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Drinking game for Fullmetal Alchemist.

Take a sip whenever:

  • Someone mentions the Philosopher's Stone
  • Ed overreacts to being called short.
  • Ed loses his jacket
  • Alphonse shows someone his blood seal
  • Alex Louis Armstrong loses his shirt.
  • Ed wrecks his automail.
  • Winry hits Ed with the wrench.
    • A third if it's in response to him wrecking his automail.
  • Roy can't use his flame alchemy due to rain.
  • Envy freaks out because someone pissed him off.
  • Ed gets injured
  • Maes Hughes shows someone a picture of his family.
  • Ling Yao leaves Ed with a massive dinner bill and runs off.
  • Wrath (from the first anime) cries.
    • Take two sips whenever he says "Mommy"
  • Take a sip whenever Wrath (Manga/Brotherhood version) gets injured in a fight... pretty sober huh?
  • Riza takes out a gun or is shown using one
  • Gluttony asks Lust if he can eat something/one
  • Hoenheim is referred to as "that bastard"
  • Anyone repeatedly hits something or someone while crying
  • (First anime) Something bad happens to Rose.
  • Someone compares a character to an animal.
  • Anyone mentions Equivalent Exchange.
    • Don't do this one. You will die.