It's so nice of him to do this. Shigure can be so selfless sometimes. He's always thinking about others."

Shigure: (singing) "High School girls. High School girls. All for me...High School girls!" *giggles*

    • And, then there's the second part of the song!

 Shigure: (Singing) "High school girls, high school girls. One, two, three, high school girls."

  • At one point Tohru finds a sulking Kyo with a cat snuggling with him. Once Tohru starts talking with him, the cat punches Kyo and storms off.
  • Yuki's reaction to Ayame in a dress.
    • Ayame in a dress, period!
    • Also, when Tohru and Yuki visit Ayame's shop, Tohru gets dolled up in a Pimped-Out Dress by Mine, causing Yuki to have a "Romantic BSOD". In the anime, the camera keeps panning across her while tinkly music repeats until the show's onigiri mascot comes on camera and snaps "Get on with it already!"
  • Ayame's plan to help with student lust in his senior year of high school.
  • This Troper believes that Kakeru is a walking CMOF. Him being on the page is an almost guarantee that you're going to laugh. I mean, he tries to cheer Yuki up by hitting him in the face with a soccer ball. And he thinks that the Student Council is a school defense force.

 Kakeru: "Yun-Yuuuuuuun!"

    • Doubly funny when Kakeru and his girlfriend go into their "dumb couple" routine, usually when she finds out that he's been telling Blatant Lies to her or calling her "Meat Angel".
    • When Yuki finds him napping in a closet when he's supposed to be at a meeting, his only response is a sleepy, "Mmmhmm, wake me up if the aliens invade..."
    • When he decided to spontaneously visit Machi and bring Yuki along... and then he gives Yuki one of Machi's bras.
    • During a rather serious fight, Yuki tells Kakeru that he'll never talk to him again (or is it play? It is in the German version.) He blushes profusely, scared that Kakeru will laugh his ass of... only for him to cry and be actually hurt by Yuki's words, lamenting that they haven't even talked about porn yet!
    • When Yuki tells him about some "painful memories", and he imitates Kimi: "Is it something dirty?"
  • Okay how isn't Yuki's moment of cross-dressing during the onigiri incident not noted? Not that Yuki in a dress is funny (though it is), it's how he tried to distract everyone after Momiji turns into his rabbit form. Just the way he did it, it was priceless.
  • Shigure sniffing the strawberry towel and getting beat up by Yuki and Kyo.
  • Also, any time Ayame and Shigure are together. And the bulk of Shigure and Ayame by themselves, for that matter.
    • In particular this Shigure quote.
  • Kakeru calling Yuki, who gets told he looks like a girl rather often, 'ranger pink'. He's androgynous enough that Kakeru tricked his girlfriend into believing he really was a girl who was crossdressing as a boy in a Crowning Moment of Funny.
  • Here's a few moments from the anime.
  • I find it hilarious how Yuki always calls Kyo "Baka neko".
  • Tohru's reaction to Hatsuharu telling her that Yuki is his first love.
  • -->Student #1: (about Tohru) She's cute, but why is she staring into space?

 Student #2: That is what you call a dumb beauty.

  • Honestly, Ayame's complete devotion to doing everything Hatori says and answering all of his questions without thinking twice is just hilarious.
  • Akito's reaction to Hanajima calling her A-chan in front of Kyo.
  • Some moments where Tohru's sympathy towards Kyou is mildly out of place, such as that time she offers him her umbrella because she thinks his is too heavy, or when she points out a stain in the kitchen that looks like a spooky face and tells him that she's spooked by it too.
  • When Hatori turns in front of Tohru for the first time.

 Hatori: Did you see it?

Tohru: NO!

Hatori: My zodiac...

  • Before the school race in episode 10, Hanajima talks about how she'll do her best, even though she's not the best runner. The race starts... and she barely moves a step forward and collapses.
  • Haru giving Kyo the middle finger in episode 10 and telling him to "go to hell!"
  • In episode 1 Tohru comes out of the tent she's living in to wash up and Shigure and Yuki stare at her and Shigure points at her and laughs his head off. Moments later back at the house he's still struggling not to laugh and fails.
  • Anytime Hana threatens to shock someone.
  • Any time Ritsu apologizes (except that one time when it was a Tear Jerker). In particular:

