Fujisaki Kou is a prolific Boys Love Genre Mangaka, with a very distinctive (and often divisive) art style. Fujisaki began publishing one-shots in 1996, but first began writing serial stories in 2001 with Happy Yarou Wedding. Roughly a third of the author's works take place in the same universe as Happy Yarou Wedding, and more are always appearing.
- Happy Yarou Wedding
- Utsukushiki Kemonotachi
- Virgin Love
- Toriko Ni Natta Kemono
- Junai no Seinen
- Kemono Wa Ai De Iyasareru
- Playboy Amour
- Oboreru Kemono No Koibito
- Mens Love
- Aikata
- Ueta Aikata
Associated tropes:[]
- Breakout Character: Possibly part of why Fujisaki keeps adding new works to The Verse is because of the positive response of readers to minor characters who then get their own story.
- Crazy Jealous Guy: Possessive lovers are something of a staple in Fujisaki's manga.
- If It's You It's Okay: The majority of Fujisaki's characters (except maybe Kaoru and Ian) consider themselves straight but willing to make exceptions.
- Masculine Lines Feminine Curves: Though women don't tend to play a prominent role in the author's works, when they appear they are always very curvy, while the men are much more angular.
- One Head Taller: Unusual in that instead of drawing the ukes smaller like many Boys Love authors do, the semes are drawn as that much bigger. Than everybody.
- Really Gets Around: Mysteriously, however, none of the characters ever have ST Is.
- Salaryman: The stars of many of Fujisaki's works are white-collar workers in Japan.
- The Verse: The entire Todou-related continuity. The series has no title, but when familiar characters begin appearing you know the setting it's happening in.