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  • The show's 10 themes (ending and opening) are all considered quite amazing.
    • Special mention should probably go to the use of the already awesome opening theme, Rain by SID in Ep. 61 of Brotherhood. The episode begins with it conspicuously absent; fitting, since this is the equivalent of Chapter 104. Everyone is "dead" and Father appears to have won. It doesn't play until Hohenheim's circle activates that reverses the whole thing, returning everyone to life, and that song playing over the scene just about doubles the already-high levels of awesome and heartwarming.
    • Other opening that deserve special mention is Golden Time Lover by Sukima Switch.
    • "Hologram" being reused for the ending photo montage was possibly the best way imaginable to bring the series to a close.
  • The score is also quite amazing, with clever and masterly use of One-Woman Wail and Ominous Latin Chanting. Just check: Mortal Sin (played the first time Ed meets Lust and Envy), Trisha's Lullaby (used to great effect when Ed and Al mourn for Nina), Next Chapter, Lapis Philosophorum (heard in the first ep. of Brotherhood), Xing Symphony -Overture, To Be King, or the awesome theme which kicks off the battle between Mustang and Envy, The Intrepid.
    • Note that Next Chapter is rather misleading; with a name like that you'd expect it to be something that plays during the end of an episode, but in fact it is the song used when Mustang reveals his plan to fake Maria's death, and again when Wrath makes his grand re-entrance back in Central.
    • Versus Homunculus, its remake Knives and Shadows, and Pride are all excellent themes.
    • The whole OST for Brotherhood really. It supersedes the first series in picture and music alike. In addition to the tracks already mentioned I'd like to add Major Armstrong's theme, also known as Amestris Military March, Opening 1: again, Requiem for the Brigadier General (referring to Hughes) and of course the Main Theme. All things considered, it's my second favourite OST of all time.
      • It may not be as epic as some of the other opening themes, but Golden Time Lover makes up for it through sheer catchiness.
      • The music when Winry find out Scar killed her parents and aims a gun toward him. Don't know the name.
  • Michiru Oshima's score for the first anime. Bratja alone is considered one of the finest pieces of music ever written for an anime.
  • Quite a bit of the songs from the first game are actually pretty good, but Fate's Crossing in particular.
  • The song "Brothers" is heart wrenching and beautiful at the same time.
    • How can I repay you brother of mine, how can I expect you to forgive... Yes, that is Ed's voice actor 128singing and playing piano. Actually, the song after that (Nothing I Won't Give) is meant to be an original Image Song for Ed, and it's quite badass.
      • Believe it or not, This Troper's good friend was the one who wrote the English lyrics and presented 'em to Vic.
        • Only minor sad thing here is that Vic sung the song all by himself instead as a duet with someone for the second part (which actually is AL's line) - it gets a bit confusing thanks to this.
    • From the new anime we have the Opening Theme again, which achieves much the same effect.
    • Opening 4: ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION's Rewrite.
      • Seconded. Until Brotherhood was released, Rewrite was rightfully considered to be the best out of FMA's openings.
    • The second ending song of Brotherhood, LET IT OUT, is beautiful on it own, but when paired with scenes like this... Crowning Moment of Awesome/Heartwarming. Warning: spoilers.
      • When this troper first saw this episode and the ending started playing as the end of the episode neared, she started crying. It was heartbreakingly beautiful. The promise made by Ed sealed the deal for her on the CMOA. "Alphonse! Alphonse! Alphonse! Someday, I'll definitely come and get you! Just wait. Just wait!"
      • Do you think that is heartwarming compared to the part where Hohenheim in his dreams watch all the people he cared of including Trisha and his kids? I think that is one of the most heartwarming parts of the series and the music really helps the mood which is this ending (incidentally, in that time they changed to the third ending song).
    • I never thought that CHEMISTRY could be awesome, until I heard Period. Good God, how a change of sound can transform an opinion of the artist (great, epic animation too).
    • Brotherhood's entire soundtrack. Most notably Lapis Philosophorum, Clash of the Alchemists, and Spiral of Truth.
    • Battle Scherzo. Enough said.
      • No, it's really not. Whenever this song begins, a Moment of Awesome is about to punch you in the face.
        • Likewise, for Crisis in the North. Either Ed's kicking ass in the snow, or Olivier and her troops are about to show you — and usually some hapless, pompous general — why no one screws with Briggs.
    • How has Shunkan Sentimental not got a mention yet? The first few chords of that, combined with whatever epic event ended the episode...
    • RAY OF LIGHT pretty much became this troper's favourite ending from both series as soon as he heard it.
    • The 5th Opening Rain by SID is too beautiful for words. The full version of the song as well as the MIDI version are also incredibly awesome, with the MIDI doubling as a Crowning Music of Heartwarming, especially if you consider the meaning behind the lyrics.
    • Tobira no Mukou e. it' especially wonderful if you look up the translation.
    • ...What, READY STEADY GO doesn't even get a single mention before now?
    • And from the third-and-final OST for Brotherhood, we get some epic battle themes like "Knives and Shadows", "The Intrepid", and "The Awakening".
    • Don't forget about "Aishou", Lust's theme.
    • How has One-Woman Wail been mentioned without Dante's leitmotif from the first series, "Dante?
  • No love for Uso? It's far too catchy to leave out.
  • The ending theme of the Brotherhood movie GOOD LUCK MY WAY.